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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. That 56-10 shellacking we gave the Patriots in 2007 on the only Sunday Night Football game the Bills have had since it became the marquee game of the week. It was freezing cold and we scored on every possession until garbage time. The league was so embarrassed they've never scheduled us there again.
  2. - got rid of pretty much every other coach but kept Crossman - stated his view on the game is "run and stop the run" - didn't pick up Sammy's option I don't want to call him McDumbass just yet, but it's trending that way
  3. I imagine if Tyrod was about 4 inches taller, a few pounds heavier and white, we'd see a lot less of these "he just doesn't pass the eye test" nonsensical posts. He's good. An unbiased observer can see it, and the numbers support it.
  4. Elliotte Friedman is one of the most respected media members in the hockey world. It's highly likely what he's saying is the truth. Luckily I don't give a crap about the Sabres, but my guess is he still has his tentacles involved with the Bills' on-field product in some fashion as well. The ass-kissing used-car salesman needs to go, but he won't.
  5. Last time I checked, we're on a one game winning streak against them (not counting the last game). Now who's laughing?
  6. Can't lie, as douchey as it sounded, I laughed pretty hard at the Kiko part.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVcGDadsoY8
  7. Cannon-armed Ryan Fitzpatrick threw a 99 yard touchdown to Terrell Owens. Don't forget about that!
  8. i think pick 149 is round 5 so we gave up our second third rounder (pick 91) and pick 44 for zay jones and pick 149 in round 5
  9. The fact he kept Crossman right off the get-go gives me pause. Willing to give him a chance, as I would with any coach, but that is a red flag in my opinion.
  10. Can't stand that meathead. He'll be the first guy to become to smarter after getting CTE.
  11. Meanwhile, Belichick et al visit the White House today to spew all that "Patriot's way" bullsh**
  12. Hard to say where he ranks in terms of competence but he's definitely the funniest, albeit unintentionally. "To win in this league, you need two things: players and winning" Whenever I'm having a bad day, I think about that quote and all is right with the world again.
  13. As stated by others, to each their own, but I feel as though you have one team, a few that you hate, and the rest you don't care about either way.
  14. McCoy: great player.....also a total douche
  15. I'm Canadian and more important than all of you. So, H: essentially important ;-)
  16. Look at poor Nelson up top..haha It's weird though, I thought only Tyrod missed guys running down the field completely wide open.
  17. Worst player is debatable. Worst pick isn't. It's Losman. Donahoe wasn't aggressive enough in his desire for Roethlisberger. He could have and should have traded up. So he doubled down on a crap QB in Losman. Which cost us Rodgers in the next draft. I try not to think about this too much as I believe this is how alcoholism starts.
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