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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. I want the Bills to sign him if it makes us a better team. I hate myself for it. And I hate that I love the Bills this much.
  2. Are you implying that you called his office "on several occasions" to air your grievances about the Jason Peters contract issue? Seriously?
  3. What?? Please elaborate. That sounds...uhh...interesting.
  4. I think if you illustrated a Venn diagram of fans defending Rex Ryan and fans who go bare-chested at games in December, you'd get a solid circle.
  5. He wasn't a feature on the bills offense? Lol...what?!? So who was that guy tossing those beautiful deep balls all year and running for more yards than any bills QB ever last season? How anyone can complain about how Tyrod played last year is beyond me. Just because the guy isn't Aaron Rodgers doesn't mean he's no good.
  6. This coming from a guy who types with his pom-poms on. You really are the worst type of fan. Anyway, I don't want to hijack this thread going back and forth with this simpleton. Good luck to you Bill.
  7. Hoping you reconsider. Your post was sadly the most entertaining part of too many Bills Sundays. Regardless, thanks for your contributions. Always nice to know there are intelligent fans who see the game within the game as I like to do. And yes, I also believe that this team is going to crash and burn this season. The worst part is, they've handicapped future seasons with asinine contracts.
  8. Not for nothing, but Dunbar was the only coach on Rex's staff that Jets fans were sad to see go. So I'd wager this is in line with the rest of the shrewd moves this off-season. Fret not folks, we still kept Dangerous Danny Crossman and the team chaplain/replay challenge extraordinaire!
  9. That would be awesome. And my first thought, too. As a Bills fan though, I'm betting we end up with neither. And then bring Tutan Reyes out of retirement.
  10. Grimes was a top 3 or 4 CB in 2014. One bad year...wow. Tough league. We don't really need CB help (assuming we sign Gilmore) or I would definitely like this guy on the Bills.
  11. Woods still can be a solid #2. They need to open up the passing game with some more intermediate routes, which are his specialty. The guy is gritty and they need to use him better. Having said that, signing Harvin to small, incentive-based contract is an idea worth exploring. He's really good when healthy.
  12. Count me among those that like Butler also. Gilmore, Darby, Robey and Butler are a good quartet. Glad Leodis is gone. He's got talent, but he just doesn't have enough going on upstairs to harness it. You can't win with players like him.
  13. Good job Bills. Sure, we released an all-pro talent, but with the money saved, perhaps we can get the gangnam style guy to come back for another half time performance. Stupid f'n team.
  14. I want the Bills to win. Mario has the talent to help them do so. Does he have issues with self-motivation? Ya. So get someone in here that can push him. It's the job of the coaching staff to get the best out of what you've been given. Rex was a complete disaster at this in 2015. At the end of the day, it's understandable, but it still sucks that our dumbass coach is going to win the tug of war battle against a player who is more valuable to the team than he is.
  15. Well count me in the minority who still think he can play. He's never been fast, so I'm not sure where this whole "he's lost a step" thing is coming from. He wasn't really used in the running game with the Seahawks. I think he'll get a shot somewhere.
  16. ya man, i totally agree that sexual assault is "not cool" he should have just went skateboarding...skateboarding is cool
  17. I've disliked Manning ever since I heard about this story years ago. Surprised it never got more traction in the media. Then again, I'm not too surprised. He's white America's wet dream.
  18. I can't state it any better than BarleyNY above. It's our collective tortured Bills fan mentality that says if we do X, then we'll have to compensate by doing Y. We could theoretically have kept Mario and re-signed our key free agents if the powers that be didn't spend like drunken sailors last off-season.
  19. If your concern is wins and losses and not any of this other nonsense being talked about, I think anyone would rather have Mario on this team than Rex. Sad that it's a foregone conclusion that this team is going to make the wrong decision. Again. Sixteen years and counting...
  20. lol members of the media also use the asinine "count the rings, bro" argument??
  21. Not sure, but it might be in the "congrats to Wade Phillips" thread.
  22. Haha..I love reading these. Good find. I bet we could rank TBD draft experts here going through these threads. So many people comparing him to Maybin...lol.
  23. Rex Ryan is a jackass. This was a playoff-caliber defense he just torpedoed. And with Tyrod playing better than anyone had thought, the Bills were a team that could have done some damage in the playoffs in a weak conference. I watched the post-season this year with a permanent scowl on my face. We should have been there.
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