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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Unbelievable how much hate this guy gets here. Y'all need to go back to your piddly jobs.
  2. You've been beating this drum for a while now. For curiosity's sake, list all the QBs you think that are better than him.
  3. https://youtu.be/8EqEUD3jJLE I can watch this all day. I've never seen anyone look this fast on the field before.
  4. Good post. However, I believe Preston brown caused the fumble, not Zach brown
  5. Never even thought of this angle but it makes too much sense. If only the footfather could be half the coach as he is shrewd backstabber.
  6. Step in the right direction. Anyone know anything about Chris Palmer?
  7. The Pegulas have their hearts in the right place. I think their wanting-to-win vs. turning-a-profit ratio is at a level that the fans should be very happy with and one that's already higher than many of the owners out there. Unlike years past, the Bills are in good shape macro-wise. It may take some time but I have faith that they'll get it right eventually.
  8. It boggles the mind how fans don't see this. The last two weeks, the defenses have been committing to stop the run and daring the Bills to pass. FFS, a Ravens defender said as much after the game. The passes are there to be made, but Taylor isn't getting done. Either he's not smart enough to read the defense or he's not accurate enough on the quick strike throws or he's just not allowed to make adjustments at the line at the behest of his coaches. Or maybe a combination of all three. Regardless, the plays are there to be had. Can't blame the o-line or the RBs.
  9. When the blowhard is finally let go, I wonder what his excuses will be. I'm predicting that he will say some really stupid things to deflect blame from himself that will make him enemy #1 among the fanbase. For sure he will throw some players under the bus. Will take veiled shots at Whaley too. Wish they would just get rid of him now instead of wasting everyone's time for the next 14 games.
  10. How can you blame the line? There's only five of them and they have held up well and afforded Taylor time. Defenses are stacking the box with 7 or 8 guys and our idiot coaches keep calling running plays. And our wonderlic wunderkind QB (15/50 for those scoring at home) is either too dumb to audible into a pass play or isn't allowed to. What do you think is going to happen when you run into a brick wall? We support the Bills so we should all be experts on this, metaphorically speaking.
  11. I picture you typing this with a single tear trickling down your cheek and your bottom lip quivering.
  12. Talented and stupid. We've had many players like him before. Staying in bounds at the end of the first half to gain an extra 5 yards might have cost us 4 points. This team is not without talent. But as usual, they don't have the football smarts to compete. And when you have a heaping mess of week old garbage that's been left out in the sun as your coaching staff, it means you lose more often than you win no matter who's on your roster.
  13. shoulda spiked that...just in case it gets reviewed
  14. That just seems ludicrous to me, but I suppose anything's possible. Wasn't there some rumour of him going to Oakland that was debunked by saying someone was planting that misinformation to make him look like he was in demand?
  15. someone started the tailgate a bit early today, i see
  16. well first off, can you get me a job? just so i know how nice i should be in my response
  17. People understand just fine. I think it's you who doesn't get it. The whole gist of the discussion is that the marketing guy isn't just a marketing guy.
  18. Assuning you've got your facts in order, what about after the first nine years then?
  19. Like many, I'm choosing to look at this season as a win-win situation. Playoffs would be ideal, obviously. But if we bomb out, that should mean an end to the Rex Ryan circus. Hopefully.
  20. Just so I know what to tell my doctor, is it still considered bulimia if I need to regurgitate my lunch and come back to read this instead of using the old two-fingers-and-push-down-on-your-tongue method?
  21. Every one of his defenders keeps saying this in one form or another but provides no actual examples of the value he's added to the team. So please enlighten us.
  22. God dammit. That would have been ideal. Who knows how well that could have worked out in a crappy AFC last year.
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