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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Haha..nicely played. He's been invisible so far. I suppose he gets a pass this season though.
  2. Our conference record sucks. We need as many head to head tiebreaker scenarios to go our way. Beating the raiders matters much less if they win their division. Much more if they are a wild card contender.
  3. We need the Texans to win. So of course everything is going against them. A higher power just hates the Bills.
  4. You really don't see how stupid you sound saying that you would call a complete stranger a pu$$y because he got hurt playing a game for a team that you cheer for? You're embarrassing yourself here.
  5. Texans all the way. The only team we play from the West is Oakland. Beat them, and you have the tiebreaker. Hopefully one of Denver or KC gets hot and runs away with the division and the other two teams collapse.
  6. Watkins needs to play this week, even if he's limited. He can't go in to that vital Raiders game completely cold.
  7. Leodis was dominant yesterday. Didn't hear his name called once. Dalton was likely terrified of throwing to his side.
  8. I wish the Bills were as tough as you. We'd be 10-0 right now. I bet you could beat up everyone on here. Probably all at the same time too. In fact, why are you wasting your time on here? Please go to OBD tomorrow and help this team out. We need some toughness at WR. And we can then cut Sammy so he can go back to his true passion: knitting sweaters.
  9. The Bills need him out there badly. This group of receivers, now that Woods is out too, has to be the weakest in the league.
  10. No idea how he's not tearing it up out there with all that hall of fame talent at WR. Tate, Goodwin, Hunter, Harvin...watch out!
  11. Rodgers is a prick. Always has been. Just listen to his post game comments from a couple of weeks ago calling out his teammates. Having said that, there's not one elite QB from the last 15 years who isn't/wasn't. Unless you consider Eli or Flacco elite.
  12. It's not a popular opinion around here, but I think we have our QB. Let Tyrod grow. He's still relatively inexperienced as a starter.
  13. Bills will go 8-8 at best and Rex will be back, because the Pegulas are well-intentioned, but clueless.
  14. What makes you say that? Like many others here (you included, I assume), I watch every snap of every game. And I've seen Darby get beat by perfect throws and catches for the most part. Sure he's had his hiccups, but nothing like Gilmore, who has seemed to have lost whatever ball skills he had in the past. He's been bad at tackling and taken some costly penalties.
  15. I don't think they should bench either of them, to be honest. You need to play your best players. Just saying that if one of them had to be, it should be Gilmore. The real problem in the secondary is the atrocious play of the safeties. They are constantly out of position. Not sure if that's a coaching issue to go along with the lack of talent back there, but I'm sure that's part of it. Darby is a gamer. He's not been nearly as lost as Gilmore out there. I can envision a scenario where player-friendly Rex sees this but would rather let Gilmore play so he can get his big contract, team be damned.
  16. How is Darby being benched before Gilmore? They've both given up big plays (still think Gilmore has given up more) but you still see the hustle and compete from Darby. If this is true, which I don't think it is, Rex is an even bigger idiot than I thought.
  17. Team dominating the patriots was dominated by us last week. In a losing cause. I hate football.
  18. Not necessarily a bad thing that Denver or kc won. Sucks that they both did. We need one of them to win the division, not Oakland. We only play the raiders and winning that game gives us an edge that we wouldn't have over the other two teams. Just have to hope the Bills get hot and everything comes together. We're almost surely not going to the postseason but the Monday nighter gave me the slightest bit of hope that maybe the team is finally gelling. If this team had any decent safeties on the roster, we would have won at least two more games if not more. That has been the difference, in my opinion.
  19. Not much you can do when you have Robert Blanton starting. The guy is just plain awful. Weakest starter on the team. Worse than Mills.
  20. He's not conventional. That's why people have trouble seeing him as a potential franchise QB. But that's just small-minded thinking. If used correctly, with some outside-the-box playcalling, he can surely be a franchise QB, albeit a unique one. I know he was in the league for four years before he got here, but this really is just his second year playing. His cap hit is very manageable the next two seasons. I think the Bills would be insane not to keep him.
  21. Right. And did you watch the game? What was Taylor supposed to do? Groy is awful. Mills was a turnstile. And there were some egregious calls that were ignored. It's just as stupid to blame the QB every time you lose a game as it is to heap praise on him anytime you win. It's a team game and Taylor did his part and thensome last night.
  22. I freaked out seeing that at first too, but apparently that's a legal play if the QB is out of the pocket. Which Tyrod was. Having said that, this ref crew was awful.
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