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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Worst case scenario is that we lose this week and the Steelers win. We'd have to win the last three and they'd have to lose the last three. So, we'd still be mathematically alive!
  2. Seriously, who does the guy even think he is? Contemplating missing a game just because someone in his family died? So selfish. Does he not know the playoffs are on the line and nothing else matters? Oh, and it's also fantasy playoff season. He should understand that players are there for my entertainment value alone. Dance for me, monkey. Dance!
  3. duke preston melvin fowler tutan reyes michael jasper mansfield wrotto bonus: geoff hangartner i know that wasn't the question, but just reading that list makes me shake my head...except for when i remembered mansfield wrotto...that actually made me laugh
  4. Sure you would. Btw, you all realize this is pretty much how the situation is unfolding with Mario here, right?
  5. I never even considered this but it's a great idea, assuming he's the best man for the job. Having said that, we have the worst special teams coach in the league and it would probably be a waste of time and energy anyway.
  6. Was wondering if Felton would be on any worst lists. The guy is flat out garbage out there.
  7. Sign him this week so he can fight Riley cooper then cut him
  8. He's got raw talent. Speed, size, strength. Wish they could find a way to get him involved in the offense.
  9. How can you not be a fan of the guy? Imagine this level of quarterbacking with the defense from last year. We'd be challenging the Patriots for the division title. And the guy has only started 10 games in his career. It's not reasonable to want him to be perfect just yet. He's growing and he'll get there. I just hope the team is smart enough to develop and keep him.
  10. I hated that we had to sweat this one out. This game shouldn't have been that close. All three of Houston's TDs should have been flagged. Illegal formation, a pick by the receiver and a push off. To be fair, Wood got away with a hold on the second deep ball to Sammy too. But something really needs to be done about the refereeing in this league.
  11. Not sure if this was posted anywhere, but it kind of deserves a mention just because of how bizarre it is. Tim Graham tweeted (https://twitter.com/ByTimGraham) about some random guy on the sideline possibly telling Rex not to challenge the Hogan catch. Who knows what he actually said, but the timing of the interaction does lead some credence to that thought. After some help from his followers, it turns out that this guy is the Assistant Director of Player Engagement (huh??) and Team "Chaplin". Yes, it seems as though Rex is also in charge of spell-checking on the Bills website. First off, what the hell? It's weird enough that they have a team chaplain. But what on earth is that guy doing on the sideline talking to Rex at such a critical juncture of the game? Amateur hour with this team seems like it will never end. It's embarrassing to be a fan of this team when you read about things like this.
  12. Why is anyone not mentioning the 3rd and 11 scramble that gave KC the first down when he was clearly brought down short? That play happened at the end of the quarter with plenty of time to review and challenge coming out of the commercial break. Whoever is in charge of relaying this info to Rex needs to be fired. Unfortunately, it's probably just another one of his cronies that he brought from New Jersey. This guy really is just too stupid to be a head coach. Unlike the plethora of meatheads that populate coaching staffs throughout the league, he's one who knows how to talk a good game so he wiggled his way into a job he's clearly unqualified for.
  13. I am thankful I am Canadian so I don't have to answer this question after what happened Monday night.
  14. Not at the table Karlos...I swear I was going to change my name to that earlier then forgot. Kudos to you sir. Nicely played.
  15. I could be mistaken, but I thought they did that because the bills were out of timeouts and to go to a review before the bills were set would stop the clock and give them some free time for the offense to get ready. Sucks for us, but if it was the other way around, we'd see the logic behind it.
  16. So tired of being outsmarted every year by that team. Especially when the fans watching at home know better. The Patriots were ready to get beat and we kept shooting ourselves in the foot. Horrible clock management at the end of the first half, the predictable playcalling, and just general confusion all around. Just look at the receivers they were down to at the end of the game. Just so frustrating seeing this over and over. Player for player, we were way more talented than them Monday night.
  17. I can't see how they can score on us. I'm sure they will somehow, but it will be because of some screwup on our side. They have no weapons to fear, other than maybe Kelce. But we shut down Gronkowski who is miles better. Having said that, it will be tough for us to score too. Can not turn the ball over. At all costs. That is the key. More so this game than any other. Punt on 3rd down if you have to..lol
  18. He rarely gets doubled and usually still can't beat his man. And it's usually not the best pass protector he's going up against either. Guy has all the talent in the world but seems like he lacks any semblance of passion. They should get rid of him and use that money somewhere else. Gilmore, Glenn, Incognito, etc.
  19. No guys. As the experts on the board say, if you don't see his value setting the edge and stopping the run game, you don't get football. He's the best player on the defense. What a crock. Defense looked it's best the last two weeks. Coincidentally the two games he hasn't really played in.
  20. He. Can't. Throw. The. Ball. To. Himself. Slowed down for the simpletons on the board.
  21. What's more worrisome is the way he got hurt. Getting pushed, moving backwards, falling right on your shoulder. Just ridiculous.
  22. Only if you prefer beating the Pats to making the playoffs. Next week is the game I want if I could only pick one of the next two. Bills at KC is pretty much a playoff game.
  23. Robert Kraft. The guy who mourned the passing of his wife by going out and finding a blonde girlfriend young enough to be his granddaughter. His team even wore that patch with her initials on their jersey that one year! Classy guy.
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