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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Haha That really is a criminally underused saying.
  2. That one took me a second, but I think I got it.
  3. Ya, for sure. Once Belichick gets his hands on him, EJ will be starting ahead of Tom Brady.
  4. But this is assuming that he already isn't a franchise QB.
  5. Um, pretty much. This team won 9 games because of the defense. The side of the ball he admittedly had nothing to do with. We'll give him credit for being able to find the stadium and being at every game on time. That's about it. Do you really need to be reminded of the boneheaded in-game decisions? The fact that pretty much nobody had anything good to say about him? Teams can win games without good coaching. Hell, the Cowboys won a Super Bowl once without one (Switzer).
  6. Ok, what do you give him credit for, specifically? A record is a product of the whole team. What do you think he actually did to help them get to 9 wins? I'm genuinely curious because a lot of people say the same thing you are.
  7. Not sure points allowed is a better metric. For one, a bad offense can affect that with turnovers and field position. Secondly, yards allowed is a more foundational measuring stick. Can't score points if you don't gain the yards first. It's like saying "if you score more points than the other team, then you'll win". Obviously that's the case, but you have to look at how those points came about. There's no real 100% accurate way to measure this though. But just going by the eye test, the Bills defense last year was right at or near the top of the league.
  8. Awesome news. This guy is quite underrated in my opinion. Got burned by Jamaal Charles on that one play, but that would happen to any linebacker one on one against him. Pretty stoked about this year's defense. if they stay healthy, they could be great.
  9. They do? What's so special about Tannehill other than where he was drafted?
  10. Love the fire this guy plays with. Winning teams are made up with players like Robert Woods.
  11. Guy's been criminally underrated his whole career. And now with the ageist jokes by Bills fans...very nice. Do not be surprised when he's outplaying McCoy this season. It's just what he does.
  12. Another TBD myth that has somehow become fact here: Kiko was nothing special after the first month. Just because he got his interceptions in the first few games he played, doesn't mean his play tapered off. And just because the guy was good enough to play every snap as a rookie MLB (that's still hard to fathom) doesn't automatically mean he was tired. He took a bad angle on two runs (TB, ATL games) and other than that, the guy was a beast out there. Amazing at sniffing out plays in the backfield. I think he would have killed it playing the weakside. I hated the trade at the time, and I hope I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I will hate the trade at the end of the season too.
  13. Please. If the various reports about Marrone are true, which I'm sure they are, I'm totally fine with this and encourage more of it. The guy was a complete prick from day one. To the media, the staff, and to a lot of the players. He deserves no respect.
  14. I still maintain that Hackett got a bad rap. If you read the tea leaves, with quotes from players and what not, it seemed as though he was limited by the clueless head coach. I think back to some of the decisions that idiot made and, in my opinion, he's the worst coach I've seen patrol the Bills sideline in the 25+ years I've been watching. Hackett designed some good plays that had receivers running open all year. A combination of bad QBing and poor protection really gave him no chance. The players seemed to like him too. But the head coach, and other position coaches around him were JV-level bad.
  15. Aaron Kromer. Used his unoccupied chair this one time and, in my opinion, he overreacted a bit.
  16. Waiting for the first poster to make a 50 shades of grey reference. It's not going to be me.
  17. anytime i see that guy's posts, i am reminded of this:
  18. Yup. Crappy trade. Funny how Alonso suddenly became overrated the day he got traded.
  19. Almost all the episodes in the second half of season 5 were incredible. Just amazing how the show kept getting better and better as it went on. Not sure about best episode, but one of my favourite scenes was when Walt sees that junkie buying supplies at the hardware store and realizes the guy is a meth cook. He then goes outside and punks him and the tough guy by telling him to stay off his turf. Truly the turning point for Walt. And the accompanying music was excellent. Guessing this thread gets moved soon.
  20. Super Bowl favourites with Rivers. Not gonna happen though.
  21. One key guy that nobody is mentioning here is aaron kromer. From what I've read, he's a really good coach and hopefully he can undo the mess marrone made of this line.
  22. Schwartz isn't nearly as good a defensive coach as Rex. If the defense gets worse this year, I'll be shocked. Injuries and things happen, but all things being equal, the defense might be historically good this year.
  23. McCoy will be backing up Fred by the end of the year. And in the playoffs.
  24. I don't like McCoy's personality either. He reminds me of a toned-down version of Floyd Mayweather. And I have my doubts about how good he'll be here. And I hated giving up Kiko for him. But I like winning more than I dislike dumb Bills players, so yap away Shady. Just bring it on Sundays.
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