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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Aaaand it's a touchdown! Touchdown mccoy! Touchdown buffalo! It's not over yet folks...the bills cut the lead to 45-6 with more than half the 4th quarter to go....and now a word from our sponsor cellino and barnes
  2. No Shady, per schefter Not to worry, we're gonna win 4-0 Two safeties for dareus and all is forgiven
  3. So if my math is correct, we now have zero safeties who don't suck. And yes, I include Corey Graham in that group. Even though he sucks just a bit less than the other jobbers. Would be nice if they re-signed baccari rambo. What's that you say? He signed with someone? When? This week? Damn. Bad luck. With who? Don't say Miami...don't say Miami... Just wonderful...
  4. I suggest you re-watch that last drive against the Panthers. His completions were dumpoffs (mostly to Freddie, one of which he had to purposely drop to stop the clock) and the blown coverage lob to Stevie who was wide open, but would never have been successful if he was covered. He also threw an unnecessary bullet at CJ who was less than ten yards in front of him that bounced right off him and should have been picked. He had a decent scramble on the penultimate play of that drive. Other than that, he sucked. And has always sucked. And likely always will. Fred Jackson won that game for the Bills, not EJ.
  5. Huh? What did he say wrong? Kraft is the douche in this story.
  6. You might be right, but everyone figured they'd get crushed against the Cardinals too.
  7. Who is better than Duke Williams. And Jonathan Meeks. And Robert Blanton. We have a dire need at the safety position. Should not have let him go in the first place. But even then, we should have brought him back ages ago.
  8. Real interesting dude. That line at the end...brilliant
  9. I think you're missing the point. The OP's question is whether Taylor is a clutch QB. Not whether he should have had to have been one today.
  10. My theory on his ineffectiveness is that it is due to the fact that he sucks
  11. He is the one who injured Jimmy G. Closed on him so rapidly on that play. Tyrod's obviously much more fleet, but he better be careful. Kiko looks like he's regained some of that quickness.
  12. I think you're moving away from the point. It isn't that there hasn't been worse said out there. I've seen a lot worse said to and about minorities at a Bills game. Point is that this guy who is from a reputable enough news outlet made the whole thing up. He should have been harshly disciplined, if not fired on the spot. But Peter King is a spineless weasel. edit: yes, the above bolded part was the reasoning
  13. Never mind that, the game was tied 0-0 for a bit at the beginning. Wake up, Bills.
  14. Not sure if this has been posted here, but this hack Klemko was in Buffalo for the game on Sunday and reported hearing someone say "tackle the muslim" before a girl tackled a kaepernick dummy during the tailgating festivities. Problem for him is that there was video and nothing of the sort was said. And he has since deleted some tweets but is still sticking by his story, making this girl (and Bills fans by extension) look bad. And that fat walrus Peter King is sticking by his guy, regardless of the truth (https://twitter.com/SI_PeterKing/status/788196308855189504) The girl wrote an open letter to Klemko and it's worth the read. https://medium.com/@alexisdent/an-open-letter-to-robert-klemko-and-the-mmqb-team-bffff845a1a6#.blwxijvb3
  15. It's weird that you think that. First off, I don't ever see him bailing out because of a fear of getting hit. If anything, he does the opposite. Secondly, you say it as it's a bad thing if he were to do it. I'd be happy if he gave up on a play in a week 5 game in the middle of the first quarter instead of taking an unnecessary collision. If he gets injured, the Bills season is done. How do you feel when you see guys like Rivers and Manning throw the ball into the ground and ending a play to avoid contact?
  16. Nice observation. Look at Glenn almost getting his leg torn to shreds too. It is such a dangerous sport. This is why I'll never say any football player is a wimp. It takes guts to go out there knowing you are a microsecond away from a serious injury.
  17. As much as I hate him, there is a case to be made that he is the best QB in the game right now. Especially after how Rodgers has looked so far. So ya, this is a huge blow for them. Figures it had to happen right before they play NE.
  18. ouch didn't even think of that eff you duke williams
  19. I thought the refs were fair. Missed calls on both sides. On a key third down sack, we had a facemask on Kaepernick that would have gave them a big first down. Gene Steratore is probably the best ref out there.
  20. Play the Canadian anthem instead. We make up a big part of the fanbase and want to be recognized. Btw, thanks for Auston Matthews, America.
  21. Your parents at the top of the list, for that matter.
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