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Everything posted by VJ91

  1. Ko just needs some good PR people to help him. I wonder if T.O.'s girl is available?..."That man has millions if reasons why he was not drunk riding around with that other man in that parking lot. He was just tired and wasn't sure which shot glasses he was drinking out of."
  2. Do you know how much Ralph is worth? Does anybody out here? You say the economics of the NFL have passed him by, but how do you really know that? Sure he's old, 90 years old - just our luck he's an egomaniac that can't retire and let real football people run his football team. I don't wish him ill health. I never want anyone to "just die already" like a few idiots have posted. But I'm not buying into this idea that he is just folding up his tent and waiting to pass away, trying to hold onto every cent. He may be cheap when it comes to GM and coaches, but he's shelled out plenty of top shelf money to players....most of which don't come close to deserving it. So it really is worse then your theory. He does care about doing more then simply finishing close to .500 until he dies. But he thinks that he can make all the decisions - a la Al Davis, while saving that money on management and coaching, and actually win. If not, Dockery and Walker would never have been offered so much money.
  3. Chronic knee issues? Perfect, Guy will move him up to the top of his wish list.
  4. Man I miss Adams description of his guys after drafts! What a true NFL character he was. In fact, that is exactly what is missing in the Bills' entire organization - passionate people who love their work and love the Bills and love to win. Wilson has created an inner circle of zombie robots that don't seem to even like their work, much less love it.
  5. What do you think Dick will say? "I'm sorry Mr. Wilson re-hired me, I know you all think I really suck, so I'll make your life easier by just quitting today. It's the least I can do, and I really admired the way Mike Mularkey quit after he was offered his contract extension, so please accept my deepest apologies and all the best in the future." DJ is not Wade Phillips. I won't even begin to go there, since Wade is the last coach of the Bills who had a winning record 100 years ago. But Wade's Cowboys suck now too, so who really cares anymore?? I completely expect Dick to continue to talk in platitudes and vague unspecific terms of how hard it is to win in the NFL, and how hard his guys work, and how hard his coaches work, and how hopeful he is that the team will improve next season. But he won't leave the podium without repeating one more time how hard it is to win in the NFL.
  6. Not 3/4 of these guys. 99% of these Bills players love it here, with the coaches they love to play for. Because these coaches don't make them play hard or good.
  7. Signing Suggs would go a hell of a long way towards making amends. Of course, that's exactly why they won't.
  8. Exactly. And even though I agree that Dick-Russ-Tom-John-Ralph Levy will keep the pick and take some player none of us expect, it would be terrific if they were that much "in love" with Mack.
  9. I have not had the ambition to check out what free agent tight ends or centers will be out there this coming year. I've been waiting to see who the new GM & coach of the Bills would be first. Anyway, other then Tony Gonzales, I don't know who's available or what the Bills will do, really. Amazingly, as far paying for free agents, Wilson has spent some money. Let us never forget the 70 something million laid out for Dockery, Walker and that old center-guard whats his name that was injured this season....or was he cut? I don't remember. So if there are some decent FA's available, there's always a chance Wilson will spend the money for them. The bigger question is, will we get lucky and sign the right one or ones this time?? (See Marcus Stroud instead of Kris Jenkins, and see Kiwakee Mitchell instead of Joey Porter.)
  10. I've been screaming for the best center in the draft as the Bills top priority if they don't sign a good vet. center in FA. It sucks that Mack and the rest of the good ones are not rated around 12 - 18 so everyone would agree with me. But here's the thing to think about: If the Bills stick to everyone's board value and draft the higher rated DE or TE or SS and Mack ends up with Pittsburgh at the number 30 pick, why do I just know that Mack will start immediately next year and be the Steelers' starting perennial Pro Bowl center for the next 12 years, and the DE or TE or SS the Bills draft will not end up as good at his position?? Why do I just know this??
  11. OK, fine. Here's my opinion for what it's worth: 1) The most important thing this team needs to do in the off season is come up with a new strength & conditioning coach and/or program - they are overall too weak and much too fat along the offensive line. (See Langston Walker's gut) 2) The most important thing they need to do in free agency is to sign the very best veteran center available, if there will be a good one out there this March, or tight end, or defensive end. 3) The most important thing they need to do in the draft is to supplement what they did not get done in free agency, for center, tight end and defensive end. All of that said, I still cannot believe these important things will be done, or most likely not get done, with the same inner circle of managment and coaches making the calls. Oops, I just complained again, didn't I? Well that's life.
  12. And I said I was done with this, but I will still make one final point: I'm sorry I brought this up at all. One out of towner made a comment about someone's bad attitude being a main reason why Buffalo was turning into a rust belt town, and I though that was pretty hypocritical of him since the biggest reason Buffalo is turning into a rust belt town is that so many people move out. Then, I got carried away with it. So stop calling me an ass and telling me to blow you, I was only trying to defend the great people of Western New York that still live here.
  13. I think you are 100% correct. That's why I am advising those who are really "done" to cancel your tickets in the next month or so. If you don't, then free agency will creep up, the Bills will sign a player or two you like. Then the draft will come, and the Bills will draft a player or two you like, and it will be too late to cancel your tickets, because then it will be renewal deadline time, and you will have just enough reason to keep them. Bills fans, (including those that live out of town, that I've been so upset at with on this forum -sorry), are way too emotionally attached to the Bills to really give up on them completely.
  14. I agree with most of your post. But Wilson did help in the early days of the AFL - NFL merger, and I believe he commanded more respect through the years then you give him credit for, especially when he allowed Bill Polian to build his SB teams. However, Wilson has lost touch with reality in the NFL and I don't think any of the current other 31 owners have much use for him today.
  15. OK, I'll stop. I'm tired of railing on this pointless subject anyway. My reply to the season ticket holder from Texas will be my last one regarding where people live out here.
  16. You live in Texas, (nice job telling us that by the way, you fit right in on this forum), you attend one game a year, and yet you still own season tickets??? One question begs, WHY DO YOU OWN SEASON TICKETS???
  17. OK, then Scooby said it. Seems like he was bragging about his other city then. Why come on here and say that you out of towners don't brag then??
  18. Great post. I wasn't so much slamming Posey as I was mocking Donahoe for signing the guy at 12:01 AM, as if he was trying to impress the entire NFL or something. You're right that he would have thrived in the 3-4 much better. But if James had any special talents as a pass rusher at all, he certainly did not show it as a Bill, regardless of what scheme he was forced to play in. Another example of a lousy FA signing over the past 10 years.
  19. Who cares if you live in NC??? What the hell does that have to do with anything? I live in Western New York. Does that make you better then me? Does anybody else live in Western New York on this board??
  20. Um....you would, because you just said it.
  21. I'm not insecure or unhappy about living in Western New York. I like living here. And if I wanted to move, why would I be upset with those of you that have? And oh by the way, if you are not rubbing my nose in the fact you live in California, why tell me you live there at all? I did not have to publish where I live to post here. None of us know who the rest of us are, so who cares? You care. You want us to know you live in California....why is that, really?
  22. I agree. I'm not a hero, and I don't want to be a hero. In fact, my ID on this forum doesn't give one hint of where I live. I just want to be a Bills fan and talk about the Bills. So again I ask, why do all of you out of towners need to tell us you are out of towners in your id's? If not to brag about it, then why? We don't know you. We don't care you live in Raleigh, or wherever, why do you?
  23. FA begins at midnight on March 1st. I'll never forget Tom Donahoe signing James Posey, the OLB that barely tackled anybody and never sacked the QB during his short time as a Bill, at 12:01 AM one March 1st as if Posey was the reincarnation of LT and every team was beating down his door, because he managed 8 sacks as a Houston Texan the year before. Hillarious.
  24. Great post, and excellent comparison to the Pirates organization, that got their new stadium yet still chooses not to compete. And the fact that Wilson is 90 and has told us the team will be sold apon his death is also a true and sad fact that we have to live with as Bills fans. So I respect your stance and reasons for keeping your Bills' seats. It is really a lousy situation to be in, but cancelling season tickets is the only way to make our anger known to the inner circle, regardless.
  25. bills_fan_in_raleigh. Another out-of-towner that loves the Bills and amazingly spends the money to come to every home game. I just don't get it. Why have you abandoned Western New York if you love the Bills so much?? Is this the official "We love the Bills but Buffalo sucked so much we don't live there anymore" fan forum?? And why, why do all of you need to freakin' have your city you live in on your ID or avatar, like it is a badge of honor?? On behalf of all true blue Buffalo fans that still live in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Niagra Falls, and any other town in Western New York....even as far east as Albany and of course Southern Ontario, I would like to say I am really sick and tired of you great Bills fans who brag about living in other cities. Sure it's cool that you love the Bills and take the time to post on this site and spend the money to retain season tickets and come home for the games. Congratulations. But the fact that you all seem to need all of us to know you don't live around here anymore doesn't impress me, it really pisses me off. It's like you are saying, "hey I love the Bills, but all of you that still live in Western New York are crazy, man....I'm cool because I live in Atlanta, or Phoenix or Raleigh, and I escaped the rust belt hole with the bad weather you continue to live in, and that's why I have my cool city's name on my id so you all know I live there." You know what, cool out of towners? You could be posting every single message you have posted, and it would be just as funny, angry, sarcastic or vulgar, and we would all post back in kind, even if we didn't know you lived in freakin' paradise!
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