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Everything posted by theNose76

  1. Then stop making 6 posts in 6 minutes acting like a 5 year old - I can see one or two, but 6 is just stupid, and the perfect MO of a troll. Thanks for the little Fyou there, too, real classy. If you had just put your couple paragraphs about the game in then it would've made sense. Thought we were all adults here.
  2. What are you like a Patsy troll?? Learn how to post and stop acting like a 5 year old. That BS said, what a pitiful performance from the free-throw line. Why they continue to struggle there behooves me - they were horrible last week against Miss St. but still were able to win, cant do it against a good team like OSU. Even GMac missed. Boeheim is a great coach, but he's GOT to figure something out before their free-throw shooting gets worse - because it will, even though 7-22 is terrible. That and some really stupid fouls in the last 5 minutes lost them the game (also OSU made their jumpers). I'd say Edelin needs to get more involved, which he will, but that wasn't the problem tonight. They were making plays, driving to the basket, getting fouled, then putting up 2 BRICKS. Mr. All-America, Hakim Warrick, what, 3-12 from the line? If you wanna be a great team, learn how to shoot a damn free throw. They won in 03, but I have to assume (cant remember) that Melo and Duany were better FT shooters than this bunch. Get their butts on the free throw line every practice from here on out - the defense looked good, ball movement, shooting could be improved - FT shooting SUCKS.
  3. Steve, I went to one of those signings last May at Eastview Mall in Roch. Get there at like 5pm (well not you since you live in Fla but whoever is going) because it gets mobbed really quickly, especially on a Friday evening during XMas shopping season. It's a $20 donation to the Hunter's Hope Found. and you get a bear - I also had him sign a hat. But again the mall gets packed, especially once word spreads of a Jimbo sighting. Good luck.
  4. 21, and worked this summer at the MGM Grand (hoping to go back in 6 months after graduation). Stayed at Hard Rock twice and was at Mandalay countless times - if it was the summer I'd say pick HR because of the aforementioned pool (I just called it heaven while I was there), but Mandalay is the best option for you. Huge gaming floor, good restaurants, lots of good looking women roaming around, and it's walking distance to everywhere on the strip. If you're there on a Monday night and have some cash, make your way up to the Foundation Room on the top floor. It's an exlusive night club/bar run by the House of Blues - $30 cover IIRC but well worth it. Saw TONS of gorgeous women all night, and the view is absolutely amazing (the outside patio is the opening you can see on the top floor from the outside). Breathtaking views. As I said, though, the gaming floor is great, you can lose yourself there. Saw Blue Man Group next door at the Luxor, great show as well. I would be promoting the MGM, but since Mandalay will be owned by MGM Mirage in a few months anyway, it doesn't matter Definitely Mandalay - and have a great time!
  5. Maybe they should work on it eh
  6. Ok, so they haven't had to take any FT's luckily, and are making quite the surge Always good to see what happens when Warrick is firing on all cylinders.
  7. It's at halftime, and seems like just you and I watching the game. First half was pretty rough. The thing I HATE the most about watching this team since their title win is their pitiful free throw shooting. How was this not improved in the off-season???? I'm not sure what they finished at, but they were 2 for 9 at one point. That's just horrid, and they're damn lucky to still be in the ballgame. If Hakim and/or GMac pick it up in the 2nd half, it should be over. We'll see.
  8. Link: http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/10132458.htm?1c
  9. You were a little more "inebriated" when you stopped by our tailgate at about 12:15. My shot from earlier had worn off, and we were just finishing our chicken wings. Glad to have you, Jay, and then theesir join in our now patented and huge "keys to the game" - everyone was right on, even though we couldn't really understand you when you were talking, Rock! You guys should come by next game, we're frying a turkey!
  10. Amazing - he could either fly by defenders, spin around them, stop and then go around them, run through them, or maybe even go through them (as it seemed a few times). The definition of a total package. Should be interesting to see how he develops over the next few years. Being in Florida, wonder if he'll venture out of the state, or stay at Miami, Fla State, or UF. BTW, anyone who didn't download the video is missing out. To call him a great player and a man among boys is an understatement.
  11. I'm 21, voted for the first time in a general election (via absentee). I was pissed that i missed the 02 elections, didn't file for an absentee in enough time - need an absentee because I'm too far from my home while in college to go home and vote. I agree completely with what you put here. Many of my friends last night watched the entire night, supporting their candidate - and many of them were people I really didn't think had any political knowledge. And it was a major topic of discussion this morning in my classes. So I would say that this 10% number does not accurately reflect what I have seen in the last few weeks. I have been inundated at my school and in classes with political discussions, and it's been pretty neat. So sure, not everyone in the young age group voted (many for the reasons BF noted). But many did. And I have faith that we'll continue to vote in the future.
  12. I was there as well, threw lots of popcorn, and then laughed uncontrollably as Kenny later had not only ketchup and mustard all over himself, but also a ton of popcorn. The wedding was one of the most unique things I have seen in my lifetime - and it was even funnier that everyone around me was saying "I wanna get married at a Bills game too" who wouldn't? Also talked to Joe and Josh Mora for a bit, and was able to listen to the interview. Joe had nothing but good things to say about tailgating in Buffalo, and I shook his hand and thanked him for coming to town. Too bad this week wasn't one of the times we had chicken wings at our tailgate. We tailgate by Kenny and the Pinto every week - it's always a blast. Me and Kenny at last year's Miami Game. What a guy.
  13. Glad you can make the call from your nice, warm living room in Giants country. Meanwhile, those of us who went to the game realized how HORRIBLE the weather was during it. It wasn't that it was that cold, it was probably around 50-55. But with a constant, nagging rain and 30-40 mph winds, I'm sorry, but that's not too comfortable to watch a game in. I however was there until the end of the game, but I had gloves and a few layers on so I wasn't as cold as others. Secondly, and more importantly, the last 6 minutes of the game were absolutely MEANINGLESS. After the Bills last touchdown, it was very obvious the game was over, and it was almost 4 o clock by then. The Cardinals drove down the field and scored a meaningless touchdown against a defense that had stopped them all day. Then the Bills took over and what did they do?? Gave the ball to Joe Burns 5 times then knelt after the 2 minute warning. So save your "very disappointed" stevestojan for people who may actually agree with you - because your wrong. Oh yea, complaining about a non-sellout?? You do realize that the team is now 8-15 over the last two seasons, put up an absolutely terrible effort last week, yet until today had ELEVEN STRAIGHT SELLOUTS. I'm sure you forgot that, though. Can't believe what lousy fans we are.
  14. I always end up doing the "name 10 players" on your favorite team. Classic. They get through like 2 or 3 and then are lost. Then I name the entire Bills roster, practice squad, and coaching staff, and they're totally lost. I love it. I actually had some Bills fans going last week because I kept running off the coaches names, they had no idea. Great times.
  15. Coincidetnally I traded for this guy in my Madden franchise just last night. I'll play the first game this afternoon with him at center and see how he plays. Oh, and I traded him for a 4th round draft pick and my backup strong safety - Coy Wire
  16. I will be one of those introducing TheBiscuit to the "over 21 club". Should be a good time tonight on the streets of Buffalo. And of course he can finally join us in driking at the tailgates
  17. I feel the exact same way. I am fairly confident that in however many years I will watch football (I am 21 now), I will NEVER again see a call like that. To make matters worse, I saw the end of the Browns-Boys game, and they made the call there. That is just stevestojan every way you look at it, and the call I'm most pissed about and will be for sometime, because it was the MOST GLARINGLY OBVIOUS botch I've seen in a while.
  18. But seriously, have you ever in the past, and will you ever in the future, hear a penalty call go like this.... "Holding, offense, and although the hold occurred in the END ZONE, it STARTED on the 1 yard line, so therefore by some ungodly ass rule that i obviously just made up because it makes no sense, there is no safety on the play although there should by rule, instead Oakland will still have the ball, and oh yea, tough stevestojan, Buffalo." (btw that's the first time I've ever used the "stevestojan" so I feel honored to use it in a reply to you )
  19. That's what I used. At the end of the '02 season I noticed it, checked it out, and realized there was a message board. And now it's an addiction. Even though I rarely post anymore, I still read this alot and rely on basically all my Bills news from this site.
  20. Had WGR on today for about 10 minutes while in the car for long enough to hear the end of Jerry's hour just before 6pm. All I heard in that time was how bad Bledsoe is, how Jerry has been saying this for a long time and nothing has been done, and there's no way to win with Bledsoe at QB. He also criticized the pick of Evans, saying it was another in Donahoe's luxury picks (McGahee) and the pick was nothing but to give Bledsoe another option. I had no chance to call, but I really wish I would've gotten through - I would've posed these two questions: Who, if not Bledsoe, do we put in as our starting QB right now, on September 20? Not JP when he gets back, I don't realistically see that happening. But being as emphatic as he is, Jerry wants immediate change, I wanna know where it's coming from. And also, if not Evans at 13, then who do we pick that has value at 13? Someone who lasted into the 20's? I would like to know alternatives. It's great to second guess months later. I always hear the discussion re: Mike Williams and how we should've taken Bryant McKinnie instead - yea huge improvement. Basically I'm just sick of hearing Sullivan's tired RANT. He's been after Donahoe's head since last December when Donahoe called out the media who had been harshly criticizing his decision at HC - ever sense every time he's talked or written something about the Bills it's been disagreeing or second-guessing Donahoe. It's fine that he's fed up with TD for whatever reason, but as a SPORTSWRITER, someone who works based on their knowledge of sports, one would reason that he is smart enough to think of ALTERNATIVES. He did at least mention Pete Kendall today, who was a FA guard and signed with the NYJ I believe this offseason. I agree, he would've been a great LG. But other than that, all I hear from him is complaining. Offer an alternative if you're going to write a weekly column bashing the team and be on the air for an hour every Monday bashing and second-guessing every move that is made. I am not by any means a Bledsoe or Donahoe apologist - this is just reality. We're 0-2: I wanna hear some alternatives on how to improve the team, bottom line.
  21. That last picture, was that the ball that went into the tunnel side stands on an over throw?? I saw that and was waiting for them to ask for it back, but never saw it come up. That's awesome you guys got a gameball.
  22. It was very obvious on the Colts first TD drive - 9 runs, 0 passes > Touchdown. There seemed to be holes everywhere. The Colts managed at least 150 yards on the ground, and something like 450 overall, more than in any game against the Pats last season. So yea, it may be a sign, although don't look for Arizona to do much about that with their 78 year old running back. Travis and Willis will find out in 3 weeks how much the Pats miss big Ted (they'll also meet big Ted himself next Sunday, ouch).
  23. Completely agree. HATE them - even more after tonight. Edge and Vanderjagt gave them that game. Horrible.
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