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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Jeremy White of WGR found it on the all 22. It was a good call on Manny Lawson. Dumb play by him, but legit penalty.
  2. That's kind of the point. They don't assume to grade pre-snap adjustments as that is just about impossible to quantify. And for a good QB, the better he is at that part of the game, the easier the throw should be after the snap. Which is exactly what they state in clear print above.
  3. I agree. Was just making an observation. As long as he keeps playing the way he is, guy could blow off the media for the rest of the season for all I care.
  4. technically, you're wrong...it is possible, but i'm assuming that wasn't the case yesterday obviously a crazy hypothetical scenario, but say a guy goes 5/9, and all 5 completions are screen passes that go 70 yards each for touchdowns, and he throws another 4 horrible balls that are dropped by the defenders...would you say he had a great game? again, an absurd example of course, but the reasoning PFF gives for their grading system makes sense from seeing some highlights, it was his timing and accuracy that was incredible last night, not necessarily the degree of difficulty of the throws and him dropping them into tight windows, which i believe is what PFF measures
  5. I agree with the pff grading method in theory. I didn't watch most of the game yesterday so I can't speak to the grade on rodgers but it is technically feasible to play average or even bad and have a big day stats-wise.
  6. Miami all the way. It's what's best for the Bills and that's all that matters.
  7. Great news. Karlos is a better fit behind this o-line anyway. McCoy needs stars up front to get him to the second level where he can do his real damage.
  8. Guessing Kromer would know better than anyone about this, but do they have any good linemen that can be pried out of there?
  9. I'm in the minority, I'm sure, but I actually like the Schopp and Bulldog show. But the three interviews they've had with Rex so far have been incredibly lame. No interesting questions. Just the generic softball garbage you'd expect from Chris Brown or John Murphy.
  10. He was not getting double teamed all that often yesterday. Did get held a few times, but so does everyone else. It's Mario Williams though. He's a moody player going back to his days in Houston. Guy can flat out dominate some games when he's up for it. Others, he'll manage to get by on talent alone.
  11. Thank you!! Why does everyone gloss over this? It was reported that they would have taken a draft pick for him. They just wanted to get rid of him. The Bills paid more than they had to.
  12. The Bills next opponent has a few extra days to heal up and prepare? What a shocker. Two out of the first three weeks already.
  13. Darby has been a pleasant surprise the first two weeks. And from the few interviews he's done, he seems like a really good, humble kid.
  14. At the time, I thought it was completely uncatchable, but from that replay, I think Sammy could have had it. Would have been a spectacular grab, as the throw was too high, but not impossible. agreed...as i mentioned above, i've changed my mind after seeing the replay...jumped the gun a bit earlier
  15. Not saying he was throwing the game. That's just crazy talk. Just that he may not have thrown the kitchen sink at the Pats this time around and tried to win with a vanilla defense. Brady just had one of the best days of his career though.
  16. We shouldn't lose. But we might. Crap happens. Try not to judge the team by one game out of 16. Do that once the season is played out. This team may lose Sunday, but I still think they make the playoffs and make some noise once there. Having said that, I think we blow out the dolphins 34-6.
  17. Ok, I guess I'll be the first to say that I also thought that might be his strategy. Logically, the way Rex called that game made zero sense. I think he's confident in beating the Patriots when it matters, but not if they know what's coming up. For a guy who's done pretty well against them defensively with not as much talent as he has right now, last Sunday was a complete head-scratcher. There has to be more behind the scenes. His vanilla defense made absolutely no sense when you look at what he's done in the past.
  18. "other side of the glory hole" ...sorry...please don't ban me
  19. bahahaha you, sir, just elicited a legit lol...kudos
  20. (slow clap) the pass was meant for watkins...woods was going deep on that play
  21. One positive, but one we all know already: Sammy Watkins is freakishly talented.
  22. lol..nicely played all is good..it will be that much sweeter now when the bills win in foxboro on monday night
  23. Exactly. No idea what was going through the head of our defensive genius on the sidelines. This was reminiscent of those vanilla Wannstache gameplans.
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