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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. This sounds like a David Caldwell move, not Coughlin. Smart guy. This will be a good hire for them. Marrone will wear out his welcome within two years and Chip Kelly will take over.
  2. Also, I have no respect for a quarterback who can throw a pick six to Chris Kelsay.
  3. Choosing Doug Marrone over Chip Kelly is another reason why the Jacksonville Jaguars are the Jacksonville Jaguars.
  4. His back is held together with rubber bands and paper maché. No thanks.
  5. I'm going to go out on a limb and say he's got more of a handle on his condition than everyone else here. Injuries heal. If he's been cleared by the doctors and feels as though he can come back, how is this anything but great news?
  6. To win in this league, you need two things: players and winning.
  7. 7m is too much for Kyle Williams?? Seriously? That's a bargain for what he brings. Stop being ageist.
  8. Whenever I read posts like yours, I think of this guy: All hail the mighty leader!
  9. I'd be willing to bet it's that Nagy guy, or someone from the Chiefs. Reading between the lines, the fact that a defense-oriented rookie head coach has already hired an o-line coach (Castillo) means they likely have an agreement in place with someone. We'll just have to wait until after KC's annual one-and-done chokefest in the playoffs this Sunday. Assuming this is right, can anyone in the know shed some light on this guy?
  10. lol..but not really lol lets just say that this guy isn't a friend to mother nature fixed
  11. I'm curious as to how people are thinking they came off well here. The guy offers no explanations to the fans about key decisions that we spend hours/days/weeks/months debating here and elsewhere. And sounds like a dismissive ass while doing so. I totally understand that he has no obligation to divulge anything and I suppose many of you are okay with that. But as a fan it would be nice to hear him, however subtly, own up to the Rex disaster (which is 100% on him) or at the very least, not blatantly lie that he has no idea how the Bills came off looking the past few weeks. I'm as thankful as anyone that he kept the Bills in Buffalo, and I don't even live there. But just having a team isn't good enough.
  12. Read the whole piece. TP is giving Whaley a run for his money on who sounds more buffoonish to the media. Luckily his wife isn't as tone deaf as he is. I hate to say it, but it's hard to see this guy building a winning team with how involved he wants to be.
  13. MAJBobby scouting report Pros: committed to the cause will go down with the ship treats his seeing-eye dog really well Cons: doesn't know anything about football
  14. It takes a special kind of stupid to want to move on from Taylor considering: - there's no immediate upgrade in FA, let alone one that would come here - we're not drafting a blue-chipper in round one - he's on a cheap deal (relatively-speaking for QBs) for the next 3 years - we don't have someone waiting in the wings to take over Only in Buffalo could you spend two years developing a QB who's never started a game until he got here, then leads the team to a top 10 offense with practice squad nobodies beyond WR1 for most of the season, then want to let him go because you think he's not good enough. I mean, if you were in New England, or Indianapolis, or Green Bay and you were used to HoF quarterbacking, then I could see how maybe that might make some sense, even if it would still be wrong. But Buffalo?? Honestly, some of you deserve this dogshizz franchise.
  15. to be fair, manuel did next to nothing on that drive fred jackson won that game for the bills
  16. You know what this means...Philip Rivers is a Buffalo Bill next year!
  17. Above all else: "Tyrod Taylor is our starting quarterback for 2017" Unless it's "We just acquired Drew Brees" or "We just traded for Philip Rivers"
  18. Trading for Sammy was a good move, mostly because he was going to eff up the original pick by taking Ebron.
  19. I'd like to officially patent McBurnIt, McDammit, McDrought, McDormant, McKermit (if he has a funny voice), McFu**it, McPuntIt and lastly McDoneIt (for when he takes us to the playoffs).
  20. Other than the way he calls touchdowns, he's actually a really good play by play guy. Listen to some other teams' local callers. They're so amateur. He's no Al Michaels, but we're lucky to have him.
  21. When you're a heartthrob like John Murphy, you can get away with being boring.
  22. In Philly, he took over a 4-12 team and went 10-6 two years in a row. Then went 6-9 in his last year and got booted. He's not liked among 'old football' and as such the narrative is created that he's been figured out. It's nonsense. His defense is what did him in with the Eagles. The numbers show it. His QBs there? Vick, Foles, Sanchez, Bradford. As I said before, he's a classic buy-low candidate right now. Probably the only time he'd even consider Buffalo. He's a good offensive mind. A smarter team than us will hire him. Chip Kelly to run the offense, and Wade or Schwartz for the defense. They can flip a coin for the head coach title for all I care.
  23. He seems almost too nice. "Hey Jerry, if you don't mind, could you please think about not taking a personal foul penalty on this next drive? I know you said it's an emotional game and the refs hate you, and I believe you, but just see if you can maybe just tone it down a pinch. If not a pinch, a smidgen." - Frank Reich "Thanks coach..I'll pass your message along to him" - Kyle Williams
  24. I know it's now fashionable to say that he sucks and his style won't work in the NFL because the league has caught on, but look at that laughable roster in San Fran. They would be in tough to win in the CFL. I'm giving him a pass for this year. He had two good years then made some mistakes in Philly in his last year, but Nick Foles of all people had a 27:2 TD/INT ratio with him. If we can procure a solid defensive coordinator like Wade or Schwartz, it could be the perfect mix. He's a classic buy-low target and I think he could work really well with Tyrod. Him and Shady would have to make amends of course. Give me Chip. No more half-measures with these lame candidates they're interviewing. It'll work out better than we all could hope or he'll flame out. At least it won't be the same old 6-10 to 8-8 purgatory we've been in.
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