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Everything posted by VJ91

  1. Alex Mack or Michael Oher. From the day last season ended I stayed with Mack or the best tackle that was available at 11, so you can assume how "thrilled" I was when the Bills drafted Maybin.
  2. GREAT take! Of course he would be worth bringing in for a workout to at least make sure he is over his serious injuries. But alas, the Bills keep saying they "like the players they have."
  3. I guess you can add that group to the linebackers, who don't have anyone on the second unit who have ever recorded a tackle in the NFL in a regular season game. How's that for "lack of depth"?? I sure hope T.O. and his one year 6.5 Million cap hit stays healthy for all 16 regular season games. Because since the circle jerks spent the money on Owens, they have closed up the cash register for the '09 season, no matter how thin they are at other positions.
  4. Really? Tom, future Hall of Famer, 3 time Super Bowl MVP, Brady actually looked good in his first preseason game back after his season long injury last year? Damn it! I was really hoping he would forget how to play QB during his time off, and the Bills could just blow out his Pats twice this season while he threw 9 interceptions to us. We poor Buffalo Bills can never catch a break.
  5. I know, the NFL doesn't have too many Harvard or Yale graduates - accept of course here in 7-9-0 land. But I digress. In the unusual case of roookie Ellis Lankster, (I think his first name is Ellis - I'm too lazy to look it up.) the Bills may have lucked out by way of his lack of superior intelligence. He needed two full years in junior college before earning his way into West Virginia. After sitting out his transfer season, he then stupidly did something off the field that ruined most of his junior year, but first, with West Virginia. Finally, he was able to have a good senior season - 5 full years after graduating from high school. (If he ever did in fact graduate from high school.) Anyway, all of that baggage caused Lankster to fall way down the draft board, and the Bills snagged him with their 7th round pick. All this kid has been doing is making plays since he showed up for the first rookies OTA's in May. Who knows how good he really is? A normal 4 year career at West Virginia with no off-field problems may have given him a top 10 draft ranking for all anybody will ever know! Wouldn't it be awesome if Lankster ends up being the steal of the entire '09 draft, and ends up pushing McGee and McKelvin for playing time all season?
  6. Great story, good for young Stupar. But if the Bills want to stretch the field with speed and tall talent, they should already be starting Nelson at tight end. Frankly, I'm sick and tired of these offensive coaches being so strict about talented rookies doing everything perfectly. Nelson doesn't even take one snap with Trent Edwards and the starters so far. Did the Bills brass watch that pass he caught from the third stringer in the corner of the end zone Saturday night?? I swear, sometimes I think these perpetual 7-9-0 coaches on the Bills' offense think they are the Patriots or Steelers in their minds. I railed all last year about them not allowing James Hardy to just go out and catch some passes over the heads of his defenders, especially in the red zone. They don't have a clue how to utilize Roscoe Parrish on offense with all of his speed. And now it looks like they are hiding Nelson on the bench because he can't block as good as the other three slower less talented tight ends on the roster. Mind boggling.
  7. ...and do you know why no NFL team has run the no huddle that fast in a while? Because the Bills lost 4 consecutive SB's running the no huddle that fast. End of debate. It kills it's own defenders. The Bills used to go 3 and out faster then the defense could suck in two breaths of oxygen on the sidelines. And that was a team loaded with veteran talent on both sides of the ball. This new "no huddle" system needs to be a nice slower version - run somewhere in between those K-Gunners of the early 90's and today's Peyton Mannings' "slowwwno huddle he runs from the line of scrimmage. Todays' Bills defense will need all the help and ball control in can get if DJ really has fantasies about sneaking into the playoffs.
  8. Correction: ..."Which really makes it a four and out." But who's really counting?
  9. Shawn Nelson may be suffering from the same problems James Hardy suffered from last year. His demanding offensive coaches obviously don't think he is catching onto the playbook as quickly as he needs to, to come into games before the third quarter. Just like I thought with Hardy last year, after watching Nelson's TD catch in the corner of the endzone from Fitzy, if he does not get on the field much his rookie season, I will only blame the demanding coaches who's only job is to "coach him up."!!!
  10. Who would have ever thought that our less then superstar first round pick, who seemed to have as many detractors as supporters going into the draft, would get his contract signed by agent Segal and the Bills, after Segal got convicted felon Mike Vick a deal back into the NFL???
  11. I watched the whole game, and the O-Line improved from game 1. And that of course is their goal. The worst showing was against outside blitzes, where Edwards barely had time to accept the shot-gun snap. Also, I can't wait until the 3 new guys in the middle start feeling comforable about their assignements to just go out and blow people off the line. I'm thinking that will come about 3 or 4 games into the regular season. If they all stay healthy, the Bills can become one of the strongest and toughest O-Lines in the NFL by season's end. Sure, Lankster had two interceptions, against a QB who most likely won't ever throw a regular season pass in the NFL. And has Byrd even practiced yet? Did you play last night? What's his number? Someone give me a Jarius Byrd update.
  12. Very funny reply - good job! Now even though I was on Peters' side from the beginning and still believe the Bills should have paid him, this is the kind of debate that makes logical sense! Mock the guy for every sack he is guilty of. But please don't revel in any injury he might suffer from this season.
  13. I wish Dick Jauron was more like Jerry Smith, the long time head coach at St. Francis High School. For years Jerry has been taking his Red Raiders to Ohio and Pennsylvania to take on some of the best teams in those states, to challange his players from tiny Athol Springs to be good enough to play the very best. It would be nice if DJ had enough of a pulse to at least challange his NFL athletes to have a good practice every now and then. I love the other post that claims DJ has to go 20-0 to just rise up to average, .500, as an NFL head coach. After Super Bowl winning John Gruden was fired in Tampa, why oh why was DJ retained up here??
  14. Ray Lewis was not convicted of a crime. Mr. Vick is a convicted felon, having spent almost 2 full years in prison and home confinement. Where does the NFL ever draw the line? The easiest decision Goodell could have made was to just ban Vick for life because his conviction included time spent in prison. That way, we don't even need to have any discussion about what crime Vick committed, only that is was so serious that his high paid defense team could not even get it reduced to community service or probation! That would leave out the debates next year when Stallworth gets reinstated after being suspended a year for manslaughter for God's sake! Manslaughter - that means a victom died. And yet, Goodell is proud of himself for suspending the drunk driver who caused the death a whole year. Wow. What a lesson. So next year, you can defend Stallworth on this blog, saying what,....that the guy died by accident, and at least Donte didn't committ first degree murder??? Oh my gosh, Roger Goodell would have to suspend that felon at least 2 years for first degree murder!
  15. From today's Buffalo News, here is a direct quote: "...None of the Bills' second-string linebackers have ever made a tackle on defense in a regular-season NFL game. Linebacker depth is one of the big worries on the team." In the words of Vince Lombardi; "What the hell is going on out there?" And by "out there", I mean in the offices of the Inner Circle Jerks! I have a question for the posters in the know: about how much money do the Bills have left under the salary cap today? Cato June came in. Freddy Kaiho came in. Experienced linebackers who have made many tackles in the NFL have been released and re-signed by other teams. And yet someone at OBD has the audacity to admit that "linebacker depth is one of the big worries on the team."???!!! What, is the key getting Maybin into camp? Is Maybin going to be the Bills "monster" back or something? Are they going to line him up everywhere on defense and pretend he is the second coming of Bruce Smith and expect 15 sacks and over 100 tackles out of him from his rookie year on out?? Yeah, I'm one of the guys out here hoping against hope that the whole thing somehow works out and the Bills finish at least 9-7-0 this season. But looking at the lack of experience and talent the circle jerks have assembled overall compared to the 12 teams that made the playoffs last year, I am really starting to doubt that Dicky can pull out even a 4th straight 7-9-0 season. And maybe that will be best, so the whole thing can get blown up, and real NFL people might come in and put the players out there with at least one play of experience on second team.
  16. Um, what? Where, exactly, did I suggest that DJ "B word out his players in the media?" All I said was the DJ did not have to offer up appologies for his players not covering that playground trick play in a preseason game.
  17. Langston Walker could start for any NFL team....at right tackle. Aaron Schobel would still start for most NFL teams. Kawika Mitchell was already a starter for both the Chiefs and Giants before coming to Buffalo. Morman of course would easily be the punter for at least 29 of the other 31 teams. Finally, Trent Edwards would compete to start for many other teams around the NFL.
  18. Now that would really be something. Four consecutive 7-9-0 seasons. In today's age of salary caps and free agency, the odds of the Bills pulling that off have to be as high as they were to go to those four consecutive SB's! Now that could very well happen. But fear not. No way does DJ return to "circle his 7-9-0 wagons" for a 5th straight year, if it does.
  19. You are right sir. Ask the 4-0-0 preseason Lions how they parlayed that "momentum" into the first 0-16-0 season in NFL history last year.
  20. That play was very cool to watch. My issue with Fisher is why he yanked the undrafted rookie quarterback and put the 6 year vet back in just because the Bills came within 7 points after Reggies' Int. return. Since that backfired and Ramsey couldn't move the team and run out the clock anyway, I was rooting for Dick-less to put Fitzy and some of the starters back in himself to really go for the win - right back into Fishers' face.
  21. It took me less then 5 minutes to come up with Maybins' contract: 5 YEARS, 25 MILLION, WITH 15 MILLION GUARANTEED. Since that is almost exactly what the contract will read looking at the draft picks above him and just below him who have already signed, why one earth should Ralph & the Jerks and Maybins' agent draw this thing out one minute longer??
  22. Shut up Dick! I'm afraid there will be too many times you have to apologize for "not preparing" your team when the games count, for you to have to apologize for not preparing your team for a stupid arrogant playground trick play that Fisher won't have the balls to run again unless he desperately needs to, maybe , one more time during the season! In fact, forget that. If he really had any intention of using that play, he would never have put in on film in the first preseason game. It was just a "show-off" one-time play he made up to get some attention on himself. Why do you think the egomaniac put 6 or 7 year veteran Patrick Ramsey back into the game right after Mortenseon's kid threw that nice pass right into Corner's arms making the game alarmingly close (for Fisher, anyway)? The prick made young Mortensen look like a scapegoat, and who knows, may have even been using that benching to get a cheap shot on his Dad for something the elder Moretensen may have said about Fisher or his team in the past 15 years. All I know is that Mortensen should have been allowed to go right back on the field and finish the game, win or lose. Does anyone who has a brain think that Ramsey is really going to beat out Vince for the back up role? He is the number 3 man, and of course Mortensen is gone. The least coach ego Fisher could have done was allow Mortensen to finish up the game to get some more film in the can as he trys to catch on with a team as a long shot undrafted free agent. All Dicky should have said was what I said after that trick play; "That was pretty cool, the way the punter handled the ball behind his back while being in the kicking motion. But no way would Fisher try that in the regular season."
  23. Great post. The way 54 & 50 were hitting everything in their path, Ellison should not last the preseason as the starting strong side backer. In fact, Kawika may want to pick his game up a notch to where it was a couple seasons ago when he helped the Giants beat the Pats in the SB! These two kids look like the real deal.
  24. Outstanding take! Peterson must have thrown out about 14 "ending lines" .... and then kept right on talking. I was waiting for the Acadamy Award orchestra to start playing to shut him up.
  25. Listen, stats don't lie, and yes, the interior big three disapointed us. But I only have one thing to say to anyone analyzing preseason games too much, bad or good: The Lions went 4-0-0 in the preseason last year, and then 0-16-0 when the games counted. Any questions about the "importance" of preseason football games? Plus, why did ego maniac Jeff Fisher pull Mortinson's kid after his ugly interception and put experienced Patrick Ramsey back into the game? Because Fisher wanted to win the stupid game. I guess Dick should have run Gibby back out there, or even Fitzy for that matter, for that 2 minute drive that could won the game for the Bills if it had ended in a TD.
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