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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Thanks for the write-up. So even if Taylor et al play mistake-free ball, he would have topped out at just over 200 yards. Yet people think he's not any good because he's not throwing for 300+. That's just not the way this offense is meant to operate. I bet if you did this type of analysis for the other QBs out there, you'd find every single one of them makes multiple mistakes in almost every game. Tyrod is unconventional, but he's good. The Bills can win with him if they don't force him to be a pocket passer. They need to think outside the box and cater to his skills. The guy makes incredible plays when a set play breaks down. He's dangerous when he has to improvise. They need to hone that skill, not discourage it.
  2. Thank you! I thought I was the only one who noticed that. Really hope they let this guy walk in the off-season. He has his moments, but he's way too inconsistent and wimps out far too often. Don't get the love he gets by some fans.
  3. Anyone surprised that one blowhard idiot supports another?
  4. Good player. Overrated by many here though. Darby's better.
  5. Feel bad for the guy. Must suck knowing that you're more talented than OBJ and anyone else from that draft class, for that matter, and among the more talented players in the league but you just can't catch a break. Crappy QBs, crappy coaches/gameplans, injuries. Not to mention the idiotic fans who think a player is soft for getting injured. Like he'd rather be sitting at home playing PlayStation than being out on the field.
  6. I still maintain that this is the kind of guy you take a chance on. It's just alcohol and weed. Probably does less of it than most people on this board. Get the guy and hope he matures. Woods and Goodwin are likely gone this off-season. A healthy Watkins and Gordon would be the best 1-2 punch in the league next season.
  7. We're allowed to think Rex is an unfunny jackass and a crap coach without thinking that lame stunt will affect Sunday's result, right? Because that's kind of where I am.
  8. hey, aren't you that guy who threw four touchdowns that one game for polk high?
  9. I'd love it if they brought back Freddie. KW only if he's in shape.
  10. They're not afraid? Not including the last 8 losses, we're 2-0 against them the last five years. Undefeated!
  11. The serious replies in this thread have provided me with a hearty chuckle. Slow clap for 4merper4mer. Well done, sir.
  12. I wonder if T.O. would give the key to the city back. I think that might be all we need to make him jump ship.
  13. He's proving again that he's ten years ahead of anyone else in the league. We are never going to win as long as he's on the other side. This team has been all him all these years. Brady is just a cog. Give him whatever he wants. Part ownership, jobs for his kids. Whatever. I can honestly say that if I could choose any one guy to work for the bills, it'd be him. Over any current QB or whoever. Yes we all hate him. But he's the best.
  14. I can see how being profiled as a curmudgeonly old white guy could be fun. At least you got to live to laugh about it.
  15. That is something only someone who has never been profiled would say. Like I said, I'm pretty sure you're a white guy so you're speaking from a place of ignorance at best. Watch some police videos that haven't been "accidentally" erased and you might get a small idea of what's going on. Who are you and why are you talking to me?
  16. Because most of the country is a racist sh**pile is the short answer.
  17. Of course they should. You don't believe that?!? The whole issue is that they're not being held to the same standard. What's confusing about this?
  18. Lol...what?? How do you infer that? I'm going to guess that you, also, are not black.
  19. I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and guess that you're not black.
  20. Funchess Isaiah crowell Rodgers Ezekiel Robinson Evans ... Dammit. Just fire Rex Ryan.
  21. Honest question with no intention of slighting you...but why do you post here if you're not a bills fan? Again, I have no issue with it and it probably makes this place better to have outside viewpoints. I'm just curious.
  22. What you have is a hungrier player than McCoy. Trade Shady while he still has some value. He's not going to make the difference in whether the Bills make the playoffs this year or not. Gillislee is more than adequate and has actually shown better than McCoy at times.
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