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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. He's started 29 games in this league (28, technically). Two seasons into his playing career, really. Of course there have been growing pains. He hasn't been perfect. He's missed open receivers. But he also just QB'd an offense that was scoring at a rate comparable to the Super Bowl teams, with the only star receiver either injured or hobbled for the whole season. It would be quintessential Bills to unknowingly develop a solid QB and then let him go while he's on a manageable contract and watch him flourish somewhere else.
  2. Looks like Whaley wants a fellow brother as coach. McDermott/Reich are the reverse Rooney candidates..
  3. They're fans who have money and bought the team. They're doing the same thing any of us on this board would be doing. For better or worse.
  4. saints is right...beat the giants in 2003 one more..
  5. we just beat them last year! there are two more
  6. Thanks for saving the team. Now get out of the f'n way. This is ridiculous. They should have zero say in hiring the coach if they knew what was good for them.
  7. Agreed 100%. Great blocker and plays with an edge too. With a more pass-oriented offense, he would have been beloved here.
  8. Name the teams we have not beaten during the drought.
  9. Hold on...you thought EJ was better than Tyrod up until yesterday?? Yikes.. No stone-throwing here though...I thought Justin Rogers had potential until his last year here.
  10. Ouch. Not my proudest 'lol'. Nicely done. Stephen Hawking approves this message.
  11. I did. So did my dog. And she's been on IR since week 3.
  12. A lot of teams can say that. The league is full of teams a game or two around .500 Reality is, we're picking 10th. So 22 teams finished ahead of us. Every team had a few games they feel they should have won if not for a missed call, a dropped pass or a dumb coaching decision. You can say we're close. And if the goal is a first-round exit in the wild card game, then maybe we are. But so what? This team needs some smart people in the front office with a clear, unified vision towards sustained success. It sucks when some people who post on this message board are smarter than the clowns that have gone through OBD.
  13. I want to like Whaley. But I keep coming back to the fact that he was going to take Ebron over OBJ or Aaron Donald if he hadn't overpaid for Watkins. That would have really sucked.
  14. Wade coaching defense, Lynn coaching offense. Flip a coin before the season begins to see who gets to be head coach.
  15. Has he ever had a QB to work with? I always wondered how much better his offenses could have been with any talent behind center.
  16. The players have talent. The coach's job is to get the most out of that talent. The coach failed at that miserably and was justly fired. Eff you Rex. If I wasn't a Bills fan, I'd laugh at the irony of him getting fired because of the foot of Dan Carpenter.
  17. Agree with the OP. I'd love a playoff game as much as anyone after all this time. But don't lose site of the real goal. Unfortunately, Whaley's in job-saving mode and his goal is to make the playoffs alone. Anything more and it's a bonus. Which sucks.
  18. And people should care about what Bart Scott says why? His biggest achievement is somehow getting a broadcasting job while barely being able to speak English. Dareus played well this year. Obviously he was a tool in the offseason. But I don't think he's necessarily speaking for himself here. Probably just being the voice for teammates of his who don't have his job security.
  19. Accountability: The ability to account
  20. I'm guessing you and the drought baby are in the same high school class. Stay positive, grasshopper. In a few years, you'll be like the rest of us.
  21. Excellent. I hope more of them felt that way. Shows that there are players here who want to win more than they want a country club. Sammy being one.
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