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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. [in Jim Mora voice]"Tiebreaker?!?!Tiebreaker?!?!!"
  2. Here is my meaningless opinion. If you need seven yards for a first down,...throw it at least eight yards. Andre Reed has not been on this team for a decade.
  3. It's been 51 games. (do the math)
  4. When is the last time you saw ANY receiver in motion?
  5. and that's a big belly.
  6. I don't know what's funnier, that you think the Bills will be 3-2 or that you think the Jets are over-rated
  7. This team will not win 5 games this year.
  8. This team will not win 5 games.
  9. When you see the same mistakes being made over and over it's not over-reaction. It's reality. When it's 4th and 23,.. I don't want to see a 3 yard dump off pass. Maybe if you are drinking the Kool-aid that looks good, but to me it looks like you are giving up.
  10. Here's a bigger head scratcher. Why are the Jets and Giants both on at 1pm? As long as I have lived in the NYC area (20ish years) I can't remember that ever happening. EDIT: Nevermind. I just realized that tomorrow is a holiday. Gotta get the Chosen Ones home by sundown.
  11. According to this map, you're getting the Giants. Sorry.
  12. B+ I think he had a great game. One thing that still worries me, though, is that, other than the deep sideline passes, he doesn't seem to be very good at passing to where a receiver WILL be. We never see a receiver making a catch on the run. All the catches were to receivers that were almost stionary. It's like he has no faith in timing patterns. Last night I saw Eli and the Gaints do this all night long.
  13. Until the Bills win a game, I will believe that it is possible that they can lose every game this year.
  14. I just changed my vote. I just watched the replay of the game on NFLN and you can blame one person, Leodis McKelvin. What a colossally dumb play.
  15. It took a while, but after 12+6 pages, it's finally the media's fault. Okay...on to the Bucs.
  16. You have to take the bad with the good. That's just the way it is. I just want to repeat, It was spray paint on grass.
  17. I knew. But living here in the NYC area, where people only really care about the Giants for about 45 minutes before and after a Super Bowl, I'd rather root for a team the has passionate fans. Otherwise what's the point.
  18. Outrage at the guy who painted the grass or outrage at the play of the Bills for the last decade? If you are talking about the Bills then I agree. It's almost time to start folding the tents and send them somewhere else.
  19. I just can't believe what a non-story this is. The idea that this makes Buffalo look bad is just stupid, because people outside of Buffalo already have such a low opinion of Buffalo that it just doesn't matter. They're wrong, but who cares anyway. And no offense to Kawika, but he needs to lighten up and make a play on the field. if I had Leodis' talent, made his money, made a play like he did and came home to find nothing, then I would ask to be traded to a team where the fans actually care.
  20. I want to be more like them, because they are probably rooting for a team with a better record.
  21. It's amazing, 12+2 pages....if only they would have painted his dog... I knew people on my street who definitely paid more attention to their lawns than they did their family.
  22. Soooo, the guy who wasn't going to go to a game when he thought they were going to be bad, but now is going because he thinks they look good, is the real fan? But I Live in the NYC area, have the Ticket so I can see the Bills, have had two games lined up that I'm going to, but criticize them(justifiably), am not. Do I have that straight?
  23. No, the team's play for the last 9 years has taken care of that. I know journalism is in state of change, what with the internet and all, but are we really taking the temperature of sports in America from "oilfan19"? And you are right, I guess. I'm giving it a pass. I just can't equate spray paint in WNY with murder in South America.
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