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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. whoa whoa whoa! easy there, grasshopper...the fitz is alright, and thigpen's not bad either...i'll give you kordell stewart though
  2. hahaha..nice i think it's about time he's referred to as maybelline maybe it's natural...maybin it's maybelline geez, why the hell do i remember that?
  3. not that i claim to be a tough guy, but if you break your hand punching someone in the face, you don't know how to punch properly, or at least had bad form in that one instance huh? i'm not in anyone's corner...just an observation of the humourous irony of the situation...not saying kelly was or wasn't out of line
  4. so let me get this straight, Kelly calls him soft, guy gets angry, guy punches Kelly in the head defending his toughness, guy breaks his own hand scoring here at home, i'd say game, set, match Kelly...this fool would have been better off not doing anything
  5. Hahahaha Four touchdowns in one game to "so a fat lady comes into the store today..."
  6. http://www.buffalosportsdaily.com/one-on-one-with-eric-moulds/ Some nice comments about the fans, and more proof that the Flutie benching was not Wade's decision. All in all, a really good piece.
  7. How about you look at this way: Of the 9 you listed, do you think it's just a coincidence that at least 7 of them are going to the playoffs? Maybe all 9 by the end of it. There's only 12 playoff spots available, so that's a pretty good ratio. I wasn't one of those "you have to get a QB at all costs" kind of fan before, but if you think about it logically, in this day and age with so much player turnover and free agency, having a franchise QB lets you get away with lesser skilled players at some other positions and handling roster changes while still fielding a competitive team.
  8. Don't forget JP Losman! There's always an exception to the rule, I suppose.
  9. The best lineup? That's easy. Kelsay in front of a firing squad.
  10. I'm afraid you might be right. Which sucks because I really want the Bills to get Andrew Luck. Screw the Super Bowl.
  11. What games have you been watching? He gets double-teamed on almost every play by the center and one of the guards because teams know he's the only guy they have to worry about. The fact the LBs aren't making plays has more to do with their level of suckitude than Williams not tying them up.
  12. He was double-teamed on almost every play and still did a hell of a job. However bad you can feel about a guy getting paid a lot of money to play football for a living is how bad I feel for Williams. The guy is the only good player on their front 7. Stroud has his moments, but for the most part, he's the only guy making plays out there.
  13. Can anyone who knows such things tell me where I can download the game? I already tried TYT and they don't have it. Anyone else??
  14. He gets crapped on quite a bit, but it wasn't like he was a total reach at 11th overall. He would have gone in the first round for sure if the Bills didn't take him, which tells you that there is something there. His problem is the same problem the Bills have had for years (the biggest organizational problem in fact) and the reason why they have sucked for so long: PLAYER DEVELOPMENT There's no way that Kelsay should be playing ahead of him only because I can't see anyone looking as putrid as he has this year. I've never seen someone so utterly inept and I've been watching football for a while. I think Ralph Wilson could do a better job at OLB than Kelsay. Give Maybin some playing time and see what he can do. Just let him run wild out there and see if something sticks. You're 0-6 and going nowhere. The alternative is essentially playing 10 on 11 with the 6m dollar man playing like he shat his pants on every play.
  15. Can't believe the number of people letting Hangartner off the hook for that stupid play. Bad call or not, that 15 yard penalty sealed the game. Would they have stopped them from getting a first down anyway? Who knows? But in any respect, that was a really boneheaded thing to do at the worst possible time. He wasn't the only guy on the offense pissed about the call, but he acted like a jackass and giftwrapped the ravens the victory.
  16. That seems to be the prevailing wisdom around here, but I just don't see any evidence of it. I think you're just telling yourself that to make yourself feel better and don't even want to consider the fact that maybe Gailey is worse than Jauron. I certainly don't think he's 'cracking eggs' as you say. If so, he'd be going for it on 4th down more often, playing the younger players to see what he's got and just generally taking more chances. Sorry, but he looks just as lost as Jauron out there. Just because he talks more and is a little more animated doesn't mean anything.
  17. Not a popular choice among the haters here I'm sure, but I'd take Belichick over anyone. As coach and GM.
  18. I think you've got to be on something good to think Fitzpatrick is a guy you can consider for your franchise qb. Yes, I know everyone loves that he doesn't slide when he scrambles and he can throw the odd block, but come on. His accuracy is wildly inconsistent and he will lose games for you. That is all that really needs to be said. As usual, you need to watch the games and form a subjective opinion. Stats don't tell the story. Statistically 9 out of 10 people enjoy a prison gang-rape, but that doesn't make it right. :D :D :D :D
  19. Yes, a lot of people do. In the other thread. That has been open for a while. That you didn't bother to look at first because you were probably too busy peering out your window for democrats.
  20. or he could actually be hurt in any case, hallelujah!
  21. Good on Torbor. He still seems to have some fire left in him...which will no doubt die out soon enough in the black hole that is One Bills Drive. Also, can anyone else picture Maybin coming in at the end of the meeting listening to his ipod, being surprised at the gathering and saying "oh snap, was that meeting today??"
  22. Now that is a 10/10 on the comedic haterade scale. Kudos to you.
  23. Thank you Alpha. Also add the silly refrain about him not being a good route runner. I'd like to see some proof of that. The guy has incredible natural ability. The biggest waste of talent in the NFL though.
  24. Fault the Bills for a lot of moves they've made, but dropping this guy?? Who cares? He was dead weight (much like some other guys, I know). The only thing I remember about him was his answer to what he's looking forward to most after he got drafted: "Getting paid". What a loser. I'm basing this on nothing else other than that quote, but maybe he just wasn't a good locker room guy and that's why all the other stiffs survived this latest cut and he got shipped out.
  25. FU to all those who say: 1. Its just a game 2. Get another hobby 3. Find something else to do on sundays Anyone who can claim/do any of the above is not a real fan. I'm with you OP. I hate this team almost as much as I love them. Being a (real) Bills fan is the definition of ambivalence.
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