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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Its one of those internet memes used by kids. I wouldn't have known about it either but I saw a deadspin article about it. It is actually kind of funny.
  2. What?!?! Clay broke more tackles on one drive last week than Chandler did his whole career here. I thought Chandler was alright, but if you don't see the differene in talent between him and Clay, than I don't know what to say.
  3. I still don't think anyone knows the difference between these two guys. Its like the whole ryan denney/chris kelsay thing.
  4. Great idea. I also think this should be pinned. Unless we lose. In which case we never speak of this again.
  5. You can't be serious here. If either of these guys knew that a franchise qb was on the board, they'd have taken them with their first rounder. Its way too risky to play the game you think they were playing.
  6. You're absolutely right, but nobody is in the mood for the truth. Especially not the last few weeks. It was a stupid trade and a stupider contract extension, but likely not something the Bills can't recover from.
  7. Behind this o-line, the more carries for Karlos Williams, the better. IMO, McCoy will not live up to the lofty expectations here.
  8. Pretty sure its in reference to Willy Beamon, the character from Any Given Sunday...the QB played by Jamie Foxx.
  9. Well, NFL players are renowned for flushing their money away. He just started doing it earlier than usual.
  10. It's something new they introduced this year. I noticed it in the preseason and hoped it was just some stunt for kids day or whatever. But they had it going against the Colts as well. It was being drowned out by the loud crowd, but you could still hear it. It sounds ridiculously amateur.
  11. If someone here has any connections to OBD, or if someone working there actually reads this, can you please go up to the person who implemented this idea and give them a wedgie? After doing so, can you get rid of that horrible, bush-league bell? This is the NFL, not happy hour at Margaritaville.
  12. Obviously it'd be great if they won both. And I think the Bills can. But which game do you think would be bigger? I think a win on Monday night in the second half of the season in Foxboro would be huge. Bigger than this Sunday. It's the game I've been looking forward to most since the schedule came out. Of course, it all depends on the standings at the time, but I'm assuming we are close to them at that point.
  13. The guy was average at best. This is a nothing move. In case of injury, just sign a guy who's sitting at home or nab a guy stashed on someone else's practice squad.
  14. I remember that. Probably the dirtiest play I've seen in recent memory. Guy should have got suspended for a year for that.
  15. Henderson was awful on Sunday. And he sucked last year too. He may have potential, and might be good one day, but with the offense Roman wants to run, this guy might bring all that crashing down. Why not try to sign Jake Long? Or maybe give Kujo a chance.
  16. agree to disagree...kiko is a superstar in waiting...and he makes less than a million a year...just bad on so many levels anyway, what's done is done
  17. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. What a boneheaded trade that was.
  18. His fashion sense doesn't seem to match his personality. He just looks weird in that outfit almost to the point where it seems like he lost a bet.
  19. If him or Darby step up, and McLovin' comes back and plays as well as he did two years ago within the Pettine scheme, then I can see the Bills letting Gilmore leave in free agency. If that means we can keep other key free agents and still have a solid CB core, I'm actually okay with that.
  20. Ya man. Djokovic unfortunately beat Federer and Mario Williams was nowhere to be seen.
  21. Robert Woods does that all the time too. I like it actually. Animosity is what makes sports fun. I hate it when opposing players are laughing and joking around with each other.
  22. Muchos gracias for this thread and all your contributions here 26CB.
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