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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. By my count, he has the bills scoring roughly 24 touchdowns all season. That seems way low. The defense itself might get half that with Rex's coaching.
  2. Not sure, but that would be a good way for receivers to get open.
  3. http://espn.go.com/nfl/team/schedule/_/name/ind/year/2014 Look at this creampuff schedule they had last year. The wins against against Cincy and Baltimore are the only ones against good teams (both at home). They lost against pretty much any good team they played. If the Bills are actually good this year, I can see them winning this game handily. The Colts are as soft as baby sh**. Don't turn the ball over, and we'll be 1-0 by 4pm on Sunday. Bank on it.
  4. I'm sure the production value will be first class as it always is on Buffalo TV. :s
  5. Simmer down Peter Pan. It's just footballl. Besides, their legacy is tainted now anyway. Best possible outcome. Also, do not lose sight of the fact that had the Bills gone undefeated against the Patriots in the last 15 years, they'd have made the playoffs a grand total of one (maybe two) times.
  6. Sucks to see him in another uniform. He should be on this team. Stupid move by Whaley that will become more apparent when he's kicking ass in Seattle. As long as he stays healthy, I think this is a great move for him though. I don't think he would have gotten a fair shake with the Bills this year.
  7. http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/beloved-in-buffalo-fred-embraced-in-seattle-20150907 Interesting...NE did want to sign him after all
  8. They could have and should have gotten McCoy for much less than what they gave up if they really wanted him. Making a trade like that within 20 minutes, as was reported, was just stupid and reckless.
  9. This place is hilarious. If Barnwell had predicted the Bills to win the division, everyone here would be praising him for being an intelligently informed analyst who always digs deeper than his lazy peers.
  10. Philly 13-3. I've been a Bradford fan since he came into the league and was praying the Bills would somehow get him this off-season. I think him with Chip Kelly will surprise this year. Oh, and Kiko will have another monster year.
  11. Not confident in Whaley. The homers on this board are out of control. The talent on this roster is thanks to Buddy Nix and Pegula's deep pockets. Whaley came into power as GM at the perfect time, with a solid core already built and tonnes of cap space and a new owner willing to spend. Didn't like the McCoy trade, especially since it's been reported that Philly would have taken picks instead. I definitely didn't like the contract extension they gave him right after either. They overpaid for Clay and Harvin also. The Watkins trade also seems foolish without a QB to get him the ball. I just really don't get the love for this guy here.
  12. http://buckyandsully.buffalonews.com/2015/09/02/jackson-blindsided-but-hell-be-fine/ It was Whaley. Happy now?
  13. No offense (pun intended), but if you watched the games last year and thought "man, Fred just isn't very good", then you really don't know much about football. Not many RBs could be successful in that situation with that o-line, those QBs and those coaches. That's why objective fans were actually excited to see what Fred could do with a better supporting cast and some decent coaching this year. Why do you keep bringing up the fact that he's 34? You do realize he has less career carries than McCoy, right? Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and I guess that's what's good about a public message board, but I can't disagree with your assessment enough about this being a good football and/or business decision. The guy can still flat out ball. And the money he makes is paltry in the grand scheme of things, especially with all the workarounds available with contracts.
  14. What is this nonsense about him going there to be a glorified babysitter? You people do realize Seattle won a super bowl (and probably should have won another) without a "babysitter" for Lynch. If it happens, this is a smart move by a smart organization for the sole purpose of winning football games. Fred is a gamer and a team that's gone the distance two years in a row recognizes that. The one that hasn't sniffed the playoffs since the turn of the century sees differently.
  15. My favourite all-time Buffalo Bill. And I was a fan during the Super Bowl era. Still holding out hope that he somehow is back mid-season.
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