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Turn Down For Watkins

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Everything posted by Turn Down For Watkins

  1. He's prob. the most annoying poster u will ever come accross of. Usually I do try to ignore him but this Vick BS got me irritated for some reason. My bad Pitta, I know it can get annoying after awhile.
  2. And Pacman Jones, I'm sure Skooby would love that too.
  3. No to Vick!!! The guy is a scumbag who never did anything spectacular even when he was with the Falcons. The guy is a terrible passer and he will hopefully jacked up by the first defender to come at him. Anyone who wants Mike Vick on this Bills team is on drugs. And BTW Skooby... How did this post workout over on the Buffalobills.com message boards? ... Not very well, Huh?
  4. 56 tackles for Kawika Mitchell is a little to low IMO, I think he will be around 90-95 tackles. And as bad as Ellison is, If he does remain the starter all year long than he will probably be around 75-80 tackles. I really think that Poz will have a huge year so anything in the range of 120-130 tackles with 2 INT's and 2 sacks is very reasonable IMO. Other than that good predictions Drizz!
  5. They have him at 355 LBS on their websight, Maybe he could play on the OL for us?
  6. He's bigger than Ellison, But is he really an upgrade from what we have? His numbers aren't that impressive.
  7. I was comparing that team to our team this year and their are alot of similarities. Here's the breakdown. QB's- Even RB- Were better this year Wr's- Very similar 2 WR tandem this year compared to 2004, Even Offense- Potential to be better Defense- Potential to be even, That's unlikely though Coaching- Mularky isn't great but Jaruon isn't either, I'll say Even. I'd certainly take a 9-7 record with our schedule this year
  8. And Chambers was solid at the Tackle position last year too
  9. We all know that this will be a very good battle throughout Training Camp so I just wanted to get a early feeling on who the board thought would win the Nickel CB. I tryed to do a poll on this but it didn't work, Sorry.
  10. Ralph would have to be pretty hyped up on his apple sauce for that to happen, Unfortuanatley it seems as if Skeletor will be roaming the Bills sidelines for a while.
  11. Lankster could be a solid Corner if he continues to impress by having a good training camp, I think he has Reggie Corner written all over him which should be a good thing.
  12. I can drink to that! GO BILLS!!
  13. Smurfs I don't get how Frank Gore is considered a smurf just because he is 5 foot 9 but it is kinda surprising to me that Roscoe isn't on the list
  14. Well than... I guess we are Dooooooooooooooomed.
  15. I'm pretty sure that we signed Shawn Nelson a while back, I can't find a link though.
  16. Your user name says it all, So your obvioulsy not a loyal Bills fan.
  17. What ever happened to LB Morlon Greenwood? I know he came in for a vist a while back and I haven't heard anything since, He would be a upgrade imo.
  18. I would have to go with JP, As bad as he was last year he still gave us some hope every now and than in 2006.
  19. I can't believe how whiney people get over a 6th round draft pick. This front office has had a great draft this weekend and they deserve alot of credit because they were able to address the many needs that we came into this draft with. Do I support the pick of another DB... NO. But this was just a typical late round Bills pick that many get worked up over for nothing.
  20. It's the 6th round. This pick is probalbly just for depth and special teams. Why get so worked up over it??
  21. Just out of curiousity, Where is Michael Johnson the DE out of Georgia Tech? I haven't even heard anything about him.
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