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Everything posted by sleaky72

  1. It just seems to me that there is something not quite right between Trent and Lee. I am not saying that QBs and Wideouts need to be blood brothers, but it seems there is a legit lack of chemistry btw the two
  2. Only in a market like buffalo could an overrated hack like Erica Schobel, who piles up garbage time sacks and pulls a shrinking violet in every big game or against every quality tackle, command the kind of dollars that this scrub pulls in. And please when was the last time this fairy was ever double teamed. Dont even get me started on his two others sisters, Rihanna Denney and Christie kelsay' Lord please save Buffalo
  3. People let it go. He will not get the Chair like some of you losers are hoping for and he will continue to play football because he is gifted. if hating Vick makes your pathetic and worthless existence have more meaning then please continue! He did the crime, he has done his time, it is time to move on. Please
  4. hey Genius, I am sure Vick and his crew did all that to the pitbulls in front of you and your kids!!! Please grow a brain
  5. Uh Oh, it seems Blaire is ovulating ahead of schedule Eh ya, I could loan some bucks to get some midol, honey
  6. LOL, so Vick is on the path to being a serial killer? WOW Now I have heard it all! Please take your meds before typing
  7. Cheers Rooster, go catch your bus to work
  8. Hey Rooster, dont you have to catch the bus for your afternoon shift at the animal shelter? U better hurry before you lose that minimum wage job u waited 18 months to qualify for I mean, u keep following me all over the forum, rather than finding ur bus pass. Hell, I dont wanna be responsible for you going back on unemployment and not being able to afford the cheap cigarettes you buy from the reservation, dude. Just looking out pal
  9. LOL, he lied to his boss? Wow kill him He lied to his to the cops? Wow kill him again Jeez, you guys are funny! Please lets move on, some of you wont let go until he hangs from a noose or is fried by the chair, so its no need continuing this. I love dogs, but I wont put their lives over that of a human, which sadly some people do. Vick was a scumbag for his actions, but anyone who fights animals cant really care much for them. When you are caught up in that world you probably dont see clearly how wrong ur actions are, until reality smacks you. Now that it has, I hope he learns a big lesson. Enda Story. Ciao
  10. Dude, please how does calling out these underachievers or overrated scrubs equate to not liking anyone on the team. Wow
  11. Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, play the victim some more if that makes you feel better
  12. Er, please read!!! He admitted to a hanging and not drowning or electrocution! He killed a dog!!!! Not a child, a woman, man, boy or girl!!!! It doesnt make it right, but it seems that some of you clowns wont be satisfied unless he goes to the chair! Please Go Away and go work at the animal shelter. He is a football player, he has done his time, so let him play football!! Jeez!
  13. Okay, so this is the worst that Vick did? After Vick agreed last year to plead guilty to a conspiracy charge, he was interviewed by federal agents and claimed that he "never actually killed a dog," though he admitted watching his friends hang, shoot, and electrocute pit bulls. But after failing an October 2007 FBI polygraph test "as it related to the killings of the dogs," Vick recanted his denial and "admitted taking part in the actual hanging of the dogs. To be honest with you guys, that is still a despicable act, but it is no different from what many animals suffer in zoos or in the circus, nevertheless, the dude has done his time and punishment, it is time to move on. If you still hate him, dont buy a jersey or an Eagles ticket
  14. Sorry Buddy these were only indictments and not convictions, plus these were allegations made by squealers!!!! Secondly they said that those actions were done by a number of them. So please, to come out and say that VIck drowned a dog is simply inflammatory and trying to play to an audience. It is no difference from the airhead who was crying out to Arlen Specter that she wants this country to go back to what the founding fathers had it as I guess that included depriving women, minorities and poor people of rights Well, I better stop, I am gonna get accused of having "White Guilt" again Bottom line, Vick has done his time and paid for his crimes, it is time to get a life and move on, or simply root against him
  15. Please shattap and go work in an animal shelter along with you and your sniveling, whiny, lilly livered crowd U whiny, bleeding hearts make me sick
  16. I am so glad that there are more balanced and reasoned people on this site than the fringe element that clucks and screams at every emotional tug! Kudos
  17. My dear chap, when you are done hanging out with Sarah Palin and making up so called "Death Panel" stories please cite the source where Vick drowned dogs? Just asking nicely
  18. Dude did Vick do this personally or were these part of the actions of his associates who squealed on him
  19. Maybe i dont feel like getting into a spitting contest with skunks! Ciao!
  20. Ostriches like to bury their heads in the sand, feel free to join them
  21. There are players that I cant wait to be Ex-Bills Christie Kelsay Erin Schobelle Rihanna Denney Kayla Williams Rianna Lindell Tracy Edwards Ashley Yourbooty But I definitely miss Takeo Spikes!!!!!
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