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Everything posted by sleaky72

  1. I mean how can u do that? How can you be so stupid? Especially when every yard matters. We sure could have used those 15 yards. Anyways it is true that bad teams find a way to lose
  2. Was that Hangartner that threw his helmet? What a moron
  4. Hello Bills why are u trying so hard/ We need more losses!!! please get with the program, high draft picks are needed
  5. hahhahahahahahahahaha what do you expect from the sports outpost known as Erie County. They only have a hockey team and share a football team with a non American city lol
  6. Ok so its a lil MMA talk here, but I just watched Cain Velasquez destroy former Minnesota Viking lineman Brock Lesnar who looks like a modern day Viking to become the first Mexican heavyweight champ. Wow, wonders shall never end, except for the Bills of course
  7. Well your small minded rant is very similar to those who live there. Hopefully you have gotten an education in the two pages on this thread
  8. Shhhhhh you are making too much sense, please allow the simpletons whose boundaries dont go past Erie County, WGR 55, their local bar or volunteer fire department to keep taking solace in their ignorance
  9. ROFLMAO at the last paragraph
  10. Dude you need to see beyond Erie County!!!! If u cant afford cable tv then use the internet to expand your knowledge!!! Cheers
  11. Yeah wait till he runs the Bills the way he ran his last business in Buffalo. Remember the Nightclub that he stiffed all the vendors and employees
  12. Isnt it becoming more clearer that the problems on this team begin with Ralphie, Buddy the Hillybilly and Chan the Roadie
  13. I've lived in other countries and where we have racial issues they have regional or tribal issues. So, as long as you have people, you will always have issues. Even homogenous racial nations, in the abscence of race, you have gender, socio-economic or immigrant problems. It is just a function of society, Unfortunately our history is one of race. Both of racial hypocrisy and progress. I mean, the land of the free, was unfortunately, also the "Home of the Slave" Yet at the same time, we have elected the first Bi-racial President, so again out of our biggest failures come some of our biggest examples of our Success
  14. Race is always a hot button issue and there is a feeling that minorities are quick to bring it up while Whites are so quick to try and hide it or run away from it. I think that the more that people in this country discuss race with an open mind without so much fear or playing the victim card that we could easily make progress on the issue. In the case of Favre, it is funny that in a media world, and by this I include, Television, radio, newspapers and internet, that minorities (Black, Asians, Latinos, and Native Americans) make up less than five percent in total!!!!!!!!!!!! Consequently, 95% of the information that we consume are delivered by Whites! So the question is, are minorities right in expressing skepticism about how news and information is slanted? My answer is YES! And I do believe there should be legitimate questions about whether there is a bias in how the Tiger Woods issue and the Brett Favre or Kobe Bryant case is covered. This should be interesting, lol
  15. Sometimes I wonder who the biggest embarassment to Buffalo is? Carla Pornadino or the Buffalo Bills
  16. So we overpay for a pitiful scrub on a equally pitiful defense and then we give away the 13 th overall pick for a fourth rounder!!!! Wow! If Ralphie wasnt senile he would probably strangle the Buddy the Hillbilly! Jeez I thought John Guy was the problem
  17. I am ready to choke after reading this. Honestly you are no different than the brain trust that decided to sign this clown. Holy crap are you for real. Kelsay is a "tough, try hard guy" Wow
  18. Thank you!!!! The most pathetic thing is to whine about the way another team is kicking your butt~ This is a man's game!! Step up and hit or hurt someone! Jeez
  19. Why is the focus on our defensive coach, how about the pathetic offense of our head coach. They are just as awful
  20. Please oh please dont insult Coy Wire!! Eric Flowers was better than this douche! Ralphie must be sick to his stomach when he signs that check every week for Christie
  21. Whoever signed Kelsay to that contract should be fired ASAP! This clown had the edge on the sweep play and was completely pinned to the inside and allowed an easy flow to his edge. No wonder he was taken out on third down. So this clown cant cover, cant rush the passer, cant play the run, but can make more than 100k a week!!! Wow
  22. Only a blind or braindead clown would claim this loser deserves a roster spot in the NFL not to talk of an extension
  23. This is unbelievable!!! These two Southern Hillbillies Chan and Buddy and our senile owner have made Buffalo the laughing stock of America
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