Fine gentlefolk of Two Bills Drive, I fear I may need your help. Although it is quite presumptuous of me to ask help from strangers, I feel I must. Please forgive my lack of etiquette.
I have been monitoring this thread from near the premises of my home. I am wont to be self reliant, but in this case I fear that is impossible. You see my master tends not to believe things when they are not what he wants to hear. He will use any excuse to deem bad news false. With me delivering the news, the excuse will come easily given my stature in the pecking order of the animal kingdom. I do indeed have a working RFID chip implanted in Samuel; in fact I have two for redunancy. These are of the latest technology which is not available to the general public. They were meant to quell my feelings of jealousy and served that purpose well. Samuel is a loyal mate.
Now the chips have generated a far different fear in my heart. These chips send out distress signals upon their demise. There is nothing in existence which can stop these signals from being sent. I have received no such signals. I am not receiveing signals of any type. Until their last transmission, both chips were in a proximity that indiciated their presence within Samuel. He has not, or at least had not been chopped to bits. Still, my mind is racing with thoughts of what may be happening to Samuel. None of them are good. My greatest fear is that they have taken Samuel.
Without the assistance of the Googlebot all will be lost. Without convincing my master, I will have no access to the Googlebot. This is where I need your help; especially that of Mr. Beverage Container. Please convince my master that Samuel is in need. Use the password "gherkin" if he does not believe you. Without the fine people of this board, I shudder to give any conjecture as to Samuel's future.
Without the fine people of this board, there are only two people who could help me. One of these people is vile, un-couth and demanding. The other is a nice gentleman, but easily distracted and taken off point. I am hesitant to enlist either's help without trying the people herein first. Please use this thread to convince my master to let me have access to the Googlebot. I thank you in advance.
This message sent from Carl's Blackberry handheld.