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QB Bills

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Everything posted by QB Bills

  1. I do need to remind myself from time to time how the order works, but one thing I do remember is that whenever I see this chart, I can skip reading points 2-5.
  2. actually, 8 of their 11 wins are outside their division in any case, the point isn't whether they'd get beat down in the first round or not (and i don't think they will, regardless)...its comparing them to the bills and if the nfc west is as bad as you claim (and it has been in recent years), it can be argued that the niners were actually worse than the bills over the past few seasons
  3. crabtree isn't anything special for where he was picked, and i'd rather have fred jackson than frank gore they are winning because of incredible talent on their front seven, but more importantly, a coach who knows how to harness it i like gailey, and still believe he's a good offensive coach, but they need to bring in someone with more fire, especially on the defensive side granted, talent is the most important thing on a team, but passion is right up there too...its something the bills have been lacking for a while now
  4. hahaha...nicely played OP, you are quickly becoming one of the better posters on here...kudos
  5. For anyone who thinks Spiller is anywhere even close to Jackson, I believe you should either be directed towards the nearest doctor, or congratulated on joining our community of Bills fans after watching your first ever game yesterday. There really is no in between.
  6. He faintly whined to the ref for a push off even though Marshall never touched him. Loser. He had no chance on that play though. Having said that, he is terrible. From what I've seen, since McGee went down, Justin Rogers has been the only corner doing anything out there. Also, did anyone notice Florence's coverage on one of the first Miami punts? He pretty much just moved to one side and gave the rusher a clear line to the returner. And forgetting his horrible play, he seems to chirp more than anyone else out there. And I've never seen anyone swat away the ball as much as he does when they should be going for the pick. Between him and McKelvin, we must have two of the dumbest players in the league.
  7. you sure about that? this is the throw-a-dart-at-the-draft-board bills we're talking about
  8. actually, i posted that in a previous thread... its overly simplistic, but the odds are 0.355%...that's around one third of 1% go bills
  9. blacked out in the chargers viewing area looks like we get harlan/wilcotts all to ourselves go beeuls go
  10. Can't blame him. I would have done the same thing.
  11. I noticed that too. First thing I thought of was the 'cool hwip' scene from family guy
  12. if making it is 37.5%, that means missing it is 62.5% therefore you have a 39% chance to miss two years in a row, 24% chance to miss 3 years in a row, etc.. to miss 12 years in a row? 0.355%...that's roughly one third of one percent obviously that's too simplistic of a way to look at it as there are too many factors to say everyone has an equal chance at making it, but it is a sobering stat nonetheless
  13. actually, you do lack perspective don't compare this team to last year's team or any of the other varying degrees of dog-turd-ish type seasons in the last decade plus...compare them to a competent nfl franchise, which is what the goal of this team should be warning though, it may bring you to tears
  14. I take this back. Damn you, optimistic/inebriated me at 4am this morning. And damn you, Bills.
  15. For the record, of all the threads on the first page of the stadium wall, this is my favourite at the moment. Go Bills!! We're a lot more in it this year than in years past.
  16. They made the playoffs last year and made it to the Super Bowl the year before. I would kill for the Bills to have problems that led to results like that. I still think Manning is the best QB in the game. This season should be enough proof of that. As for Brady, 99% of the hate is unjustified and is just jealousy more than anything. However, he is a whiner. Having said that, a lot of the greats are. Regardless, if you think Fitzpatrick is anywhere close to either of the two, well...
  17. deadspin posted it also...the comments are awesome as usual http://deadspin.com/5864129/lebron-james-mimics-stevie-johnson-mimicking-plaxico-burress-in-flag-football-td-celebration?autoplay this one kind of stung though: This is news? It's hardly the first time that LeBron emulated the Bills.
  18. does anyone else get annoyed when you read a comment like that and realize that you cheer for the same team as this d-bag? no offense to d-bags anywhere
  19. Dareus is good, but the scary thing is, he's getting less effective by the week. And that's not him, that's on the coaching. I've said it many times, the biggest problem with the Bills right now is their lack of ability to develop talent.
  20. From a Bills standpoint, perhaps the title and subtitle of this thread should be reversed. The guy buying the Jags is committed to keeping them in Jacksonville. Maybe I've just gotten too paranoid, but this is terrible news for the Bills' future, I would assume.
  21. Merrill Hoge should take his f'd up finger and stick it up his a$$. How do these clowns get jobs on TV?
  22. I'm with you. The outrage over this is so stupid and screams of a loser mentality among fans. The Jets trash and openly mock the team you supposed fans support every time they play them (since foot doctor has been coach) and the one guy who promotes the Bills more than anyone gets back at them and you are against him?? Give me a break. I like Stevie even more after yesterday's TD dance. If we had a guy who could squib a kick, it would have been worth the 15 yards. And not only that, the guy who he was making fun of was cool with it!! What a bunch of squares some of you are. The drop was bad, and that is what he should be faulted for, nothing more. But Fitzpatrick had him wide open on later in the end zone and missed him. That was an even bigger gaffe than the drop seeing as it was a TD (no telling if the Bills score if Stevie catches that ball). And then he had him again on the last play of the game and overthrew him. But ya, lets all rag on the one guy on the offense who came to play. Anyways, I'm far from a homer (honestly) but I totally support what he did and really enjoy having him and his personality on my team. If he can avoid the penalties, I hope he keeps it up.
  23. as luck would have it, the freddie jersey i ordered online came in yesterday looks like i'll be wearing it more than he will for the foreseeable future
  24. Hope you're right. It's the NFL..weird things happen. The Rams beat the Saints a couple of weeks ago. Could it happen? Sure. I wouldn't bet on it though. The Jets are a bad matchup for the Bills at the best of times. This is very far from one of those times.
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