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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. The only way this happens is if Chip Kelly feels so guilty about how he bent over Whaley on the Kiko-McCoy trade and cannot live with himself so decides to try to make it up to us.
  2. True. This team needs a guard, but just as importantly, they need a proper right tackle. Henderson isn`t going to cut it.
  3. Of course he's depth there. Pretty much any TE in the league would be second fiddle to that Meathead wearing #87.
  4. Decent player. Nice guy. Softer than baby poo.
  5. All over twitter dude. Adam Schefter reported it first on my timeline. And now that I've beat Yolo in breaking one of these stories, my day is made.
  6. Staying put for him means remaining unemployed. The Jets released him.
  7. Fair point. But there's also Glenn, Woods, Kiko, Aaron Williams, Gilmore, Bradham. The bulk of the talent on this team is put in place by Nix, not Whaley. Having said that, he wasn't perfect. The Fitz extension (although from that tapped phone call, it seems as though he wasn't the only one behind it), and passing on Russell WIlson were terrible moves. But to be fair, every team passed on Wilson at least twice. Some more than that.
  8. Buddy Nix gets such a bad rap here and a lot of it is unfair. He added quite a bit of talent to this roster. In fact, the two best players on the team (Dareus, Mario) are Nix acquisitions.
  9. The premise of all the Kiko-McCoy trade talk is the Bills getting some line help and an upgrade at tight end. But if they do that, they would have been fine sticking with Fred and whoever else they got in free agency. Not to mention still having Kiko. Not sure if people realize that McCoy has played behind a top notch oline his whole career and has been coached by smart offensive minds. Darren Sproles actually had a much better rushing average than him last season. I can't think of another running back who has been as fortunate as McCoy. He's good, but he's not as good as most here think. Put him on the Bills last year, and how do you think he would have done with our 32nd rated offensive line? Lower your expectations about him being the difference-maker here because it's not going to happen. The offense will still suck and be carried by the defense again. But we do have an easier schedule, and the defense (barring injuries) has the potential to be even better under Rex, so anything's possible.
  10. https://twitter.com/jchenelly He's Kyle Williams' less athletic twin brother.
  11. Excellent post! Couldn't have said it better myself. Bryce Brown holds the ball like it's a dirty diaper. I'd be happy to never see that guy in a bills uniform again.
  12. Peyton Manning has made a lot of people a lot more money than they would have otherwise.
  13. Fred Jackson ‏@Fred22Jackson 2m2 minutes ago Extremely humbled by all the fan support. Means a lot that so many people love to see me in play in a Bills' uniform. edit: and with this, the thread title can be changed...
  14. 13. Pete Metzelaars 14. Ron Heller 15. Mike Mularkey
  15. Maybe not. But Fred defies logic. Never underestimate the guy.
  16. Let him go trip over the 5 yard line in another stadium. Putz.
  17. The guy who could make the biggest difference is Cutler. That contract though...
  18. Man, if they can fix this line, and Roman is not anything like niners fans say he is, I would love to see how Fred does. Perhaps he'll unseat another hotshot player that is meant to carry the load. Again.
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