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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Next year's starting QB for the Bills? Tom Brady! It will only cost us a first round pick and our offense will look pretty good for half a season.
  2. I like tyrod but he was awful today. Would never look beyond his first read. Locked on to the receiver. The offense was so predictable anyway, and he made it worse by looking like a complete amateur out there.
  3. First off, I'm not saying he's uncoverable. He's not strong enough to consistently avoid getting jammed. But his speed is unmatched. Not just his top speed, but how quickly he accelerates. You keep coming back with stats. And nobody is arguing his lack of production. But you think he's actually not a talented player, which you need more than stats to justify. I believe he has only had one game where he was the feature receiver and he showed really well (home vs Jets in 2014). Also, the scrub Hogan you are referencing just got a pretty decent deal from Bill Belichick. And a QB like Orton is not going to be able to take advantage of what Goodwin's best at anyway. Hogan's strengths worked better in that offense. The Bills haven't had good QB play here in a long time, and now that we seemingly do, we are running a run-first offense. So it's natural that fans like you think guys like Woods, Goodwin, etc. suck. They're not afforded the same opportunities as players on teams with more advanced offenses.
  4. Is he supposed to throw the ball to himself? Or design plays where he's the primary receiver? The bills haven't exactly had a QB who goes through his reads before throwing the ball since he's been here. Even Orton would get rid of it quick to avoid getting hit. If you watch the game, instead of just quoting boxscores, you'd have a better idea of why people know he's more than just the scrub you paint him out to be.
  5. Ryan Denney showed up at practice today http://www.espn.com/espn/now?nowId=21-0565909774286200416-4
  6. Really hoping they don't break the bank for Gilmore right now. Let the season play out. If Seymour is good enough, he and Darby can hold down the fort. If not, then you sign or tag him. I'd rather they use that money on the front 7 and/or the safety position.
  7. Some fans can't separate Mario the player vs Mario the person. It's as simple as that. He's a moody guy but the coach's job is to get the most out of his players. If Rex really thought he was that bad, he should have sat him. My guess is, that on a lot of this tape where he's not charging full speed ahead is partly rex's scheme to have the DL plug their gaps. Having said that, it's also clear that he wasn't happy with how he was being used and did take plays off. The fault lies with both him and Rex. But if I had to pick one to keep around, I would have sent Rex on the first flight out of town.
  8. Haha I'll never understand why Tasker gets so much hate. He's not that bad of a broadcaster. And he's always been a classy guy since he was here. Bills fans just love to eat their own.
  9. He's just trying to hoodwink some dumb gm listening to his commentary Besides, he didn't say what draft he was referring to. Might be two firsts in the cfl draft
  10. Never saw him play in Minnesota, so I can't speak for his talent, but he was a complete waste here last season. Not sure if that was mostly because of scheme or because he just sucked. But I'm glad he's gone. Useless player taking up way too much cap space.
  11. You think that McCoy is a better receiver than Woods? And I'm the one who's joking? What kind of silliness is this?
  12. I thought this thread was a dig at our Freddie and clicked the link with guns a blazin' Serenity now...
  13. Am I the only one that finds that to be an incredibly stupid comment? A guy broke his leg playing football. Nobody died. Nobody is catatonic. What's with the funeral-type reaction? Calm the eff down. (Insert obligatory Walter Sobchek quote here)
  14. So the curse this whole time was Matthew Coller. Make sure that guy never enters Buffalo again.
  15. I can't believe there are fans from that era that actually like Rob Johnson more than Doug Flutie. Either he has a lot of family members on this board or I was watching football in a parallel universe back then.
  16. I'm surprised no team gave up a second for him if that's all it took. Teams like the pats, panthers, saints who have great QBs but a lack of talent at the receiver position could use this guy to get over the hump. He's a lottery ticket, but well worth the risk for a contending team.
  17. There's also that whole cloud of PED suspicion around him. He won't come back for that alone, assuming he is guilty. Which I think he is.
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