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Everything posted by sleaky72

  1. Boy , without Marcel Dareus, Kyle Williams does look pretty ordinary
  2. I am in Canada and I was in the grocery store wearing a Bills shirt and this old guy couldn't wait to get in my face and tell me they were going to lose today ..... I am leaving the hotel to remind why he is still stocking groceries at his age .... On second thought, nah I will just go party tonite
  3. Er, as a fan of another team who happens to live in the area, I think this dude reminded me of Chris Kelsay😂😀
  4. Looks like Marcel Dareus is more important than I thought he was. Had to go check the box scores to make sure Williams was on the field today. Jeez, ok it's been a while. Just trolling 😜
  5. Thank goodness for those two, because they were so annoying to listen to that they made me order Sirius XM, and when they tried to scam me with their billing, I simply used my phone to listen to sports talk all over the place for free, So thanks clowns
  6. So we went from ErIn Schobel, to Christina Kelsay to this stiff Maria Williams.....Boy Bruce Smith must be crying in his six pack with Darryl Talley, what a bunch of pathetic girls
  7. I am usually hesitant to pass judgement on domestic issues because I have been on the wrong side of the Psycho female issue before. Some chicks are beyond psycho and who really knows the story. Nevertheless, the dude should have known better. Being in a high profile position, especially since you were just hired, he should have gone to extreme lengths to avoid this crap and unfortunately he did not. Good luck to him.
  8. Yeah bye bye Dante but please stay Kelsay and a pay raise!!!! WTF! Only in Buffalo
  9. Er do you have a point or just cloaking ur racism in psycho-babble
  10. They are jumping on Stevie because he decided to become a Peacock and attract way too much undeserved attention to himself. Hey if u wanna be in the spotlight then remember that it casts a glare on both ur good and bad
  11. Terrible Tackler? He is terrible at everything on the field
  12. Great pressure in missing a one legged QB from point blank range. Ughhhhhhhhh I cant print what I really think of this loser
  13. Unrepentant? What is your problem? Reading or comprehension?
  14. You are so right, I would love it to be Boise vs Alabama or Ohio State lol......LSU is a weird team and who knows with them
  15. Updated: November 19, 2010, 4:14 PM ETTime to forgive Vick is hereEmail Print By Rick Reilly ESPN.com Archive [fix link]
  16. After watching this showdown here today can anyone honestly say that Boise and TCU deserve to put themselves in the same category as SEC teams. seriously? I would take a two loss SEC team over an undefeated TCU or Boise
  17. Lol is this Stormfront or Twobillsdrive? Some of you bigots are so disgusting!!! Funny thing is that some of you bigots will still go to church on Sunday and wonder why your lives are still pathetic!
  18. Sorry but Brohm cant play, get over it
  19. Shhhhhhh dont make too much sense to bigoted minds
  20. It costs a lot of money, time and bad publicity to fight a lawsuit, so thats why many celebrities and corporations find a settlement
  21. Ah never mind, how simple it is to live in ignorant bliss Wow, what great insight? Who would have ever thought this? Jeez, I wonder how many NFL QBs you have groomed and how many defenses you have dissected to come to this conclusion, Einstein I apologize to my friends and relatives who I used to call ignorant and racists. Their views are so tame in comparison to the ignorance here that they would be labelled as extreme liberals compared to some of the views here. WOw
  22. By the way, this law was for all minorities and not just Blacks, or should I use the word African Americans? And the law seems to have had an effect because more minorities have become head coaches since it was instituted. It is funny how it takes mandated laws to loosen those bonds of diversity <sad>
  23. I think Craig James' son was a lil brat and Leach went a little too far in his attempts at showing him who was boss. My Verdict: This will probably be settled out of court
  24. Normally i would be irritated by your ignorance but it is clear that ur simply not getting the message? Have minorities been oppressed by WHITEs? YES If they harbor or exhibit signs of animosity because of these grievances does that then amount to racism? NO! Hell thats like saying the lamb or Zebra is exhibiting racism towards the Lion or Wolf!!! Their negative actions towards whites are not a result of them feeling that they are superior towards White people (which is racism) but because they feel aggrieved because of slights both real or imagined. Again in the age of the internet this kind of ignorance should be unacceptable, but then again only 28 percent of the US pop have a college degree so go figure!
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