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Posts posted by billsrcursed

  1. Listened to Kiko's interview with Murph tonight. He seems really really dumb. I hope he produces on the field, but he does not sound like a guy that is a fast learner.


    Ryan Fitzpatrick was a smooth talker...


    I don't want rocket surgeons manning our LB core, I want animals.


    * I know you were referring to him learning the system, so this wasn't personal.

  2. I am with the OP. We've seen this all before. During the draft, the better teams were building their lines while we were picking speedy guys for their potential and a projected 3rd round pick as our franchise QB. Insanity is doing the same thing over again (and rooting for the Bills). More Kool Aid please! :D




    Why am I not surprised...

  3. The Bills would rather pay free agents like Mario Williams and Mark Anderson then to Andy Levitre and Jarius Byrd.

    What type of impact do you think it has on a locker room when quality players that are drafted and develop into top talents at their position have to go else where to get paid?

    Yes we paid: Fitz, Stevie, K Williams but you have to keep as much of your talent as possible. How is our Offensive Line better without Levitre? If Byrd is unwilling to sign or if we are not offering him fair market value trade him now and get maximum value. Byrd basically saved/won 2 games for us last season. The closer quality players get to free agency the more their cost goes up. Letting him walk for nothing like Levitre serves no purpose.


    I understand what you're trying to say, but Levitre was overpaid. Way overpaid.


    I don't want them to overpay for Byrd either, as good as he is.

  4. Another shiny toy pick by the best in the business at getting rubes into the stadium on sundays. good job brandon you did it again. Drafting a prospect at 16 who by all accounts is still around late into the second round and maybe the third is flat out stupid. Stupid if your concerned about winning football games that is, but genius for selling the homers tickets and merchandise.


    Hey maybe while he's "learning to be a QB" he can fill in at LB or TE.




    Ok, maybe I need to leave until August, this is getting out of control. Is there a holiday in Buffalo and the kids don't have school today or something?

  5. Why because you think your opinion trumps mine? I think Tebow is a better QB right now and at the time of drafting versus EJ "I-was-happy-to-beat-Wake Forest-Finally" Manuel. I am sorry if my opinion doesn't please you....oh wait, on second thought, i don't give a rats ass.


    Apology accepted.


    Also, good luck with the Tebow crush, Obvious Gator Fan.

  6. I totally agree about N. Ill, whose schedule was stocked with the UBs of the world last season. Re FSU, they *did* go 12-2, which is pretty damn good. I'm not a believer in the idea that you need a perfect record to demonstrate greatness. I guess my point is that I don't see much difference between that and, say, 13-1. FSU should have faced better competition in their BCS bowl, but Manuel had no control over that. Bear in mind how close they were to 13-1 -- they lost on essentially the last play of the game to a decent NC State on the road, 17-16: http://www.sports-re...lina-state.html .


    And for the record, I don't care who you play in a Bowl Game, it's a big game. Was it Alabama? No, but EJ couldn't control that. What he could do was dominate his Bowl Game, and he did.

  7. 1) Yes, most folks think the Jags will pick up a QB...maybe with their next pic....the first pick as the draft starts back up tonight.....maybe not. But Gabbard will definitely be in the competition for the starting job. With their RG #1, the line will be better, and as anyone knows, QBs need a good line to have any success at all.


    2) Nothing to be suspicious about. The point was that they've seen the guy play, week after week (well, whenever he has played). Diehard FSU fans have been calling in all morning laughing at the Bills for picking him...THEY know, THEY have watched his every play.


    3) Umm, the Jax area media did indeed laugh at Tebow. Sure they like the guy as a person and what he stands for (who doesn't?), but they're smart enough to realize "he is what he is."




    What makes them Diehard, because they call the radio station and B word about stuff??


    I know plenty of "diehard" FSU fans who say the exact opposite. Wonder who's telling the truth?

  8. Except EJ played with about 10 times more talent than any other QB in the draft and played in a horrible ACC. How did he do in the big games? I know because I watched. He was bad. Great QBs win games. EJ has never done that...ever.


    He's flopped in every big game that he's played. Sorry but you can't argue that.


    No, I cannot.


    What I can do, however, is compile a list of NFL QB's who lost "big games" in their last collegiate year and went on to be very successful in the NFL.


    I just don't feel it would be worth it. If you watch half the games you're claiming you do, you already know whose names are gonna pop up on that list.


    I'm sorry you're so bitter about this pick. I'm just cautioning the irrational spoutiness and "reach" material you're posting, that's all.

  9. No, I'm talking about a guy that came a guy that flopped against the only two good defenses he saw the last two years. If you're talking about the #15 team being N. Ill then you have to add that they lost to a terrible Iowa team and squeaked out a 1 point win over Army. That team? Ok if it makes you feel better!


    How did he play against the Gators the last two years? He was terrible at home against Oklahoma and lost the game by himself!


    You can't blitz in the senior bowl and EJ has zero pocket presence bud. Watch a few college games or talk to some FSU fans.


    Maybe you didn't notice, but I live in Florida, so I'm very aware of not only EJ, but Seminole fans as well.


    Everything you just said about Manuel can be said about any QB in this draft class, including the fact that the other QB's who played in the Senior Bowl had the same factors and still were not named MVP.


    In fact, since I'm sure you'll retort with how poor this class was and that you didn't want a QB from this draft at all, I can pull dirt on ANY QB from last year's class as well, but really, what's the point? BTW, I hate FSU, terribly. I just don't allow that to blind me with regard to talent.

  10. FWIW, sports talk radio hosts down here.....folks who are intimately familiar with Manuel's play......this morning are saying the Bills blew it, big time. They think Manuel would have been available in 2nd, maybe even 3rd round. Bottom line is that they don't think it was a good pick at all.


    I don't know we'll ever be able to prove it, but the Eagles were taking him in the 2nd. I don't know how else to say it.


    Or the one who has dominated all the measurables, combine, skill challenges, Sports Science tests....and is 1 of 2 QBs to win 4 consecutive bowl games, ever?


    That guy?




    I didn't want to choke him with reality. I wanted to reel him in gradually.


    But ya, this too!

  11. Because the Bills are always right and the rest of the NFL are collectively wrong. Whatta joke. The Bills get a QB who doesn't have a signature win in his entire career and routinely flopped against great defenses despite the ridiculous amount of talent around him.


    Are you talking about the Senior Bowl MVP and the guy who dominated his Bowl Game against a #15 ranked team? That guy?

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