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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Doesn't have to do with saving face. That just makes no sense. Add an option for awful talent evaluation by the FO and that would get my vote.
  2. No he's not. Everything Whaley does is great. At least according to the majority of the mouth breathers on this board. The fact that Nix was the GM when the bulk of the talent on this team was assembled doesn't matter to them. The talent Whaley brought in, he overpaid for (salary, or trade-wise). This is a stupid move on many levels. I'm still holding on to the delusional hope that he somehow signs back here mid-season. Although from the way the almighty Whaley made it sound, that's not an option.
  3. Ya, but still. If you get hurt, you suck. That's just the way it is.
  4. The guy has looked awful so far. Justin Rogers bad. Leodis needs to get back asap. This defense could be incredible but could also be done in with a glaring hole at CB2. I'm sure Rex will take care of this somehow. I hope.
  5. Sounds good in theory OP, but you have to account for the other 52 guys on the roster. Not sure how they'd react to EJ starting if the consensus is he's worse than the other two guys. If he's good enough, he'll show it eventually.
  6. This guy is going to take over the legend of kiko stuff. Don't mess with IK.
  7. haha...that's brilliant! "off too much" or "off to dog porn"
  8. Which platform are you using? How is the gameplay? Enough of a difference from last year? Or the year before that? Or the year before that? Or the year...
  9. Surprised his name hasn't been on here yet but I find Manny Lawson quite underrated. And of course fred jackson will always be so. As for overrated, the unfortunate answer will prove to be mccoy.
  10. He signed somewhere else??? Man, that hurts.
  11. Lol at people saying no to Peyton f'n manning. Blindfold him and make him throw using his left hand and he's still better than the pile of dog feces we have at qb.
  12. The positive here is that it seems like he wants to stay. A guy with one foot out the door wouldn't be saying anything. Cough....byrd...cough
  13. I think you're right. But still, shut up dude. You're not going to get anything accomplished crying to the media.
  14. can't tell if that's sarcastic....if so, kudos anyway, i'll eat crow on this one...i thought it was a bad move not paying him
  15. I can't argue with someone who just looks at basic numbers to make a point. YPC and age are all relative. He has less career carries than Shady. Does that matter to you though? Probably not. Hands over ears, eyes squeezed shut, everyone chant "Fred's too old! Fred's too old!" Anyway, the season is only a few weeks away. We'll see how it all plays out. I don't know. How about you tell us how many?
  16. Really? Because I've rewatched games from last season and I've seen him plow through guys like he has in the past. He's never been explosive in terms of speed, so that's why I don't agree when people say he's lost a step. He's as smart and shifty as ever and I think he's going to have a great year, assuming he can stay healthy.
  17. Seriously...what is going on here? Now he doesn't have enough highlight plays for you people? Football is more than just what gets shown on sportscenter. The RBs on this team had to deal with defenders in the backfield before they even got the ball way too many times last year. Spiller couldn't do anything about that, yet Sean Payton knew that wasn't his fault and gave him a 4 year contract. Fred was better than CJ again and did as well as could be asked of anyone in that horrid situation last season. If the offensive line and coaching is an upgrade from last year (and how could it not be?) then many of you will be eating crow. Yet again.
  18. Serious question...how do you think McCoy would have done in this offense last year? Consider the difference from Chip Kelly to Marrone/Hackett, the difference from Foles to Orton, and most importantly, the difference in the philly o-line and ours. Bryce Brown and Darren Sproles ran free in those offenses too, don't forget. Sproles had a significantly higher rushing average than McCoy last year. Not that I think that's the best barometer, but still. McCoy is a fantastic player. But only if used right. He has to get to the second level to do damage. If he can't do that here either via creative play-calling, or lacklustre line play, he will quickly fall out of favour with the fans here, especially when you take his personality into account. Just let the season play out. Fred will be the name everyone is calling for to be out there by mid-season. It's always the case.
  19. What a crock. It's preseason for one. And secondly, Watkins short-armed or gave up on a few plays last year. The Houston game comes to mind. All receivers do it. And if they dont, they should. Goodwin is a unique talent and needs to be used as such. Might be the fastest receiver in the league.
  20. Is that where he lives?!? Those rookie contract caps really suck! Pay the poor guy...
  21. Did Fred run over your dog before sleeping with your girl or was it the other way around?
  22. I was one of the first to say he was overrated by bills fans but some of you make it out like he's not good at all. Which is not fair. He's still a good player but didn't have much help the last couple of seasons. Remember Fred's run against Chicago last year where he stiff-armed that jobber in ot? Watch what Wood did to Briggs on that play. It was a thing of beauty. A forearm that knocked the guy right on his ass while he was engaged with another rusher. Don't create a problem where there isn't one. Wood will be fine.
  23. I love these. Although this year, they seemed to have cut them down a bit. Not as funny as they have been in years past.
  24. I've said it once and I'll say it again. He'll prove to be the most effective RB on the team by the end of the year. Again. As he does every year.
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