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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Huh? I was ecstatic when he pulled the chute. I think every knowledgeable fan knows that he's an awful coach. I hate the guy because of his crappy personality and demeanor. Not because he left. Him leaving was actually the only thing I liked about him.
  2. Bruce Smith holds the nfl sack record and he played in a predominantly 3-4 system. That is incredible. In my opinion, not only is he the best Bill ever, he is one of the best players in NFL history.
  3. He's so hateable. And he was an awful coach so his crappy personality didn't get overshadowed.
  4. Full disclosure...I'm a Tyrod fan. I think he has what it takes to be a winning QB. But I also thought that about Trent Edwards, so take that with a grain of salt. Having said that, I was going through some of last year's games and remembered this toss from week 2. Unless it was a fluke, it gives me hope that I'm right. Not many players can do this while on the move. He had a bunch of perfect deep passes too, but this one had a harder degree of difficulty, considering the defense was sitting on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnTAiCZOW88
  5. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to dislike rex. This is not one of them.
  6. The clown show at OBD has me wondering if this is actually a real quote or just a joke.
  7. Such a bummer. With a pre-rex defense we could have drafted a right tackle, which I feel is our only real glaring weakness in terms of talent.
  8. Spero Dedes. The guy is at the bottom of the CBS totem pole and does way too many of our games.
  9. Oh man. Excellent observation. Never even thought of that. Belichick screwed us over even in a losing effort.
  10. I think everyone with even the slightest interest in the NFL knew Mario was a high maintenance type player before he even signed here. In my opinion however, a good coach can effectively manage those types of personalities for the better of the team and get the player to play up to his abilities. The most important part of a coach's job, in any sport, is getting the most out of what he's given. Our loud-mouthed ape of a coach is horrible at this and seems to be resigned to the fact that he can only make the weekly highlights with his carnival-esque press conferences. You can't talk about "Mario stealing money" last year, without saying the same about this awful coach and his incredibly stupid 5 year, ~30m contract. It honestly makes me sick to think that we were so close to finally having a really good team with the collection of talent we had assembled and this one boneheaded move by the Pegulas, Brandon and Whaley has undone all the work set in place over the last 5-6 years. It's such a shame and Bills fans deserve better.
  11. This was a great pick by Nix. Hopefully he can sign here long term. Get a good RT and this line could do really well under kromers guidance.
  12. up until this past season, i always thought that a healthy jim kelly could have come back and still be better than any qb on the roster over the previous ten years that probably says more about the garbage we have had behind center all this time
  13. Debatable. And not for much longer if that really is the case, in my opinion.
  14. The irony of the "count the rings, bro!" crowd never ceases to amaze me, considering we mythologise the only team to lose four super bowls in a row.
  15. I'm with you, but to be fair, Wood was before the Nix regime, if I recall.
  16. Also take into account that Nix had budgetary constraints that Whaley does not. At least not since the Pegulas have taken over. Nix > Whaley, and I don't even think it's all that close if you consider what they both started from.
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