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Posts posted by billsrcursed

  1. You know, going over some of those highlights, I have to say that Kolb is looking really good. I know people want Manuel to start, but if Kolb looks really good in training camp and starts winning, would we really object to him starting?


    You're going to get very mixed replies, but I'd be very ok with Kolb starting if he earns it. I'm cautiously optomistic that he can be a quality NFL QB. Staying healthy throughout the year is another question...

  2. Williams was lost out there at CB......have a hard time believing that the move to safety will render him more capable. He was burned bad by many of the receivers.


    Well, Safety is a completely different position, so there's that.


    Also, it's looking like he won't have to cover guys one-on-one for 9+ seconds each down. We may actually blitz a little this year.

  3. The days about justice, equality and fairness is all in the past and unfortunately that's where it will stay! I guess that that I'm just an old nostalgic dinosaur but the the double standards from time to time really galls me. I for one was always an advocate for "character" guys but it's sadly apparent to me that if I want my favorite team/franchise to be successful and competitive than I have to abandon my values and principles. What a sad state of affairs this world/league has come too! It's things like this that takes away the luster of football for me, either I have to change and accept or be left behind. If I have to compromise too many times, accepting Super Bowls and franchises on foreign soil, than the choice might be made for me and be an easier one to make, I'll choose to stay where I am!





    The only difference between today and say, 10-15 years ago, is social media. You're hearing more of what used to not get reported.


    Guess you weren't a fan of the Bills team that went to 4 Superbowls? Some guys on that team would certainly make you blush...

  4. I am not drinking anything this year. rookie HC equals two losses. New offense equals three losses. New defense equals three losses. each rookie starter equals a loss (estimate by old skins HC George Allen). We will be lucky to win 6.


    What Coupon Book did you steal this gem of an idea from??

  5. I've always found it funny when someone on this board doesn't like a topic (thinks it didn't need to be posted, or has a problem with it going multiple pages) how they reply to it and do exactly what they seem to be criticizing. If you don't like that the post was started, simply don't reply and it will take care if itself. But go ahead and keep bumping it up and agitating yourself :)


    So DON'T voice your opinion if you don't agree, got it.

  6. Given that he hasn't done a thing yet, he reminds me of every other coach in the modern technological age that has yet to coach a down for their team... full of promise and over analyzed. I'm as hopeful as the next guy about Marrone, and I like the direction things are headed in the offseason, but c'mon. I think I'll start a thread about how the smell of his flatulence inspires confidence in the masses.


    Guaranteed 8 page thread, lock it up.

  7. We've heard this about players before. Mario Williams, Mark Anderson were going to rock the world last year. Poof. T.O. gonna rock the world. Poof. Gailey is an offensive coaching genius who can make anyone good. Poof. I'm not buying it until I see it for an entire season. I am ready to be disappointed (again). But this is the height of the Bills season, lots of wins, no losses, winning the off-season Super Bowl. Yeah, yeah, yeah... seen it all before... EJ Manuel a real "franchise quarterback" Love that term "franchise Qb". Who the heck made that up? We'll see. Bills always find a way to f it up. Injuries, consistently being out coached by the top 10 teams on both sides, turnovers, no pro bowl talent, Canadians who are psychotic drunks at the tired, old Ralph but sit on their hands in Toronto. This franchise is messed up. World's gonna change when Ralph passes.... big dark cloud hanging overhead people.



  8. If Pettine can generate a pass rush, unlike the ineptitude of Wanny it will greatly improve how well this group plays.


    I'm shocked more people haven't spoken to this.


    these guys have been left out to dry for years with no real blitz schemes.


    They should be better off not having to cover for 7-10 seconds a down.

  9. Slimmed-down JaMarcus Russell attracts NFL interest

    NFL.com May 28, 2013


    Russell's now at a lean 265, his exact weight when he tore up the 2007 NFL Scouting Combine and captured Al Davis' affection.


    Now that Russell has shed the frame of a left tackle, will NFL teams take him seriously as a roster candidate?


    Apparently, the answer is yes. According to NFL.com's Ian Rapoport, there is now "significant" interest from more than one team, according to a source.




    Wow, 265. Good for him. I hope he gets what he's looking for.

  10. "Irvin's suspension also continues a troubling trend of Seattle players running afoul of the league's policies on banned substances. Since 2011, five Seahawks players -- John Moffitt, Allen Barbre, Winston Guy, Brandon Browner and Irvin -- have received four-game suspensions. Barbre was later released by the team.


    All-Pro cornerback Richard Sherman was also suspended last season for using a banned substance but won his much-publicized appeal last December."


    It's hard to win in the NFL but some things make it easier. . .


    How many more Seahawks players need to be caught before they start getting the * treatment?

  11. After watching this film, I'm actually less optimistic about the LB pick. He seemed to take himself out of over half the run plays, and guess wrong very often. Tough to tell how much was by design of play, and how much was his instincts, but wow, he ran right to the blockers way more than to the hole. He did have some penetration plays which is nice, but also saw allot of big plays go to where he vacated. Honestly, he looked like the 3rd best LB on the team to me watching that film.


    Perhaps you were watching the wrong guy, or maybe you don't fully understand the role of his position...

  12. Wow, no love for Mario. If he is the best player on that defense then he is the leader whether we (or he) like it or not. We do not know how he behaves in the locker room and we do not know how he is viewed by his teammates, but he better lead that defense even if he never opens his mouth to utter a single word.


    That's my feelings on it as well.


    He's being paid to be the best player on the field, and the best player on the field is your leader, like it or not.


    If we're talking vocal leaders in the locker room, how would we know who's the most vocal in there?

  13. The consensus seems to be that Easley, Smith and Graham have little or nor value.. My guess is if that is true they don't survive training camp.


    Actually I think the consensus was this thread is ridiculously premature.

  14. If I needed a guy to make one tackle on goal line stand I'd have to go with Ray Lewis. Never saw him choke in a big game. LT was only 30 when we played them in SB25 & he was a shadow of his former self. Ray Lewis was leading a goal line stand in the 4th qtr of this past SB at age 37.


    Lewis simply was more determined, focused & wanted it more than LT.


    That's one of the more irresponsible remarks I've seen posted here in quite some time. You couldn't be more wrong, and I'll leave it at that.

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