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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. I've never heard anyone ever say that they like Mike Schopp. He's a condescending douche bag and he doesn't know all that much about sports. I will never listen to him or WGR when he is on.
  2. Very. It shouldn't have taken an injury to get him on the field.
  3. proof 6:45 in. But just because it was all over ESPN at the time, not just PTI, doesn't mean they were right. Fitz has showed us that if you just throw it to the receivers they can make a play (when they want to). I think throwing those interceptions in the Cleveland game affected Trent more than the concussion did in the Arizona game. He is the better QB when he throws the ball, he just chooses not to.
  4. Not even close.
  5. I agree that Peters looks good,..really good. That only makes me hate him more. He never looked this good while he was here which means He CHOSE to half-ass it. He CHOSE to suck while he was here because he was unhappy. Boo Effin Hoo. I'm glad he's not a Bill. As good as he looks, I'll be impressed when he actually finishes a season.
  6. I hate to tell you all this, but righted is a word and it's actually the perfect word for this situation.
  7. Bah. It's not bad enough that we happen to root for a horrible team. Baah. Now we're told that it's our fault,..sheesh. Posts like this serve absolutely no purpuse, unless it is to make the poster feel superior to the rest of us. Baaaaah,Baaaah,...I'll just be grazing in the meadow if you need me oh wise shepard.
  8. This map speaks for itself. Pretty funny.
  9. Jackson between the twenties, Marshawn in either red zone.
  10. We all know our QBs stink. The poor pass is a red herring, though. It has nothing to do with TO's effort. And his effort on that play was pathetic. If he was in high school he'd be doing laps today for that. If he goes back for that ball, there is no way the the DB out jumps him for it. I just don't see the logic in receivers only having to try and catch well thrown balls.
  11. While I agree that this team never goes over the edge, I still think that Dog (not Dawg) is right. TO has been really level headed this year and even with his drops, I think he's had a reason to complain. Trent has been just awful. I remember Lee getting a little hot last year and without TO keeping things mellow, I think that either Lee or Roscoe (like he matters at this point) would have spoken up about Trent's play or the offense in general. In the first year or Jauronball they might have pulled through. In the fourth, I think everyone would have mailed it in.
  12. That is a great point. I never thought of that but I think you are probably right. TO is used to taking heat. Who knows who would have spouted off and turned the team upside-down,.. wait,.. is that a good thing?
  13. I'm serious. I can honestly not think of a single time when one of our receivers went into motion this year. Turk was right, Pop Warner.
  14. When's the last time one of our receivers went into motion?
  15. 1st pic:"...only 12 games left..." 2nd pic:"Imagine if I had 2 helmets, I'm tellin' you, they were that big!"
  16. Very funny, but I'm pretty sure Dick stands on 13.
  17. I'm pretty sure the Pittsburgh Penguins won the Stanley Cup last year.
  18. See. This is a good post. These are well thought out ideas and worth reading. It's a post the OP probably had in mind when he/she started this thread. If a thread is unworthy, the best way to make it go away is to ignore it, not clog up the forum with an entire page of "moron, idiot, and dumbass."
  19. This thread (and poll) is completely legitimate. For all those who think they are too cool for school, and feel they need to bad mouth it, how about taking a couple of days off from this board and and actually getting some fresh air getting out of your own heads for a while.
  20. The way Suzy Kolber over ever-emphasizes words makes me want to blow my head off. Also, she should be hotter.
  21. I still think that The Ralph is too close to Love Canal.
  22. Miami brought us the Wildcat. Let's bring the Wishbone to the NFL.
  23. She needs to appeal. Her marker is purple and the swastikas are in black and blue. The only thing I saw in purple was a flower and I [heart] U. I think she's got a case.
  24. Great post. What people don't get is that just because the safety isn't on him from the line of scrimmage, doesn't mean that TO isn't his sole responsibility.
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