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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. no way dude, that was a very difficult catch to make...mclovin played his best game of the year and did very well in my books if you want to blame a cb, blame mcgee for his soft coverage on braylon edwards in the early parts of the game (he did make up for it later though)
  2. i wish there was a way we could keep greer instead of mcgee but it appears as though he is as good as gone at the end of the year
  3. "I'd like to thank Belichick for at least using lube this time" - Dick (but no balls) Jauron
  4. As much as everyone hates Peters, he's not the problem (as stated above). Dockery has been a complete joke. I can't understand why they gave this chump all that money.
  5. lol...you do realize we're talking about dickhead jauron here?? for him, taking a chance means trying to stand up and piss
  6. a bills player touched it first, so stop whining what an embarrassment this team is whoever is responsible for this chicken sh-- playcalling (on both sides of the ball) needs to go
  7. if we lose to that crap team next monday night, i propose we lock dick jauron in a room with phil dawson's wife while she repeatedly belts out her suicide-inducing version of the star-spangled banner
  8. i know the o-line is taking a beating today, and rightfully so, but i have to disagree with most on the 4th and 1 play the jets loaded the middle of the box and had jackson just looked to his left, he could have walked into the end zone, let alone get the first down seriously, there was NOBODY there...just needed to run to peters' left
  9. As he's proven time and time again, Dick is a pu$$y. Dick-ball goes down the tubes too often. Ok, I'll stop.
  10. A big FU to anyone who is happy about this. I hope Brady comes back and is as good as ever. Beating those b!tches won't feel as satisfying unless he's the qb. Aside from that, there's nobody on this board that wouldn't switch places with him in a second. Gisele, best player in the league (don't doubt it after NE's fall this year), etc...
  11. not that bad?? lol i was there and it was pitch black...people were using lighters and their cellphones for some sort of illumination and it didn't really help using the urinals was bad enough, but i shudder to think of what became of those poor ba$tards who had to...um...purge solids
  12. jennings and/or driver better than evans??? are you guys serious?? you could make a better case of rodgers over edwards (which is almost as asinine) i'm constantly amazed at why so many people sell lee short - luckily the front office didn't
  13. Some of you guys are way too up donte's a$$...this guy talks a way bigger game than he plays. Other than the late-game meaningless hit on chad johnson, what has he ever done? Oh wait, he did look like a deer in headlights on the onside kick in the dallas game last year. He's a decent player with a big mouth. As much as i hate jp as a qb, there's no reason to knock a teammate in public like that. One understated thing that is nice about this team is that they are likable and predominantly devoid of some of the other crap that goes on in most other nfl cities.
  14. seriously...the guy is pathetic we have no running game unless its to the sides...when the weather gets worse and you can't run up the gut, it's going to be tough to win games
  15. The no-huddle isn't always the same as the hurry up offense, as I believe some people here are assuming. The K-Gun was effective because they didn't let the opposing defense make substitutions. They would still eat up a good chunk of the play clock while getting into formation though. Man, seems like a lifetime ago...
  16. honestly...the whole fox nfl production is so crappy...the announcers, the sound, the stupid transformer robot, terry bradshaw, etc...so glad the bills aren't in the nfc it really does take a little bit away from the game, sadly on a brighter note, looks like gus johnson is calling sunday's game no flags!
  17. Roscoe Parrish = Devon Hester of the AFC Except Roscoe doesn't fake a touchback then get tackled at his 3 yard line. Might sound like too much of a homer, but I'd rather have Roscoe than Devin Hester right now. Hester's returns are all or nothing. And he should have had two punt returns for touchdowns last year if not for that phantom holding call against miami...and he had 15 less returns. Love that bills-flavoured kool-aid...
  18. Not weak at all...Greer was much better on coverage last year than McGee. His hands may not be as soft, but I'd rather put Greer against the opposing team's top receiver this year than McGee.
  19. jabari > mcgee > mckelvin > youboty
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