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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Good teams don't care about the schedule. If we're a good team, we should be alright with this.
  2. It most definitely is. And an uninformed one at that. This defense is built predominantly by Nix who added Mario, Dareus, Gilmore, AW and Bradham. Should also have been Kiko if not for the trade. Kyle and Leo are holdovers from Levy. Whaley has added Hughes and Brown, along with placeholders at the third LB position and free safety. On the offense, there are only two competent linemen (Glenn and Wood) and neither is from Whaley. They paid an arm and a leg for a star receiver with no QB to get him the ball. Woods was a Nix guy. Fred was a Levy guy. The rest of the offense sucked. Including all three of the linemen Whaley drafted last year. As for the offense being "the most improved in the league", we'll have to see that once the season starts. It can be argued that they overpaid for all three of their big additions in Clay, McCoy and Harvin. Their biggest two issues on the team were QB and oline, and Cassell and Incognito are not going to fix that. He gets an A for spending a lot of fracking money like a teenager with Daddy's credit card and possibly hurting our cap situation a few years down the road. But as for results, he's a C- to D+ at best.
  3. No it's not. According to some, anything good that has happened is because of Whaley, and anything bad that happened is because of Nix. Then you have low standards.
  4. I've read it here. Not saying you are saying that. My whole point is that it's a ridiculous comment. Again, for those who think Whaley is worlds better than Nix, please state when you think it is he actually took over the primary responsibilities. And the players brought in after that point. Yes, this is a talented roster. But the majority of the credit for that goes to Nix, not Whaley.
  5. Reading some of these responses about how he deserves an A or nothing less than a B is mind-boggling. Perhaps a better question would be, who on this roster do you give Whaley credit for adding? Giving him an F is a bit much. He's done some good things. And finding a QB is predominantly circumstance and/or luck. But I guess it all depends on when you think he took over from Buddy. The funny thing is, people like to give him credit for Kiko and Robert Woods but blame Nix for EJ.
  6. You're selling Fred short. Nothing new for him though. He will prove to be the more effective back by the end of the year. As per usual. Not many RBs could have done much with that clown show of an offense last season. McCoy included.
  7. A+ I love how he built an amazing defense by bringing in guys like Mario, Dareus, Kyle, AW, Bradham, Leo. Also, great job drafting the only two good linemen on the team in Glenn and Wood. Let's not forget about trading a first round pick for a receiver without a qb on the roster. And trading a potential star linebacker for a running back who likes to dance around in the backfield for your ground and pound offense. Seriously, you pompom wavers need a reality check. Buddy Nix brought in more talent to this team than Whaley. But he didn't draft Russell Wilson!! Guess who else passed on him? Every other gm in the league. Twice.
  8. Not necessarily. If they can fix the run-blocking, we'll see how good Fred really is. The guy is the most criminally underrated RB in the league.
  9. Am I the only one who's more worried about the right tackle position than right guard? Yes, Henderson looked good for a 7th round rookie, but that's a really low standard. He was pretty bad for most of the year. WIth McCoy in the fold, we're going to need someone athletic at that position who can block on sweeps as he's not really a plowing-up-the-middle runner.
  10. Fun fact: Fred has less career carries than McCoy. As I mentioned before, don't be so shocked to see Fred emerge as the more effective back this upcoming season. He may not lead in yards, but that's because McCoy will have a long rope. But I do think FJ will have a better average and many of us will be screaming for him to get more of the workload halfway through the season. I know it sounds unfathomable to most when you look at what McCoy's production has been like throughout his career, but as stated above, a running back is very dependent on coaching and blocking. I wonder how Fred would have done on Philly the last 5 years.
  11. Exactly. McCoy has looked very good thus far throughout his career, but he's had the benefit of good to great olines and solid offensive coaching since he entered the league. Whether he has that here remains to be seen. I am not of the opinion that our RBs were the problem with the running game last year. Too many times, they didn't even have a chance to get out of the backfield. The success of the offense, and by extension, the entire team assuming the defense will be lights-out again, rests on Greg Roman, Aaron Kromer, and the development of Kouandjio, Richardson and Henderson, along with any other oline pickups. We know what we have with the other players. We have no chance with no QB and a porous line.
  12. My prediction: Freddie will have a higher yards per carry average than McCoy this season.
  13. I think, as always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. I think the McCoy trade was reckless. But I'm of the opinion that Freddie and a rookie from the draft would have been able to handle the load this year, assuming the Bills couldn't sign Murray or another RB. Would have preferred to keep Kiko and the accompanying cap space. Having said that, the Bills play in an unpopular city for prospective players and they haven't been to the playoffs in 15 years. The only real selling point to convince people to come here is money. So they had to overpay here and there. As long as it doesn't jeopardize our ability to keep other good players, I'm happy with this new philosophy. When we're good again, we'll be able to attract players for less money. Think of this offseason as an investment in the future. Not just for 2015.
  14. Terrible father and delusional half-wit, but easily the best running back in the NFL.
  15. Probably could have got this guy along with McCoy for Kiko. Bit of a premature evaluation by Whaley there.
  16. By that rationale, why not just trade our next 3 first round draft picks for McCoy instead? Most people don't want to admit it here, but the Bills got ripped off on this trade. Brandon Marshall got traded for a 5th round pick. Randy Moss was traded for a 4th. We received a 4th for Lynch. You have to factor in the value of the position and the salary implications too. Sorry, but this was a dumb move. It's not just about making your team better. It's also about maximizing your assets as well. You should technically be able to get more for Kiko than a good running back who has more career carries than any back on the Bills roster as it is.
  17. Additional job responsibilities: Monitor Doug Whaley's outgoing email.
  18. Haha...nicely done And remember to tip your waitress.
  19. I never thought he was anything special. Not sure how he lasted that long.
  20. The sad thing is, it appears as though Marrone didn't hold much back in the preseason if you go by what his offense looked like in the regular season. And don't forget how that dipsh** seemed more pissed after losing one of those preseason games (can't recall which) than he did at any point in the real season. I'm so glad he's not the coach here anymore. What an unlikable douche.
  21. The endless Stevie debate is TBD's own version of an idiot test. If you subscribe to any of the following: 1. He only got a thousand yards because someone had to 2. He got his yards in garbage time 3. He gets open, but he does it in a cheap way that makes it difficult for the QB 4. He has stone hands 5. He's soft 6. He's not as good as Chris Hogan (!!!) 7. He always comes up small in big moments Then congrats, you're a TBD idiot.
  22. And if the Eagles called and said they'd offer Murray and Kiko for McCoy back, you'd all say no, right? Sure there.
  23. Good for Stevie. He's going to kick ass there. Finally gets to play with a good QB.
  24. Couldn`t agree more. The guy is blazing fast. Like noticeably faster than even other fast guys. Just watch some of his highlights.
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