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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Only one team gets a bye this season so the last game could matter.
  2. OP..are the Bills winning the super bowl this year? Please say no.
  3. The more primetime games, the better. Love seeing the Bills at night with the best announcers in front of a massive audience. Or dread. It's love or dread.
  4. They're going 2-14. We're going 14-2. But those two losses will be against them. Seriously though, as others have posted, coaching matters in the NFL. Belichick is the best to ever do it and is still there. Brady wasn't good last year and they still won the division easily. He has never needed a star studded roster to have success. So yes, they are still the team to beat in the division.
  5. The most overrated QB I've ever seen. And this is potentially just another sign he's a garbage person too. But he's America's wet dream so he gets a pass for everything.
  6. I think the one spot the team should most be worried about is cb2. Levi was downright awful at times last year, consistently getting picked on. The pass defense was significantly better with Kevin Johnson. Norman is old and Gaines is a walking injury report. McDermott has shown he can coach the secondary up but I'd feel much more comfortable had they kept Johnson and dropped Levi.
  7. Other than the Brady pick in New England, I can't remember one play Schobel ever made for the Bills. How he managed to get all those sacks yet still remain invisible is impressive. Also, he seemed permanently ornery.
  8. All others pale in comparison to this:
  9. I know it's not Tolbert. But it feels like it should be. Bonus question: also Tolbert ?
  10. Isn't this the gas mask guy? Amazing how some of the dumbest people out there are making this much money. Good for him though.
  11. An OJ chant in Buffalo would definitely be something..
  12. Rumours of Beckham to Minnesota for a second and fifth
  13. I think the bils should have gotten any of the following before digs Julio Johns Deirdre Hawkins Devonshire Adams Odell Bachman the second Tyrone Hill Jerry Rees
  14. Cris Collinsworth is the best colour guy in football. Only pompom-waving homers don't see that. But he's also a total creep..
  15. He deserved jail time for that stupid TD dance of his.
  16. Ramsey was much more of a name while in Jacksonville than he has been in LA. He was barely mentioned this year for anything other than the stupid price the Rams paid to get him. So his argument makes no sense.
  17. It's this guy's fault we lost. I don't know how but it just is.
  18. Don't lie Bobby hooks. You read beyond that. It's not nice to lie. My "uniformed" opinion has a big T on it for truth.
  19. I agree with that. This place tore down Stevie and he was nothing but awesome to the fans (and remains so to this day). And for what it's worth, Diggs was great with the fans in Minnesota too, apparently. Just hoping the immaturity he displayed last season doesn't repeat itself here or you'll end up being right.
  20. Nobody is saying that he isn't a great talent or that he doesn't perform when he's out there. But skipping practice and calling out your teammates/organization on social media can be defined at the very least as "issues" if you take the blinders off. I imagine you might feel different if he was traded somewhere else. You can be excited about the trade while also looking at his recent history objectively.
  21. But I already did. You actually read my comment and replied to it too. This rule of yours should have been declared at the outset so the rest of us plebs could have known how to best act.
  22. I didn't read the article, but I imagine it mirrors what's been said about all diva wide receivers at some point. "The guy only acts like a dick because he's super competitive". Blah blah blah.. Truth is, Diggs has been a head case on more than one occasion recently. If the Bills can control that, then I'm sure we'll all consider this a great trade. If he continues to B word and moan, giving up a first round pick for him won't be looked upon so fondly. Having said that, he's a great talent and depending on Allen's progression, could catapult the offense into making the Bills a legit contender.
  23. His missed block in OT against Houston was a killer and pretty much cost the Bills the game. Two other guys walked right by too but that was Knox's man. Having said that, this guy has the potential to be a superstar from some of the things we saw last year. All the talent in the world.
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