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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Yup. He would have been a hero with his 10 completions and 131 yards passing. And let's not forget that he absolutely refused to take more than 6 sacks that game. Brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it. And the Titans were within one yard of that Super Bowl. So stop with the defeatist "we wouldn't have been good enough to win it all anyway". Was it the best Bills team of all-time? No. But they just might have been the best team in the NFL at that point in the season.
  2. Sullivan may be an awful writer, but it doesn't take away from the fact that Rex is a crap coach that isn't taking this team anywhere. Guy's a fraud and the sooner we upgrade, the better.
  3. Thanks for your input, grammar police police.
  4. Simmer down, internet tough guy. Its just football. And I have news for you...the bills do suck. And have for a long time. Saying that doesn't make me any more or less of a fan. Just less delusional. Continuity for the sake of continuity isn't what makes a team better either. Hiring the right people does. They haven't done that in a long time and the sooner they do, the better off the team will be. Which I think we can all agree is what everyone here wants.
  5. I don't even post here that much, but I'm honoured that you keep track of me. Just a suggestion...if you take off the Bills pompoms when typing, you might not make so many dumb spelling mistakes.
  6. At this point, I'm glad they are going full speed ahead on all these stupid moves. And, in this case, non-moves. It will expedite the end of the Rex/Whaley era. 2016 is already a write-off. But perhaps we will begin the process of actually playing with the big boys starting the following year after these two amateurs are gone.
  7. Call me crazy, but it seems as though the Bills are perceived as kind of a joke in pop culture... Nawww...I think I'm just being paranoid.
  8. Just so you know why we can never win a Super Bowl while this guy is still around...
  9. What a stupid move. I'm sure teams were lining up to snag Doug Whaley if he left here..ugh.. Also, let's not forget all the geniuses here proclaiming "Russ is NOT involved in football operations". This team is going nowhere with that disease in the building.
  10. Solid player, but not sure about elite. He wasn't even the best cb on the team this year, in my opinion.
  11. As a coach, if his tactics weren't getting through, you'd think he would do something about it. This just sounds like an excuse to me. Every single player (except maybe gilmore) regressed on the defense. I don't think that's a coincidence and/or that each one of them didn't learn the playbook. Rex lost his balls around the same time he stopped being fat. Not that one has to do with the other. Just an observation. He only seemed to game plan for division games this year.
  12. Still one of my favourite players on the team. This guy would be really good with an offense that had more than the deep bomb in its passing playbook.
  13. Like everyone else here, I'm not actually sure I can recognize good qb play from bad anymore considering how long it's been since we've seen it. But I think this guy is the real deal. (knock on wood)
  14. If the Bills don't win, I want anyone else to experience happiness either. But I'm a jealous, spiteful bastard and you should all strive to be better than me.
  15. Too many people on this board are under the assumption that a crappy CB can be salvaged by moving him to Safety. Maybe because it worked with AW, I guess? But they are two different positions. Good Safeties are not CBs with lesser skill.
  16. If we had a contest of what the best thread ever was if you only read the first and last words of the title, this would be right up there.
  17. Russ Brandon. God damn this parasite. We will never see a decent team here as long as he's around.
  18. I would always kick first in OT with the new rules being the way they are.
  19. What's your point? Bradford is better than Foles.
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