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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. According to lacanfora, it's likely to be a bridge deal of 2 years at 30m
  2. Wow. What a dense post. And you're being condescending on top of that. In your opinion, if Tyrod plays well enough this season to elicit a big contract from someone, the Bills will still decide to tag Gilmore and let Taylor walk? Instead of the other way around? That would be a fireable offense by Whaley but I'm sure you and your pom-pom waving chums would still justify it somehow. The only way Tyrod is not on this team in 2017 is because of injury or if the Bills think they have a better option at QB. Which they won't.
  3. The op is obviously being facetious. But sure, let's start another thread where we can bash a late round pick who beat the odds and did nothing but praise the city and fans while he was here and continued to do so after he left. Despite all the mouth breathers that wanted his head on a spike for dropping a catch that would have gotten us to a lofty 3-8. How this guy gets everyone so riled up about being anti-clutch yet that incompetent clown Fitzpatrick pretty much gets a pass despite being way worse is interesting to say the least.
  4. His ceiling is quite high. Guy is already the fastest QB in the league. Throws a beautiful deep ball. Isn't a knucklehead. I'd take the risk and sign him rather than take the risk that he ends up costing way more a year down the road or costing too much that we let him go. He didn't grow up watching the Bills and he won't take a hometown discount. And he shouldn't. It's a business and he'll go wherever the money is. It's a QB driven league. You gotta take chances when you think you have your guy.
  5. He probably does suck, but save for gurley, the rams are a black hole for offensive talent.
  6. He is awful. I don't think I've hated a player as much as him (on-field performance only, obviously). He wasn't the worst QB we've had, but he was just a smidge above completely incompetent so they kept this talentless clown on the team for way longer than necessary. How many times did this guy blow games at the end? Yet everyone gives Stevie Johnson more crap for that than Fitzpicksix. Whatever money he makes, he should give 99% of it to Gailey for masking his many shortcomings. If I had to watch one more attempted pass of his slip through his baby hands while he looked around aimlessly for the ball (which usually fell behind him), I might have put a hole through my TV.
  7. Maybe he's done. Maybe he's not. One thing that's true is that the majority of people have been saying this about the guy every year and every year he'd prove he could still play. Not sure what games most of you were watching last year but he wasn't really given much of a chance to run the ball. He still has less career carries than McCoy and at the very least he'd provide some leadership in a dressing room that seems like it really needs it. I'd bring him aboard but with the way things ended for him here, that's obviously not going to happen.
  8. Odds on when 26cb or yolo break the news that triple threat and 3rd and 12 are the same guy with two accounts? Bill from nyc for his thoughts (hopefully he reconsiders his decision), leroi for his inside info (sometimes), weo for the contrarion views, and John from hemet for always pointing out how much he hates me. I'm otherwise anonymous here. Also, honourable mention to Sisyphean bills, bandit, Kirby and some of the other knowledgeable posters here that escape me at the moment.
  9. In this organization? How much time do you have?
  10. Why not both? Seriously though, I'd bring back Fred. They never will. Not after the way he was let go. But it would be a good move. Especially off the field.
  11. Stevie is a unique talent in that those talents aren't quite measurable. He's not especially fast, strong or tall. So of course you're going to have some people saying he's no good because he doesn't fit into one of those three categories. The guy put up three straight 1,000 yard seasons with fitzpicksix as his QB. And then they went from a crap QB to one that was ten times worse with ej. I'd love to see what he could do on this team as a slot receicer, assuming they open up the playbook for Tyrod. And the Watkins trade was a good one in retrospect. Not necessarily because of the value nor the selection (I would have rather taken Mack). But simply because Whaley and co were going to blow the later pick by taking Ebron instead of Beckham.
  12. 1. Scrap Thursday night football and have that game on Saturday night. And throw in a Friday night game too. I know the issue is that those days are reserved for high school and college football, respectively, but I don't care about that. 2. The no mic in a QB's helmet thing should be a no brainer. I don't know why they even have that other than to help the patriots cheat. 3. No such things as late hit penalties. Either make the catch and get hit or don't. 4. Penalizing a QB for throwing the ball away. I know that rule is there to protect the QB but it's just not a football play. 5. Bring back touchdown celebrations. 6. Eliminate the QB kneel play. 7. Adding yardage to the first down marker when penalized close to your own end zone. Theoretically, you can take as many penalties as you want (other than holding in the end zone) at your one yard line and not be penalized. Instead, if you commit a false start at your own one, you move the first down marker to the 16 from the 11. 8. Allow every team into the playoffs this year so we can finally end the drought :s
  13. Woods is a hell of a player. A legitimate starter in this league that has been vastly underused so far. Let's hope that changes this season.
  14. Stevie. The guy just flat out could not be covered one on one by anybody.
  15. So according to you, those that support Goodwin are people that were too afraid to chase their own dreams? That actually makes sense to you? If anything, you'd think it would be the opposite. Anyway, to someone who apparently sees the world in only dollars and cents, it's obvious as to why you're clueless about this whole thing.
  16. Sixteen years of failure have made many Bills fans jaded idiots. And others seem to have just been born that way. Goodwin doesn't owe you or the Bills anything. This isn't North Korea. If he's deemed to not be good enough, he'll be let go. The guy fell just short of a lifelong dream and you have the keyboard gangsters openly mocking him. It would be one thing if he was a known bad seed or a guy that had been caught doing something wrong in his personal life. On the contrary, Goodwin has been close with his wheelchair-bound sister since birth and the Olympic dream was one that he shared with her.
  17. Shaq Lawson (I kid..) A lot of good ones posted already. I was sold on Trent. After the hype with the whole bill Walsh thing, I figured we had stumbled on to something. It was mostly just wishful thinking now that I look back on it.
  18. Fred Jackson by a mile. Easiest guy to root for and he was criminally underappreciated. The super bowl teams may have had better players, but Fred's story is just heartwarming.
  19. The radio show equivalent of watching paint dry.
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