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Everything posted by Ish

  1. of course they had fans, its just that they could'nt make it with all that traffic on the 93 or 95 pats fans are truley the greatest sports fans ever
  2. join thre Darkside listen to WECK, you know you want to
  3. maybe we should start throwing frozen D-sized batteries at the opposing teams coaches may I suggest the Dec 28 game against the cheats
  4. who cares about that bandwagon network and its subsidiaries
  5. losman sucks, edwards sucks, hamdan sucks, put in Drew Wiley he has CHRPOISESMA
  6. i was being sarcastic
  7. omg tom brady and peyton manning are good the NFL Network and Espn Live keep telling me that they are
  8. the thing the irked me the most is when turk said "now we're letting our QB's make their own decisions out there", I actually think that either one of these two can win in this new system JP would do better, but we can win with trent too" you could've put the ultimate QB back there last season and they would not have been any better
  9. fixed, and it doesn't matter if it's either losman or edwards
  10. David Boston also rings a bell!
  11. you mean Lynch Knee'd his ice
  12. let me know send me a message and ill see waht i can do if you havent found a way yet
  13. when the local radio, who mostly focuses on the sabres, starts calling for a QB Change I'm a big JP backer, but go with one guy and bite the bullet this isnt going to help the careers of losman, edwards, hamdan or drew wily or the star qb at lackawanna, whoever, by playing musical QBs
  14. proof that it wasnt losman's fault for messing up last season, proof that it wasnt edwards fault for the dinks and dunks proof that jauron is a little fraidy cat and his conservative "offense" and an injury battered D is the place to blame in other words BAD COACHING
  15. im a big JP fan, but it seems like he's gotten a tad hefty
  16. way to jinx us, guy!
  17. well if or when edwards flops, the same people loving him now will run him out of town and then we will get a rehash of the bills qb situation once again
  18. the same people who are hating on JP now and are in love with edwards will be calling for edwards head next season if he flops
  19. i totally forgot about Imperial Pizza
  20. bozannas is a delicious heart attack waiting to happen
  21. Ronny's Pizza in Lancaster and both Bozanna's pizza locations: clarence on main st. and if you want one near the stadium Bozanna's on camp rd in hamburg
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