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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. I agree with Darth. Today has been very relaxing and enjoyable. I guess I just have some growing up to do as well.
  2. "We're on a Hell slide. Help us. Help us." Absolutely fantastic.
  3. The last time I went to a Bills game at the Ralph, the one thing that really offended me was that there were all these people enjoying themselves. What gives? Don't they know that we are still involved in conflicts overseas, people are unemployed or underemployed, starvation, disease, the list goes on and on. This is no time for merriment! How dare they actually have fun during times like these?!
  4. Just so you know, you can return cans that are crushed. Just not in the machines.
  5. No, but someone who thinks - "Minorities have so many more opportunities than others" probably isn't too worldly.
  6. As I was driving in to work this morning, I was thinking the same exact thing.
  7. One thing I'm tired of seeing is running by committee. If we're only going to run nine times in a game, they should all be to one guy. I choose Jackson
  8. Just because I know I'm going to get kicked in the nuts doesn't make it hurt any less when I do.
  9. McKelvin getting burned twice, and byrd trying to pick up that fumble instead of just falling on it showed me a team that wasn't coached all that well today.
  10. Not sure what that means, SUNY product here. All I know is that we already have Socialized Health Care. The only difference is that now, only the people who pay for health insurance pay for everyone. If someone needs care,.. they get it. The cost of people that don't pay gets folded into the people that do. I've payed for it for 20+ years. If there is a national health care, I'll end up paying less per year.
  11. But those 10% were the crappy workers anyway.
  12. No and no. Here's another one for ya, the bailouts worked. There's no denying it.
  13. Okay, now I'm angry. Not only did I have to read some right-wing horses#!t by the OP (like any administration hasn't grown the size of government since I don't know when, and I'd rather it grow to give health insurance to everyone instead of just blowing up people who are brown). But this Bills team is just awful,.. and I mean awful,.. and I don't see it getting better any time soon. AS it turns out, we need a WR as well. Lee had just an awful game,.. and I mean awful.
  14. In the case of the Bills, I think bourbon is required,... and a lot.
  15. My point about this was that if it was just a game, Ralph would have been financially unable to keep the team here for this long. Buffalonians have been using (and paying for) the Bills as an escape from the reality that is Buffalo for a long time.
  16. I agree with all of this. But we are being told by some people that we are not allowed to get angry. Anyone that truly cares about this team has every right to be angry. I'm not saying they have to be or even should be, but if they are, who am I to judge? If it was just a game, the Bills would have left Buffalo a long time ago.
  17. I completely disagree, and I bet every sports team owner and sports writer disagrees, no matter what they say. The opposite of cheering for my team is not cursing my team, it's apathy. No owner or writer wants that, because no-one is shelling out their money for that.
  18. Like I said, I already stopped paying. And I know it's a game, but don't tell me it doesn't mean anything. Maybe I made myself more clear in this post over on SabreSpace. I wrote it after last year's season opener.
  19. I already have. ...now if I could only get a refund for the past decade...
  20. God I hate when people say "it's just a game". If it was just a game, guys wouldn't get to demand millions of dollars to play it. If it was just a game, I wouldn't have to pay $350 to watch a crappy internet feed of it. If we are paying to be entertained and are not getting entertained, then we have a right to be angry. And I don't want to hear how I should just watch and enjoy the game of football, because that is not all we are being sold. They sell us "The hope of winning" every year, not just the game of football.
  21. Nice work, Jon.
  22. This is the worst that I can recall. Something about those awful 80s teams was at least fun. Maybe it was because they were still somewhat of a young team. Now, they just kinda feel like they are that old biddy at the end of the bar who's been ridden hard and put away wet. She doesn't realize that her looks have gone and wears clothes that are too young for her. She ain't hooking up with any promising young fellas fresh out of college. She can only land broken down over the hill guys that don't have a place anywhere else.
  23. As soon as the Bills start winning, that is when I will believe that anything they do makes sense. You can fool some of the people all of the time, you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you'll never fool all of the people all of the time. When you have to try this hard to make us understand how a certain move is good for the team,.. it's probably not a good move. How many more moves do we need to be convinced are good for the Bills? Haven't we had our fill this past decade. I'll know a good move when I see it.
  24. Now I'm depressed.
  25. You must work for the Bills PR department don't you? It's the only thing that makes sense to me about someone trying this hard to justify Kelsey's contract.
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