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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. Donte Whitner just tweeted that he has been doing the same thing for years on the field and nobody gave him any accolades.
  2. Are you serious? So you're implying that he was catching teams off guard (no pun intended) every week for the last two years? That is a ridiculous assumption. I think it's safe to say that he's not playing nearly as well as he's shown even though he's got better support this year. That is a huge concern. If he had one of his patented games yesterday, the Bills are 4-0. What??? We must be watching different games. Dareus has been a beast. Best player on the D by far. He's the one that commands the most attention from the offense and he's still making plays.
  3. The sked is getting tougher. That's why it's so frustrating that they didn't win a very winnable game yesterday.
  4. Jets all the way. The Bills can beat them twice this year. I don't see them beating the Pats in NE in week 17 though. Division win should be the goal. The wild card is a...uhh...wild card.
  5. To put it plainly, Roscoe Parrish could have made that same exact play.
  6. Ugh.. Even after all this time, some Bills fans can't admit that Peters is a good player?
  7. Good. Now keep it. Not everyone was on board with trading him. In fact, a lot of people, including me, hated the move.
  8. Let me preface this by saying I'm a big Kyle Williams fan and I only ask this because he has set such a high standard for himself over the last couple of years. But is anyone else disappointed in his play this year? I was honestly wondering this after the KC game. Figured it was just an off day. But three similar games later and this is not the same player I remember seeing last season. He's not necessarily playing bad. Just not close to the level he was at before. Getting Dareus was supposed to open things up for him so he could blow up plays even more often. He hasn't been getting double-teamed as much this year but has been less effective. It makes no sense. I've seen him get beat one on one a few times already. Can't remember seeing that much, if at all, last year. I don't think he's the type of guy that would coast once he got his money. Maybe he's hiding an injury or something? Meanwhile, Dareus is out-Williamsing Williams. Double-teamed on almost every play and is still causing havoc.
  9. Totally agree. The spread offense and quickstrike throws has worked against crap defenses, but once they face some good ones, like they did yesterday, you'll see why they shouldn't have traded Evans.
  10. they're missing cole so it kind of balances out although i think babin has been playing better this year anyway
  11. I don't get all this Tasker hate with all the other buffoons on air. Other than Collinsworth, is there any colour guy who actually has consistently good insight?
  12. No way you get him for a 4th. Good pass rushers command a premium. Would be a hell of a pickup though.
  13. Clay Matthews over Maybin Aaron Rodgers over Losman. I know there's not a direct correlation, but if they don't make that trade with Dallas, the Bills are in prime position to take Rodgers the following year.
  14. One reason to like him..he was a Bills fan growing up. Mind you, that is the one and only redeemable thing about the guy.
  15. I think the more pertinent question is, if we lose the toss, are we the same? And what happens if the coin lands on its outer rim?
  16. I agree with the OP's statement for the most part, but don't forget that we still have mckelvin on the team. He might be the most incoherent guy in the league. Reminds me of boomhauer (or whatever his name was) from king of the hill.
  17. I actually like Tasker. On the other hand, who the hell is Andrew Catalon?
  18. This may be sacrelige, but I haven't seen Kyle Williams do anything all season. He needs to step it up. The double-teams didn't stop him last year.
  19. They could pay him 20 million a year and still be under the cap. They should give him 5-6 million a year for the next two years. I'd say even then he'd be underpaid.
  20. Ignore these people telling you you're not a good friend if you watch the game while your buddy's wedding ceremony is going on. I wouldn't say it's narcissistic, but it's close to it. If it was my wedding, I'd have no problem with it.
  21. The 2011 Buffalo Bills: Even giving women erections.
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