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Posts posted by jwws9999

  1. Long-time NFL offensive line coach Jim McNally calls Jason Peters "the most devastating blocker and pass-protector I've ever coached" outside of Hall of Famer Anthony Munoz.


    McNally opined that Peters pouted in Buffalo because the Bills handed out big money to lesser talents Derrick Dockery and Langston Walker while letting their franchise player twist in the wind. According to ProFootballTalk, one league source believes the Eagles just made the best trade in the last 10 years of the NFL..



    mcnally's right, our running game sucked until peters got in shape last season. you dopes who like high motor guys like that pos poz and that overrated piece of crap schoebel are going to disappointed this season

  2. Allen Wilson is just a typical hater who doesn't have any faith in the team. Same with Jerry Sullivan. All these columnist critics of the Bills are jerks and should be fired. The job of a Buffalo based journalist is to put a positive spin on the Bills.



    you Peters haters are a bunch of morons. when Trent gets his fragile head ripped off, and schoebel and Poz and all those high motor guys lead us to a if we're lucky 5 win season, what excuses will you have than

  3. I think the trade was nessisary I think now that we have 3 of the first 42 picks we actually draft pettigreu at 11 and eben Britten at 28 and DL at 42 I think these will be the starters against the pats


    LT Walker

    LG Chambers

    C Hangarner

    RG Mckinny

    RT Eben Britten



    like Edwards is going to get his head ripped out of the socket

  4. the reason Roscoe has not been more a factor on offense is because our OC, his play design and play calling have been incompetent.


    The coaches job is to get the ball to your playmakers. Both Roscoe and Evans have been severely under-utilized.


    don't expect any improvement in 2009, especially with a downgraded OL



    he's not more of a factor because he's to small and weak to get off the line of scrimmage and get open

  5. maybe


    but he has failed as a slot WR. He is expendable, and the Bills FO are doing the right thing in exploring trade possibilities. I know that you have an emotional investment in keeping Parrish because you have defended in keeping him numerous times (same goes with Peters), but I would say that pretty much anyone outside of Bills land knows that this is the right move in exploring trade partners.



    dump roscoe, i could never figure out why he was drafted in the 2nd round. use mckelvin for PR's and go on with life

  6. of course!lets pull out the racial card!oh my another black man pulled over by a white cop in the early hours of the morning gee it must be because the cop is a jerk!!!!HMMMM.it cant be hes doing his job or anything like that! and im really sure moats was a real sweetheart to the cop as im sure most professional athletes are when they get pulled over! hmm sat.the 22nd 4 police officers gunned down after a routine traffic stop in oakland!!!!!!!!!!! YES LETS BLAME THE COPS AND GLORIFY THE NEWS MEDIA BECAUSE AS EVERYONE KNOWS THE COPS ARE ALWAYS WRONG AND THE NEWS MEDIA IS DEFINITELY NOT BIASED!!!!!! UNFREAKINBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!



    calm down, people will hear you yelling in the trailer park that you live in. what a redneck, you probably voted for bush twice as well, didn't you

  7. :thumbsup: Can't let go of what? The VENOM you HATERS spouted about JP, or the FACT that when anyone has a LEGITIMATE criticism of Trent they are rebuffed with "fan boy" or have to listen to BS like he is "ONLY A ROOKIE" in Trents 2nd year or "FIRST FULL YEAR STARTING" in Trents 3rd YEAR?


    Trent sucks, the bills will never be a playoff team with him at QB

  8. good post...Although there is no amount or reasoning that will ever convince me (or probably any GM in football for that matter) that Edwards has been better than Cutler, I still think Edwards can become a good QB and this is the year for him to do it. If he doesnt put it together though this year with all these weapons, we are going to have to look elsewhere in 2010. That is assuming he isnt traded to Den ;)



    Edwards sucks, he has a weak arm, is always hurt, and won't be able to throw in Buffalo in cold weather games. we'd be lucky to get Cutler, and immediately be a playoff contender

  9. Dude, it is pretty obvious that Cutler had more talent around him in Denver than Edwards has had to work with here in what amounts to be about a full season of work. Most, if not everyone, on this site would agree to that, so it doesn't need to be repeated in every post you make. You can't base an argument comparing NFL quarterbacks on simply that though, it doesn't work that way. I'm kind of on the fence about whether I think all of this SPECULATION regarding a switch of quarterbacks is a great idea, but judging an NFL quarterback comes down to much more than the guys who are around him. And why do you mention his 600+ attempts last year as if this is a negative? Just because they "padded" his stats in your eyes? Do you realize how difficult it is to ask a quarterback in this league to throw the ball almost 40 times a game when NFL defenses basically know it's coming? And to still have the success he had last year in just his second full season? That doesn't really hold water either. Like I said, I am a bit on the fence with this issue, but you're going to have to do a MUCH better job if you're going to keep trying to talk people out of Jay Cutler as an NFL quarterback. All this is doing is making you sound like Mel Kiper's number one disciple.



    the biggest difference between Edwards and Cutler is that Cutler doesn't suck

  10. Well I disagree. Without Cuntler last year Broncos are 2 win team. He knows this and thats why he feels under appreciated and wants out. The guy was a leader on the field, reads defenses, did whatever it took to win games and made clutch throws. Comparisons to a dolt like Jeff George are wholly unfounded.


    Cutler throwing deep bombs to a single covered Evans because DBs can't cheat with TO underneath would rival the year Brady had with Moss and Welker.


    as always, most people on this board seem to think that talent doesn't matter. Cutler is a franchise QB who we'd be lucky to get

  11. There something very Glenn Close/Fatal Attraction about Jay Cutler. If I were Josh I'd start wearing a bullet proof vest.


    As for the Bills...the fans are crazy enough, we don't need an unhinged QB. Pass.



    another clown who seems to think the buffalo bills character philosophy works. cutler is 10 times better than our noodle armed injury prone qb

  12. I've calmed down about the TO signing and agree that there isn't much downside with the 1 year contract, but don't make up positives about him. TO cares about one thing...HIMSELF! As long as the balls are being thrown his way, he is fine. As soon as he determines that he is not getting his quota, he gets pissed.



    so you're saying it's better to have kelsay, who cares about the team, but is a crappy football player

  13. Bruce liked to rush down the highway drunk as well.



    for some reason, people seem to think chemistry is more important than talent. I think Juaron is finally waking up to that idiotic idea. most of the great teams in the past had some real questionable character, but they sure could play football

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