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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Huh? They lost the super bowl in overtime.
  2. I'd be surprised if the Bills pull that one out. And I don't really care too much if they do. Just stay healthy going into the playoffs and beat those guys in New Orleans Feb 9.
  3. He's not wrong. With that team, they're better off with Tyrod
  4. Bill is #2 what? And Bill who?
  5. Hey bud. There's a separate section for tickets on this site. Keep checking that, maybe you'll find something. Good luck!
  6. I'll be the first to admit that I put some stock into the theory that he was maybe dogging it in a contract year and hadn't really warmed up to him as of yet. But he's won me over after that postgame interview. Seems like a good dude and was refreshingly candid and authentic.
  7. I have a kind of radical solution to this. Put a crossbar on the top as well and make it so the kick has to go through that enclosed rectangle. You make kicks a bit harder by not allowing the kicker to just kick it as hard and high as they want. And you eliminate this silliness of a judgement of whether the kick would have went in if the posts were higher.
  8. Come to think of it, we didn't see Matt Milano on the sidelines this week either. Coincidence? 🤔
  9. Indy scrub defender:
  10. How does one misspell the word "at"?
  11. I didn't see that. And perhaps you're right. But I think the way Mahomes acted after they beat the Bills in the playoffs was kinda douchey too. Would not be surprised if Josh thinks so too.
  12. Something I might be reading too much into is how Josh has not gone out of his way to praise Mahomes after his hissy fit last year with the whole Kadarius Toney penalty. Which is a far departure from how he has spoken about him in press briefings in the past. And it's not like he's gotten ornier this year as he's pumped the tires of essentially every QB he's gone up against, even the corpse of Joe Flacco just last week. Anyone else notice this? I ask this with the understanding that it is utterly meaningless and essentially gossip. But I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't love it if Allen threw some shade at Kermit, either directly or indirectly.
  13. As mentioned above, the guy has laughed and joked about getting a one week break from the suspension after that ridiculous cheap shot on Tre White. He's also taken a Bills hat and stomped on it. Ya, all in good fun, I know..(eye roll) Guy is just a jackass and I'm fine with not "getting over it" as many of you claim to be. Eff him forever
  14. He might not be anywhere close to the kind of player he was before the injury in London but I'm unreasonably excited about this.
  15. I counter with: - Allen did not play well - road game before chiefs week - Colts are not a pushover..this was their first loss by more than one score And the Bills still blew them out in the end. Was it a perfect game? Of course not. But that was an impressive win nonetheless.
  16. Allen is obviously hungover, right?
  17. Plus he's still only 19 years old
  18. Honestly, eff Jordan Poyer. Yes, that penalty might have won us the game but still. What an unnecessary and dirty hit that was from that washed-up pylon. The funniest part is that dolphins fans hate him too.
  19. Cut to the Bills losing their next 7 games then beating the Patriots in the season finale to finish 8-9 and out of the playoffs. Are you happy now? 🤪
  20. Mickey Loomis saw Joe Brady call a QB sneak on 2nd and inches and said "I want that guy"?
  21. Dammit. We're screwed now
  22. Vehemently disagree. We walked around before and during the game and it felt like half the crowd was Bills fans. Which is another reason I'm positive the Seahawks pipe in crowd noise. Not all Bills fans stayed until the end. Lots left early. I did as well..had a flight to catch.
  23. Poor Diggs missed out because of his injury I assume.
  24. As was I and the stadium definitely looked like it was half full of Bills fans. Not sure what your definition is of taking over, but I certainly thought the Bills fans did. As did Geno Smith, for that matter.
  25. Holy crap the Bills signed TO!
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