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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. I still think he's a good coach. Didn't have the QB he needed for his system. Bet he'd work wonders with Tyrod.
  2. He gets paid 44 million dollars a year to take the heat for the decisions of greedy owners. Not a bad gig if you can get it.
  3. Bettman ruined hockey, a sport that was on the way up in the early 90s. There isn't even a question as to who is better at their job. Goodell wins by default.
  4. We kept this glorified mascot over Fred. Unbelievable.
  5. These threads are always enlightening in terms of separating the intelligent fans from the mouthbreathers who are in the stands without their shirts on in meaningless December games. Like this one coming up.
  6. I'd keep Mario over rex. He's a moody player, but can flat out dominate when motivated.
  7. If the Bills had gone undefeated against the pats all this time (lol), they would have gone to the playoffs in 2004 and...that's it. The patriots are not what's kept buffalo out of the postseason. They've sucked against the rest of the league too.
  8. You can't have all star players at every position. Woods is a good receiver. More than adequate as a #2. He's been off the past few games, but the guy is tough and talented. The receivers are fine. We just don't have a QB that spreads the ball around. Not even blaming Tyrod for that. Part of that is scheme, part is his inexperience. I'd rather the Bills spend resources (draft picks and/or money) on other positions of need.
  9. If anyone actually cared about Buffalo, the Bills would be even more of a league-wide laughing stock than they already are. Sixteen years and counting..
  10. I think you severely underestimate his "kissing the owner's ass to gain more power" ability. He's done it twice now. If you think he doesn't have a big say in what goes on behind the scenes, then you haven't been paying attention. Until they get rid of this parasite, it's more of the same for the foreseeable future.
  11. Lol...pulse of the league??? How this clown has any supporters among bills fans is a testament to his marketing skills, I suppose.
  12. I've been saying it for years...I think the main problem with this team during this stretch of futility has been brandon. Until they get rid of this cancer that had infected the whole organization, the bills will continue to spin their wheels.
  13. Get rid of them all. Starting with the used car salesman, russ brandon.
  14. The bigger concern is how he's regressed under Rex. He was actually very good last season. The same can be said for pretty much every player on the front 7 if you think about it.
  15. It's only because I think we have something in Tyrod. Otherwise, I'd be up for giving Bradford a shot.
  16. Bummer. We need him for the playoff push. Someone had to say it.
  17. Even our own fans are afraid of saying "win". It's an epidemic. (kidding CBF)
  18. OP initially stated that it doesn't really matter anymore anyway. Guy isn't saying this is going to happen. Just an observation. Thanks for the note, OP. It will take a miracle, granted. But stranger things have happened. Actually, check that. No they haven't.
  19. Our playoff drought is now legally allowed to drive.
  20. Eli goes back into rain man mode and beats the pats again. Happens every 4 years.
  21. Or, instead of revamping the front 7, fire Rex and bring back Schwartz. One change instead of a roster overhaul.
  22. His job is to throw an oddly shaped leather ball. I think you're slightly overvaluing Jay Cutler's profession. Guy isn't in charge of national defense.
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