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Everything posted by VJ91

  1. No kidding? MSN ranks the Buffalo Bills as a team on the financial brink? Wow, what other amazing revalations did they come up, that they don't think Obama's economic bail-out plan is working? That rising unemployment is a problem in the country today? That Lindsay Lohan is a nut-case? Man I will have to read MSN more often, they have such earth shattering stories like the Bills don't make a lot of money.
  2. If L.A. actually breaks ground on a new stadium (if ever), no team would have to relocate to play in it. Cleveland and Houston got expansion franchises after their teams left town. L.A. could simply get an expansion team if the NFL wants its TV exposure so much.
  3. Considering ex NFL running back Travis Henry managed to get only 3 years in prison for running a drug-dealing operation, & Donte Stallworth served less then his 30 days in prison for vehicular manslaughter, Marshawn should get zero games suspension and a commendation for citizen of the year. I guess all the juries and judges in the country are huge NFL fans.
  4. Whose pockets? Is he tweeting Ralph? Did Ralph tweet back: "No, check YOUR pockets in the AM, playa!" Or is he tweeting his possee? His agent?....is he referring to himself?? WTF is he tweeting about?
  5. Who cares about Dolphins' "major announcements"?? Of course, it must be a huge announcement with former Dolphins super star Twan Russell making an appearence!
  6. Why should the Jason Peters' of the world "settle" for one penny less then the NFL owners of the world are willing to pay them? Would you ever tell your boss not to give you a raise because you think you should "settle" for less money due to you earning too much? There is absolutely nothing, especially in today's depressed state of our economy, stopping the 32 owners from deciding that $310,000 is the most any NFL player will make, instead of the least! If the players walked, most of the NFL owners would probably save money overall in their billionaire worlds by shutting down their NFL franchises anyway!! Don't hate Peters, hate the Eagles owner for paying him what his agent demanded.
  7. If you are "too young to remember" facts about the NFL, at least look them up. There were no "replacement" players used in the NFL in 1982. Every team went out on strike, period. I was not too young to remember the fact that the Bills were still a very good football team in 1982. They played on Monday Night Football at home against the Vikings and beat them to raise their record to 2-0-0, and we were really pumped about the possibilities that season. Then the strike struck, and there was no football at all for about 5 or 6 weeks! The Bills did not come out very good after the strike, and struggled to a 4-5-0 record, missing the playoffs and ending the Chuck Knox era as he quit and went to Seattle after that stupid strike-shortened season. In 1987, replacement players were used for 3 games toward the beginning of that season. The Bills fake players were able to win one of those 3, and the Bills almost made the playoffs with a 7-8-0 record. To answer your question, of course I would not watch any "replacement" games in 2011 if the owners were idiotic enough to try that again.
  8. Very few people recall that game because it was one of only 6 wins the Bills had that season, and it was the final season for Levy & Tasker.
  9. I agree, one of the best written previews of the Bills I've read so far. The hopeful thing about the Bills this season, is that logical well thought out reasonable previews like this one are written about teams that should finish around .500 and certainly out of the playoffs every summer and early fall. However, one or two of them rise above the mediocre predictions somehow and finish 10-6-0 or 11-5-0 making the playoffs out of nowhere, every season. Let's hope the Bills come together and are one of those one or two teams this season.
  10. Pats-28 Bills-24 Edwards: 26 of 35 for 296 Yds and 2 TD's and 2 Ints. Also takes 4 sacks losing 1 fumble. T.O.: 9 Receptions for 116 yards and 1 TD Evans: 7 Receptions for 84 yards and 1 TD Jackson: 14 Carries for 62 Yards & 1 rushing TD; 4 Receptions for 31 yards. Rhodes: 10 Carries for 40 Yards; 2 Receptions for 10 yards. Nelson: 1 Reception for 6 yards, then benched the rest of the game for not knowing his assignments well enough. Pats score the winning TD with 4 seconds left from the Bills 3 yard line, after Brady drives them 84 yards, holding onto the ball for 5:56 of the last 6 minutes of the game during that last drive.
  11. ...no kidding? With an overall regular season record of 71-89, and overall playoff record of 0-1-0 (and that one and only playoff game being the "Music City Miraculous Illegal Forward Lateral" loss 10 years ago), I would have never been able to figure out all by myself that the Bills "lose close games more often then they win them!" Thank god for this geke spending too much time alone in his Mom's basement coming up with these "special" stats. Did he have stats for missed "point of attack" blocks by Duke Preston, Melvin Fowler and Trey Teague, too??
  12. The Bills were not awful at run blocking all year last year. And they were not awful at pass blocking all year last year. And the coaches were not awful at calling plays all year last year. The team finished 7-9-0 for the third consecutive season because they all sucked at their jobs more often then they performed at times last year. We can pick out situations and videos from the 7-9-0 season till the cows come home. The bottom line is, "cash to the cap" kept Brandon and Wilson from improving the offense the best and quickest way they could have, by signing one or two more premium free agents. So instead they drafted tough OL's in the draft. They did sign T.O. to a shocking one year deal. They did sign a tough center away from the Panthers. They did sign Domick Rhodes. They did re-sign Freddy Jackson to a good deal. They did draft a pass-catching tight end. So now we will all sit back and watch those situations when they need to drive the field at the end of the half or end of the games, and score. Will Turkey call better more logical plays? Will the line block better? Will Edwards get the plays called and make the passes? Will DJ have a timeout left? Well they better, or another 7-9-0 season looms.
  13. Best quote from the entire video was made by T.O.'s "Dad": "I wasn't a bad Dad, I just couldn't be there." Classic. Where did they drag "Dad" up from, under a bridge? Of course you have to wonder how T.O. could have "moved to L.A." and had the time to film his "life without a job" there, when the Bills signed him within a few days of being cut from Dallas. You just have to love these "reality" shows, don't you??
  14. I agree, those 6 rookies could actually all be starting before this season is over. However, that does not make the Bills an automatic playoff team. It makes them a team that might need 6 rookies to start. In today's NFL, every season is a new "era" for all 32 teams. With free agency and the salary cap, teams like the Dolphins go from 1-15-0 to 11-5-0 over one off season! Will Detroit go from 0-16-0 to 9-7-0 over this past off season? Of course nobody thinks so, but who thought Miami would make a 10 game improvement from one season to the next last year? Not me! So if you have a team that has room for 6 rookies to come in and start, what does that say about your personnel?? What does that say about your use of the salary cap and free agency? To me, it says you are not taking advantage of the system. To me, it says you have too many spots on your roster that could be filled by quality veterans re-signed to new contracts already on your team, or filled by quality veteran free agents signed from other teams, that instead need to be filled by high-quality rookies. And those rookies may be as good as you say they are. But they cannot be as good as veterans, and they all need to be super-good for the Bills to make the playoffs this season, while they are rookies.
  15. Well, the Bills would have been 8-8-0 last season if not for Lost-man's complete inability to understand the Jets defense, pass rush, and what to do with the football while rolling out. I don't know if Trent Edwards is the answer or not. Let's face it, the Bills have been searching for Jim Kelly's replacement since 1997, and if Edwards craps out, the search will go on. But Lost-man sucks. He was a horrible draft pick, and I'm thankful they signed Fitzpatrick to rid themselves of him once and for all.
  16. In the words of that famous philosopher.......Yoda, "There is no feeling sorry, there is only feeling thanks he is gone." And oh by the way, he earned the distinction of being passed up by the other 31 teams for back up quarterback. Feel sorry for him? I can't believe the Bills ever wasted a first round draft pick on this moron in the first place.
  17. Russ Brandon will sign Randy Moss to a one year deal after Moss leaves New England next season. Russ will make this annoucement the Sunday evening before season ticket renewals are due that week. Sound familiar?
  18. Ugly? She doesn't appear to be all that ugly to me. And at 20 years old, and since the picture is cut off at the neck, she could very well have had a smokin' body to go with that face that could be pretty more then ugly, in my humble opinion. But to even talk like this about a 20 year old dead girl makes me kind of sick, although you brought this up, not me.
  19. The Bills are like the '99 Rams? Well, other then the fact that: 1) The Rams had Dick Vermiel coaching who had the experience of turning around a moribound Eagles team in the late 70's into a SB team. 2) The Rams had a much better and more experienced OL. 3) The Rams had a much easier schedule coming off a horrible '98 season. 4) The Rams had a young Kurt Warner who came out of nowhere to replace inured Trent Green in the preseason and have a Pro Bowl season. (Can we expect such an amazing season out of Trent Edwards, or will he become our Trent Green and get injured yet again this season, leaving the Bills with no young Kurt Warner-type to replace him??) 5) The Rams had Marshall Faulk in his prime, and the Bills don't. 6) The Rams had a better defense then the Bills have proven to have up to this point, maybe not at the very start of the '99 season, because nobody thought they were going to be good. But they ended up having a good enough season to win the SB, and can we expect the Bills young defense to do the same?? Yeah, so other then those "minor" differences, the '99 Rams and '09 Bills are identicle.
  20. What kind of ignorant disgusting thing is that to say about one of the most respected retired sports writers in the entire country? Larry Felser was the Sports Editor of the News for many years, covered the Bills from day one in 1960, was a Hall of Fame voter for many years and has forgotten more about sports then you have ever known during his 50 plus years in the business. And oh by the way. In the past 10 years, before this past draft of 2009, the Bills drafted exactly one OL in the first three rounds of the draft: Big stiff Mike Williams. Now that is about as obvious example of ignoring your offensive line as I have ever seen written.
  21. Come on now. We all want to believe that Mechele McNair was completely innocent and unaware of the seedy side of her husbands' life. But life is stranger then fiction and you cannot rule anything out at this point. You don't know that the 20 year old girlfriend on the side killed McNair and then herself any more then you know that Mechele didn't kill both of them and then lay the gun underneath the girlfriend to make it look like a suicide. Or for that matter, it could have been a different murderer altogether. People are nuts these days, plain and simple. I'll wait to see how the investigation pans out before I make any judgements.
  22. There are two things to keep in mind when talking about Bills' siging their rookies. (1) They will never sign their rookies early. (2) They will get them all signed eventually. Remember, and the same holds true with our beloved Buffalo Sabres: the Bills do not "set the market" when signing rookies or free agents. Both of Buffalo's major sports teams have one thing in common: they are from Buffalo - you know, smallest market of the small markets?! However, I don't remember any Bills rookies holding out for more then a few days in the past 10 years or so, either, so don't sweat it.
  23. Well, since I am a life long Buffalo Bills fan, no, I have never worn another teams' player jersey. My favorite college is Syracuse, but I would not buy a Colts' Harrison jersey or Eagles' McNabb jersey. I might be old fashioned, but if I did buy a Syracuse player jersey, it would be while the player was on Syracuse, or it would be his Syracuse jersey still selling today, such as if I saw a McNabb Syracuse jersey on sale or something like that. As far as NFL jerseys, it makes no sense to me to spend money on other teams' players. It's bad enough buying a Spikes 51 jersey and then watching him leave the Bills for two more teams. Free agency has made buying Bills players' jerseys a crap shoot as it is.
  24. When exactly did the Bills pass rush become good? Schoebel is coming off the foot unjury that kept him off the field just about all of last season, and he isn't getting any younger either. I'm just hoping Maybin surprises everyone with a great rookie season and puts up 7 or 8 sacks, and that helps lead the Bills pass rush to becoming good again, and Schoebel needs to get double digit sacks as well.
  25. This situation is not all about Jauron. Doesn't Turk-ey call the plays?? And it's not even about Turk either. This situation is all about the offensive line. Failing in these types of situations over and over again the past three years is why Dockery was cut, and why Fowler and Preston were allowed to take their games elsewhere. How many times did we see Edwards run for his life on first and 10 with 45 seconds left on his own 47 in the first half? Or when trying a quick hitter off tackle to cross up the defense looking for the pass, did we see the Bills go for no gain or minus yardage on first down, forcing them to pass on second and long? I'm glad the Bills seemed to have added toughness to their line for this coming season. I just hope there is enough talent to go with the new tougher attitude. With 45 seconds in the left in the first half on their own 47 with all of their time outs left down by 7 points, a running play that gains 4 or more yards is an excellent call on first down. It instantly puts the defense on it's heels, and makes it easier to continue in the no huddle with second and short yardage.
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