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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. He may be better than Rex, but evaluating a coach simply by his record is equal parts lazy and dumb. Switch divisions and you'd likely be singing a different tune. And our jackass of a coach can't realign the divisions the way he does his pants after crapping them game after game.
  2. Dude, take the L and live to fight another day.
  3. If you have to pick one, the bulk of the blame goes to the defense, in my opinion. Being "gassed" shouldn't be an excuse unless its late in a game and you've been getting beat like a drum all day. That sequence after our last TD was inexcusable. As for the offense, Taylor sucked in the second half, no doubt. But he got no help from his coaches/receivers. Three and outs happen. Especially when you are calling back to back wildcat plays against a stacked box. Especially when you bring in your backup QB who everyone knows will not throw the ball. Especially when you have your only good receiver, who's already playing injured, running the wrong routes or not even knowing what to do and just stopping after the ball is snapped. They were completely disorganized in all three phases, and that begins and ends with coaching. This team is just a sloppy mess. Rex and his band of merry men need to be shown the door right after the Jets game.
  4. Jesus. First off, Jauron never got to 8 wins here. He's not as bad as he's made out to be, granted. But you can't seriously believe he was a better coach than Harbaugh. That's just asinine. Harbaugh wins. That's all anyone should want in a coach.
  5. The guy was a pubic hair away from winning the super bowl with colin f'n kaepernick as his qb...what are you talking about?
  6. First, beg belichick to come. Offer him whatever he wants. When he laughs in their face, immediately call Jim Harbaugh and do the same.
  7. haha...nicely played ihedigbo didn't embarrass himself out there on sunday...i was pleasantly surprised...hopefully they give him some more playing time meeks, blanton and duke must have been bringing leftovers for rex and rob throughout the week...can't see any other reason they were anywhere near a football field
  8. Huh? Didn't that just happen the last two weeks?
  9. get a dictionary and look up the words 'hope' and 'expectation' and note the difference
  10. That was a continuation of the idea that if he was good at doing the things everyone seems to agree he's not good at. Obviously not as his current self.
  11. If Tyrod could do all the things everyone is clamoring for him to do, he'd be the perfect QB and wouldn't have been sitting behind Flacco in Baltimore. He might very well be on his way to the Hall of Fame. But, he has those limitations and we have to live with it. Having said that, here are a few truths that his detractors fail to see or acknowledge: 1. ALL QBS MISS OPEN RECEIVERS!! We only see the all-22 of our own guy. Not that Alex Smith is the gold standard, but he missed a wide open guy who could have walked into the endzone last night. It happens to everyone. 2. They are scoring points. This is always getting overlooked. Maybe they just need a big 45 point outing to get some more credit for that. 3. The Bills are a running offense by design and he's a big part of that. He's not supposed to get to 300 yards passing. 4. Jacksonville is actually a pretty decent defense and the o-line was awful in the first half. 5. Tyrod is unconventional. He doesn't fit the mold of the regular franchise QB. Guys like him can be though, but run into problems with injuries. It will take some creative coaching and some luck with him not getting hurt, but he can be a guy to build around. Ok, this is more of an opinion that truth, but still..
  12. Oakland is this year's paper tiger. They're not as good as the media is making them out to be. Barely got by a struggling and banged up Panthers team and needed a couple of awful spots by the refs to beat Houston last week. It will be tough as the secondary will have to have the game of the season, but I'm calling the upset. I'm not a Rex fan but this is the kind of game that he'll have them ready for. Also, the Raiders have a big Thursday nighter against the Chiefs after us.
  13. No, but I'm thinking he didn't want her to get high alone. He's loyal and living like that. Bummer. Guy was pretty good for us last year.
  14. Your employer's worst nightmare is up again for this year... http://www.espn.com/nfl/playoffs/machine edit: it's a bit buggy right now
  15. Get him in there this week, even if just as a decoy. Need him to be somewhat in the swing of things for that huge Oakland game.
  16. No way that Dareus would confuse "your" and "you're". He's a college grad. Definitely hacked.
  17. Better defense? Can't say I watch every raiders game but from the few I've seen, no way I'd concede that. As for receivers, they have the benefit of health. But a healthy Watkins is easily better than anyone they have.
  18. BS. You play to win. Complete that and the game is pretty much over. Run it for a couple against a stacked box and the Bengals still get the ball back, albeit with a bit less time. Funny thing is, if they ran it and didn't get the first down, you'd have the same people complaining that they have no balls and should have gone for the jugular. Having said that, the defensive calls on the last cincy drive was way too conservative. Shouldn't have even gotten to a jump ball situation.
  19. Granted it wasn't a legitimate home game for the Raiders, but I think the Bills can and will beat that team in Oakland in a couple of weeks.
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