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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Ya but real winners post messages in those threads criticizing why it exists. You're a real one, pal. Take your victory lap.
  2. He's on a twitter roll right now calling out Diggs and Allen and even took a shot at the Damar Hamlin situation. I legit hate this guy and that team more than any other team right now. With this clown and Burrow's arrogance, I say the hell with all the goodwill from the past. I hope (gulp) KC crushes them. Don't see that happening though, unfortunately. https://mobile.twitter.com/EliApple/with_replies
  3. Sticking with the hockey theme, it dawned on me that this Bills team is kind of like the Leafs in all the wrong ways. Talented and likable, but soft and not able to step up when the games count. They both need a little sandpaper on their rosters. I unabashedly cheer for both and think I should seek therapy at this point.
  4. Maria Taylor is oddly masculine.
  5. I certainly hope so. Does CBS have another game this weekend to switch with? Fingers crossed. It's been too long since we've been able to experience the eargasms that only the legendary Spero Dedes and Solomon Wilcotts can provide.
  6. I have my doubts we were winning that Monday night game against Cincy so we might have gotten lucky too.
  7. Not a popular take, I'm sure, but I would prefer the Bills go into KC rather than play a neutral site game. We've beaten them 2 out of 3 times there and for that 3rd one, well..you know. Would also love to go into Cincy the week before and beat them there too. Just to avoid any kind of doubt who the actual best team in the league is. If that means losing this week, then so be it.
  8. There's no way he'd come back if there was a risk he could make it worse. Not only would he not risk it, but there's no way the team doctors would let him. There's too much money involved in the sport now. He wants to make it and the Bills don't want to be sued and give it up. All this "I hope he doesn't play because I care about him" stuff is ridiculous. If he thinks he can play and the doctors clear him, more power to the guy. We certainly could use him.
  9. I thought they were chanting "we want Flacco"
  10. Haven't gone through this thread and I'm sure this has been stated 20x already, but how tf did we lose to this team??
  11. You mean other than that time he blamed "execution" to hide from the fact his cowardice led to that disaster in KC 11 months ago?
  12. Let them have it. Those chumps have lost all 4 super bowls they've been in. Losers.
  13. Thanks for the suggestions. We bit the bullet and paid 175 each for 4 in section 113. I'm sure we could have gotten a better deal had we waited but bird in hand and all that.. Thanks for the parking tip Promo. If there are any other suggestions on how to minimize the time to get back home (to Toronto) after the game, I'm all ears (eyes). Mini shovel, hand/foot warmers, cardboard..anything else I'm missing to brave the elements? The forecast doesn't look like it's going to be too cold but want to be prepared regardless.
  14. For those who have attended bad weather games, do you find it's best to wait until closer to gametime to buy tickets? I've been searching for 4 in the lower bowl and the prices are still quite high. We're coming in from Toronto so the last thing we want is to not be able to get a decent set or end up paying even more out of desperation. Also, if the weather is bad at the end of the game, how long does it take to get out of the stadium and to the border?
  15. You McDermott bootlickers are a special bunch. The guy basically stole a super bowl from the franchise last year after his balls shrivelled up for the second postseason in a row and people line up to kiss his ass. His cowardice is the biggest obstacle for this team to get over the hump. It's laughable that fans defend his mistakes by saying "he's learned from them" when the average fan was screaming at the tv while he was in the midst of making them. You have possibly the most talented player in the history of the league at the most important position, not to mention studs all over the defense, and fans are happy because the team is simply competitive. The drought has scarred many of you. Mark my words, if they lose in the postseason again this year, it's going to be another boneheaded tactical error by him that is the reason for it.
  16. The "half the distance to the goal line" penalties are so stupid, yet the people in charge of taking advantage of them are even stupider. How many times have you seen a team call timeout with the play clock running down and they're on their own 1 yard line. Not to mention this scenario. What should happen in situations like this is not for a team to be "penalized" by the ball being moved back a fraction of a yard, but the first down marker being moved 5 yards further down the field. It's so simple yet I haven't heard anyone ever discuss it.
  17. We lost because the clapping fool on the sidelines showed his true colours when the pressure was on. Unfortunately that colour is yellow. Lining up your defense to prevent a touchdown when the other team is on its own 25 with 13 seconds left is a fireable offense. If we ever win a championship it will have to be in spite of his coaching, not because of it.
  18. You can have the best of both worlds if he would just commit to sliding more often. He still tries to take on tacklers too often trying to get those few extra yards, usually after he's gotten the first down. Eliminate that and he's virtually unstoppable.
  19. He's been right up there with my favourite players on the team ever since that game against Cincy when he trucked that defender. Super talented and seems like a really good dude. Hoping he's here for the long haul.
  20. Don't watch enough of gmfb to know she disliked Allen. But from what I have seen, she knows next to nothing about football. I'd say I have no idea why she had that job but I guess it's obvious. Regardless, good riddance.
  21. Sanders is made for TV. He's got charisma and will make a good panelist if he decides to go that route.
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