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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. I've been a big fan of his since his rookie year. Guy is super talented as a receiver, even with the odd drop. Would be a mistake to let him leave.
  2. Any true diehard bills fan is likely still really angry/sad about those last 13 seconds and some feel the need to vent here with like minded fans. What's the big deal? The "get over it, it's just a game" people just don't get it and they never will. Best to ignore them. The one solace is that when we finally do win it all, it won't feel nearly as good to them as it does to us.
  3. Can't predict the future of course, but imo McDermott basically stole a Super Bowl from Buffalo with those decisions at the end of regulation. You couldn't have coached that worse if you had money riding on the other team. And then his flippant attitude about it after the fact? Honestly F that guy. From what McKenzie and Edmunds were quoted saying, I'd be surprised if he's even liked in the locker room. Really wish Beane had canned his dumb ass and promoted Daboll.
  4. The Bills gave enough talent. Adding BPA in the draft is the way to go. But the cold truth is that this team's biggest weakness and hindrance to success is McDermott's in game, situational coaching. Until that gets sorted out, it really doesn't matter who they add. He's always going to be getting in the way.
  5. Five years from now Bills fans will wish they had fired McDumbass along with his idiot DC and promoted Daboll to head coach.
  6. Better team? Possibly. But you didn't need a mistake from them at the end of the game. There were 13 seconds left. Drop all 11 into coverage to blanket their 5 receiving options. It would have been next to impossible to get into field goal range at that point. The coaches weren't prepared. Blew the game and potentially a super bowl championship.
  7. This team doesn't need to spend any more money on skill positions. The cost/benefit doesn't add up. As much as everyone hates to hear it, they need to pour more resources, draft and dollars, into fixing the defense. If you can't find an elite edge rusher, get a big interior matchup nightmare to free Ed Oliver from double teams. Get a new MLB with instincts and for the love of God, fire Levi Wallace into the sun and get a competent cb2.
  8. True. My apologies op. Feeling extra ornery today. I'll delete.
  9. 1. McDermott is Dick Jauron with an elite QB. We will never win the big one with him as coach. 2. The coaches were worried about giving up a touchdown in the last 13 seconds. Seriously, that's how chicken s**t their mentality is. They were content giving up the fg and taking it to ot when all they had to do was drop all 11 into coverage and the game was over. 3. Josh is the best QB in the league 4. Levi Wallace is terrible and has been terrible since he got here. He's a true blind spot for McDermott on this roster. 5. The Bills win easily if they don't try to establish the run in the middle of the game.
  10. Her name's Pegula too? And she's a Bills fan? What a coincidence!
  11. I was at this game and I can tell you that if Allen ever made some of the throws Mahomes made, he'd never hear the end of it. The guy was missing wide open receivers ten yards away. Not sure if the Bills defense rattled him but he looked average at best.
  12. That team is loathsome scum. Andy Reid's son probably wouldn't even have gotten pushed out for what he did if it wasn't for public pressure.
  13. Levi Wallace is the weak link on the defense and will get picked on this Sunday as he always does. Really wish Beane had upgraded cb2 last year. I think the coaches do recognize this though and I have confidence they will plan around it.
  14. Reading through these responses..I'm going to forever regret not going to this game. Sounds like a unique experience that won't ever be replicated. Everything just aligned perfectly. Happy for those of you who got to experience it.
  15. Ideal revenge scenario is beating KC, beating Tennessee in Nashville, beating either Tampa or Dallas in the super bowl. This team has the talent to do it.
  16. First of all, kudos to you for braving the elements. You certainly were rewarded. I'm sure I'm not alone in now regretting not going. How was the experience? Was it as cold and uncomfortable as had been forewarned? How many empty seats? For all the talk of the game not selling out, it sure looked like a full house from the broadcast. Any other interesting tidbits? And yes, I'm trying to get "The Perfect Game" to become a thing.
  17. No punt attempts. No field goal attempts. No turnovers. And perhaps most impressively, not even a single 4th down attempt. This was, by efficiency measures, the greatest performance by an offense in NFL history. Regardless of what happens next week (and hopefully beyond) this game will be remembered for years to come. Did they even have a 3rd and long??
  18. Shouldn't have let Moorman leave the building without a contract last week.
  19. As counter intuitive as it sounds, I'd rather this iteration of the Bills play the Titans on the road than at home in late January.
  20. He would be electric with a creative OC who knew how to use him. Not sure Daboll is that guy, assuming he's even here next season.
  21. Plot twist..OP had two pairs of socks on a la Jim Carrey's gloves in Dumb and Dumber.
  22. Hyde did last year in the playoff game against the Colts. Wasn't for field position but it was a hail mary at the end of the game
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