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Everything posted by sleaky72

  1. Ok, I dont have White Guilt before some label me, but why is it that it is my fellow Whites that wont allow this guy to move on with his life, or fight cluelessly for the same health care that their grandparents and even themselves receive in the form of Medicare. Hmmm methinks there is some latent fear of the five letter word followed by "Man" in play here Pretty Sad that not much has changed
  2. Honestly I feel for Marshawn. He deserves a better team
  3. I hope these guys are made to walk to Buffalo. We should just take a forfeit rather than continue to waste time on Sundays. One thing is for sure: Kelsay, Schobel, Kyle Williams and Christie Kelsay are the four most overpaid and overrated linemen in the NFl. And yes I forgot the overrated girl named Paula Pozlusny who gets all the commercials and all the hype for being <thinks better of going there>
  4. Neither is your Mother
  5. Guys, all people were saying was that if we passed the ball it should not be a straight drop back. I would have done a quick roll out with backside protection or run a naked bootleg with a quick pass. The play call and execution was simply stupid
  6. Royal! You are a POS
  7. R u serious dude? Do you even have a mother? Why would you insult the man's mother even if you cant stand him
  8. They should have run a bootleg or a full roll out to avoid this kind of tragedy and not do a straight play action without backside blocking. Just get rid of Turk, and sorry JP, I have backed you more than anyone else here, but you cant expect to remain in the NFL and make mistakes like that
  9. Someone shoot Turk and Losman
  10. Duke Preston! Holy Cow the Girlie Man showed some stones in there
  11. Coach get JP outta the pocket............Roll him out and give him a run-pass option
  12. A three and Out! Holy Cow Fred? What the Hell
  13. Nobody circles the wagons like the Bu....................................... errr, better wait, too much time for us to screw up
  14. OMG I cant believe it! What a run Oh men, we've got too much time left
  15. What kind of idiot is Roscoe Parrish. OMG I cant deal with such an idiotic team. Give me a freakin break. These guys could make a saint use four letter words
  16. How many passes will Marshawn drop? Wendling let the ball bounce a little more before trying to get ur name into the stat sheet loser
  17. What a catch by Johnson. Hey Turk will it kill you to roll out or run a bootleg with JP
  18. Cant wait to see the replay of that phantom call
  19. Leodisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, not a penalty
  20. Thank God for Gumbel stepping in, cuz Dierdorf clearly does not like JP with his biased analysis. Holy Cow, NFL receivers make catches like that every game
  21. Give me a break guys. NFL receivers are supposed to make those kind of receptions
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