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Everything posted by sleaky72

  1. Holy Crap!!!!! On one series alone this pathetic buffoon Christie Kelsay has been absolutely pathetic. He has blown three coverages on just one series!!! How can an NFL GM be this pathetic and waste 500k, not to talk of SIX million on this pathetic waste of space. Holy Cow this team is a disgrace
  2. If someone said that eating pig poop is nutritious, I am now of the opinion that some clueless apes on this site would believe it and make up their own set of facts as to why that is true or factual. Unbelievable
  3. OMG!!!!! ONLY in town like Buffalo where the likes of Pornadino are celebrated as reformers and heros can a total scrub and waste of space like Christie Kelsay be rewarded with this kind of contract. I mean this is unreal. If U released this turkey today he wouldnt even be resigned for the veterans minimum next season. This turkey is a bonafide scrub. I mean the Bills just screwed up their salary structure going forward!!!! We let London Fletcher, Antoine Winfield and Pat Williams walk over money yet we paid this obscene amount for a scrub? In honor of our song: "The Bills make we wanna SHOUT!"
  4. All I can say is thank God for Sirius satelite radio. Thoaw local clowns are a waste of air time
  5. Can our defense make it an easier for Brady/ Are we allergic to Blitzing or putting pressure on Brady? The only time he has been down was when he slid on his own. This is pathetic
  6. is it me or do we have the worst defensive and offensive lines in football what a bunch of Sissies. That miss might be the nail in the coffin if brady with good field position drives down the field. Cornell Green WTF
  8. Lol that was cold
  9. I thought Spiller was a wasted pick according to some experts LMAO!!!! If our defense allows Brady to drive down the field again, I might just throw Up. Come on guys show some heart on defense
  10. Listen ape Im not in the mood so go play with your dolls before i hurt you
  11. Jeez what a defensive scheme.......... Dont rush the passer and dont cover the receivers? Who is this idiot that hired the moron for a coordinator. Unbelievable
  12. Again who is this A-Hole coaching the defense? get rid of this clueless Linebackers coach. This clown has no clue? Did he watch any tape of the Jets game Wtf
  13. Just curious did we dress Kayla Williams or Christina kelsay? I mean where are these fat ladies?
  14. But his scheme doesnt make any sense especially since we are not playing for a playoff spot. We have nothing to lose so take a chance and go after Brady, u never know what might happen, rather than let him sit back there and have lunch and then decide to pick apart our secondary. I mean that last drive was reminiscent of the crappy prevent we played in the last series against Dallas under jauron on Monday night. hell the best time to blitz is on long third downs or deep in the opponents area in order to force checkdowns and drop offs
  15. Jeez ur an irritating idiot, go eat horse crap and stop wasting server space. I mean is that your response? I'd rather have a conversation with a pole, please get away from me
  16. Er dude when u call a Sissy soft zone defense with no friggin pash rush of course receivers will get open. On first down u show blitz and force Brady to drop it down and make a tackle. I mean whatso hard in doing that
  17. Who is the moron coaching defense? Fire this loser right now i mean WTF!!!! This is an absolute disgrace!!!! Whats going to happen when the Pats get the ball back to start the 3rd quarter. Hopeless
  18. Jeez imagine if the Bills even had an above average QB
  19. Please just run out the clock and dont let Brady get his hands on this ball this half. Lynch please stay in bounds!!! If the patsies get the ball back they can score and add to it right after the kickoff
  20. Like I just said I have seen this movie way too many times. How pathetic is our defense, especially the overpaid Turnstiles on the line. Absolutely pathetic and disgraceful. Idiots
  21. Great game so far but havent we seen this movie before. Nah I am not gonna believe
  22. Get Trent EdCrap off of this team!!! Cut this California Piece of crap right now!!! Dont even let this clown on the flight back! I mean WTF!! What a stinking Scrub!!!!
  23. Hey Einstein how many Black Panthers are running for the highest office in the great state of New York? I take it you havent been to Europe, right? Change in November? To whom or to what? Tea Partiers? Wow?
  24. U guys can keep dogging Marshawn as much as you want but I can tell you that if he goes to the Packers, the sky will be the limit. Watch how much his star blooms with AR pulling the trigger. I actually hope Beast Mode resurrects his career at Lambeau
  25. Anyone who voted for Pornadino the pig is just as clueless and pathetic as that Sorry P.O.S!!! Here we have an egomaniac who contributed to democratic leaders, made a ton of money off of the public's money, embarassed his wife by having a child with a staffer, and now wants to clean Albany!! The party of Lincoln has become an absolute joke. First it was Palin, then it was the Tea party kooks, and now every lunatic-fringe scumbag out of the woodwork has the effrontery to run for office. I give up, I might actually become a democrat and give that a try. The GOP has lost me
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