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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. What does that even mean? What do you expect him to do with pathetic pass protection like that? That was a 4 man rush and one guy got there almost unblocked.
  2. That quote sounds really silly, but I think we know what he meant. The plan was to keep it close and play the field position game. And that Tyrod did that by not turning the ball over. It was an awful gameplan in the "play not to lose" spirit. That's on coaching, not the players.
  3. Or, he could have just started Peterman from the outset, seeing as he's the coach. Thank you! This practice is so annoying.
  4. Humber is hot garbage. Two first downs are directly his fault already.
  5. So this is the thread where the intelligent posters dwell now. Good to see. The percentage of quality posts and posters on this board went downhill around the same time BBMB shut down. Maybe just a coincidence. So it's been refreshing to read through this. Thanks OP. Agree with most that there were a lot of good signs with the passing game on Sunday. Would still like that threat of the deep ball just to keep the defenses honest. We'll see how they handle that going forward.
  6. What if that sentence is "Kyle Williams and overrated should not be used in the same sentence ever again"?
  7. True. My apologies OP. Having said that, I disagree with your assessment of his play. I think he was solid. Not spectacular though.
  8. Yup. And while they're at it, sign Brady, Rodgers, Watt and Mack
  9. No way. Give that money to the billionaire owners instead. They deserve it. Look at what Pegula the fracking genius has done for mother earth. What a saint!
  10. Naw..it's probably just that dareus sucks
  11. Lol William Wallace is seven feet tall. And if he were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes. And bolts of lightning from his arse.
  12. As did I. Third row behind the bench. He was excellent at covering his gaps. Took up two blockers almost every snap. Not saying he couldn't play better, but he's so talented that he's really great even when he's on cruise control. You'll never win the name-calling game against me you mouth-breather, so don't bother. But do yourself a favour and rewatch the game and speak with someone who knows football before you post.
  13. He didn't get 4 sacks today. When you make that kind of money, you better get at least 50 sacks in a year or you're overpaid. Cletus from Tonawanda can do your job for $11/hour. Get with it.
  14. No TD passes, no TD receptions. What are we paying this guy for? OP, one other thing...STFU and watch the game
  15. DRAFT BIAS is what keeps Gilmore relevant. He should be good because of where he was drafted. Truthfully, he's average at best. Lol
  16. The Ragland trade was for a pick in 2019, you goof. I'm guessing you didn't know that. Meaning it'd be best for the Bills if he wasn't a factor for the next two years, not just this season. Now go back to playing with your legos with your helmet on and let the adults converse.
  17. Simmer down, champ. You're also a Bills fan so you're at least as dumb as me, if not dumber. I also hope he has great career. Starting in 2019.
  18. Because the Bills are a disease that you can't get rid of. Eff this team, eff their management and all the stupid decisions they have made recently and will continue to make. But I'll watch every snap again this season wishing they somehow catch lightning in a bottle. Spoiler alert: they won't
  19. This would be awesome if true. Hope you're right about this OP.
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