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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. want to score on the jets? run to the outside, not up the middle it's almost like our coaches didn't watch any tape on them before the game..they kept running fred up the gut and run it preferably towards cromartie's side...he doesn't try to hard to tackle big runners...noticed it before, and even tonight on tebow's final TD run...watch cromartie, he's not putting in any effort to get to him at all
  2. nice observation as much as it pains me to say it, i can see the cowboys actually making the super bowl i know its the case with them all the time, but if they could ever just get their act together... green bay looks like the favourite obviously, but i could see the cowboys giving them trouble...they have talent all over the board
  3. Great find Big Cat. I've often wondered why they never used that Madden video game view. Just thought the NFL was being ignorant about what their fan base wanted. ESPN has used that QB view a few times on MNF and its really insightful. If it's really to save players/coaches from being further critiqued, that's pretty lame.
  4. I think there's also a rule that a team cannot play more than 6 games outside of a 1pm or 4pm sunday start. Some games might seem like better matchups, but it also depends on how many night games certain teams have already played. I would love to see a night game..there's always a little more buzz. Take that how you may...
  5. three plays (wilson INT, non-call on burress and the weak call on mckelvin) are directly related to the bills losing this game...the jets had one gripe also (the hold that negated greene's big run) but that was a legit penalty no, they didn't play their best game of the season and probably deserved to lose anyway, but that doesn't mean they would have...momentum is a huge factor, especially in a tight game at home...they had slow starts against the raiders and pats where the offense looked as bad as it did on sunday, but then got it turned around it's not sour grapes to say the refs may have cost you the game when it's logical that they probably did objective fans can admit that the comeback game may not have gone as it did if not for a blown call (beebe out of bounds) so it doesn't always mean you're a whiner when it goes the other way
  6. I agree with this. The Jets are far from the best team in the league, but other than Pittsburgh, they might just be the toughest match-up for the Bills. I think David Nelson has to have a big game on offense and the D has to make sure they don't get fooled by any play-action plays. That's the only way Sanchez can hurt you. Otherwise, he's crap. I hope they don't even try to bring extra guys to pressure him. Let him throw into coverage and he will screw it up. I really hope we can pull it off, but I have to admit that I've got a bad feeling about this game.
  7. Couldn't agree more. McGee is still the best CB on the team. I really wish they had kept Jabari Greer too. Those two could have made a great tandem for years.
  8. I never really liked him and always thought he was kind of overrated. Ya, he had the stats but he never struck me as a team guy. Not only that but he never seemed to make a play when you needed one (the INT on Brady two years ago is an exception). He didn't command that respect from the opposing team that you'd think he'd get with his numbers.
  9. I'm not sure what some of you Sanchez defenders have been watching, but I've seen most of the Jets games this year and he's atrocious. He looks like he's actually getting worse and he sucked to begin with. With that line and how much time he gets, combined with a good receiving corps, you'd be hard-pressed to come up with a worse starting qb in the league. It's not accurate to say he's anything other than crap because he's won a few playoff games as he was just asked to not get in the way. He's only slightly more responsible for those wins than you or I. He can't complete a pass unless a receiver is wide open or makes a great play. If the Bills don't fall for play action (probably the only part of his game he doesn't completely suck at), I can't see how this jobber of a qb does anything to help his team win other than get injured.
  10. Considering they didn't test Asomugha against the Eagles a few weeks ago, I doubt they throw Revis' way often, if at all. Which is just fine by me. That defense is more bravado than anything else. Other than Revis, the rest of their D can be exploited. And for once, I feel as though the coach of the Bills is at least as smart as I am, so I'm guessing he will feel the same way.
  11. Was debating on what jersey to buy. That video pretty much sealed it. Btw, if I remember correctly, that run they showed was the first play from scrimmage in that game against the Skins in 07 when dumbass gregg williams only had 10 guys on the field to "honour" sean taylor. He did it without informing joe gibbs, the head coach at the time. What a goof.
  12. relax pal, even though it didn't work out, you're completely out to lunch here so stop trying to act like you're smarter than everyone else it's not like his two million dollar salary put them at the cap and they were unable to afford any other players...if the bills don't sign a guy, its because they don't feel he's worth what he's asking (whether fans agree or not)...it's not because they don't have the money or have their own internal salary cap...i'm really curious as to who you are referring to as a playmaker they could have had but skimped out because of merriman's salary it was a risk-free signing (other than the money ralph ponied up from his share of the tv revenue) that had no long-term effects...coleman is back and you can't really say merriman held anyone back from developing i'm not clear what was lost, but what was gained was some goodwill towards buffalo by a former star player who initially hated the idea of coming here, but then changed his tune and helped recruit a guy like nick barnett so good luck to merriman...wouldn't mind seeing him get healthy and give it another go with the bills next year
  13. Looks like someone forgot to say 'no backsies' http://twitter.com/#!/AdamSchefter Should be awkward in a couple of dressing rooms this week...
  14. Excuse my ignorance, but what does 'circling the wagons' mean anyway? Is it a farming metaphor as in 'getting to work' in a old-school, get-your-hands-dirty kind of way?
  15. No way to sugarcoat it, this is a huge blow to an already crappy defense. I knew there had to be something wrong with Williams. He was nothing like the player he had been the last couple of years. Hopefully he heals quickly enough for the playoff push...his presence could be the difference in making it or not.
  16. The first thing I think of when I hear the name John Beck: http://www.nfl.com/videos/buffalo-bills/09000d5d804ecca7/WK-14-Can-t-Miss-Play-Wilson-fumble-return
  17. Care to elaborate? Because I also believe that he cost the Bills the game more so than anyone (even including Fitz). Not to say he's a bad player, but he was atrocious on Sunday. Especially on that last drive in the 4th quarter after the pick.
  18. I thought the Bills were gonna win by a score of infinity to negative infinity. And they were gonna cure world hunger and figure out how they got the caramel in the caramilk bar. Therefore, I'm more of a Bills fan than anyone. (Eyes squeezed shut, ears plugged, yelling "la la la")
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